Rated: X-mas: Twice Blessed (6 page)

BOOK: Rated: X-mas: Twice Blessed
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His thrusts became desperate, each one harder and quicker than the one before. She clenched her pussy around him and felt a ring of hot flesh swelling around the base of his cock, locking them together. “Yes,” Jenny sobbed. She wanted him. Needed his hot seed loose inside her. Filling her. Quenching the fire in her belly.

Damien raised his head. Jenny’s limbs quivered as her body spasmed in delight, her lover’s fiery seed pouring into her like molten lava as a piercing howl rent the night.

* * * * *

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Jenny woke in the guest bedroom. Her first thought was that it had all been a dream, but then she moved, and the soreness in her thighs and between her legs convinced her otherwise. When she tossed back the covers, she discovered that she was wearing her slacks and sweater. She had no idea how Devlin and Damien had managed to get her dressed and back in her room without being noticed. She didn’t remember anything beyond that last, mind-shattering climax. Had she passed out? Or had one of them done something to make her sleep?

She walked stiffly to the bathroom and shucked her clothes. She still felt feverish, and she started a shower, keeping the temperature on the cool side. As she bathed, her hands began to shake. Abruptly, she sat down in the tub, tears spilling over.

What had she been thinking? Strangely enough, she could accept that Damien and Devlin were some kind of shape-shifters. Okay, fine. Admit it. Werewolves. What she couldn’t accept was what she had allowed Damien to do to her in that form.

What would she say when she saw them again? How could the three of them have a normal conversation after that?

Then the pragmatist inside her kicked in, and she stood, washing the tears from her face. It was already done, and the only question remaining, really, was whether or not she would continue to see them.

And the reality was that she couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing them again.

Which seemed incredible, since she’d known them a sum total of about thirty-six hours. Was the mind-blowing sex that important to her?

But it wasn’t just the sex. The twins were both incredibly easy to talk to, and the three of them shared many common interests. And already they seemed to cherish her, in a way no man had ever done before.

So. She definitely wanted to see them again. But they were going to have to talk about some things. Keep it strictly platonic for a little while.

Rated: X-mas: Twice Blessed


Telling herself she was satisfied, she nodded and shut off the water. Stepping out of the tub, she dried off and searched out her underwear and bra, dressing again, quickly.

But for all that she told herself she was satisfied, there was a little voice inside Jenny’s head reminding her that she didn’t have much time. Only three and a half weeks before she went back to California. What would she do then? How could she allow herself to be in a situation where she might fall in love with someone -- two someones -- who lived on the other side of the continent?

Actually, that thought helped, because it put things into an entirely different perspective. There wasn’t any reason why she had to take this whole thing so seriously. It wasn’t like any of them had made any promises. She could continue to see these incredible brothers, enjoying both the friendship and the physical relationship while it lasted. She just wouldn’t let herself fall in love with them.

Jenny tugged on her socks and shoes, and went out to breakfast with a much lighter heart.

The only problem was that damn persistent voice in her head, saying things she didn’t want to hear.

Telling her that when it came to not falling in love, it was already far too late.

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When Jenny heard Devlin’s voice on the line three days later, it was like coming upon an oasis in the dessert.


“Hi, Jenny.” There was a long silence.

“I missed you,” Jenny finally said.

Devlin drew in a sharp breath. “Really?”

“Yes. Why … why didn’t you call? Sooner.”

“Damien and I thought you might need … a little time. To … assimilate things.”

“I don’t need time, Dev. I need to see you. Both.”

“Yeah?” His voice recovered some of its usual jovial tone. “You’re not … you still want to see us?”

Jenny smiled. “Definitely.”

“So, if we wanted to take you out to dinner tonight …?”

“What time are you picking me up, and how should I dress?”

Rated: X-mas: Twice Blessed


Devlin was again silent for a long moment. When he spoke, his voice was thick with emotion. “You’re incredible, Jen.”

“You’ve said that before.”

“I meant it.”

“I know. That’s one of the reasons I can’t walk away from this.”

Devlin laughed. When he spoke again, he sounded like his old self. “Seven o’clock.

Something casual.”

“I’ll be ready.”

Jenny could hardly restrain herself when they came to pick her up. She waited until they had climbed into the truck, then threw her arms around Devlin, hugging him tight. He hugged her back, smiling, planting a quick kiss on her lips. When she turned to Damien, he was staring at the road ahead. Jenny placed her hands on either cheek and turned him to face her. “Kiss me, Damien.”

He released a pent-up breath and did just that, taking her mouth with a heat that threatened to melt her tongue and turn her lips to putty.

Jenny drew in a shaky breath as he pulled away. “Well, hello!”

Damien grinned sheepishly. Jenny rested her cheek on his shoulder for a minute, then sat up. “Let’s go eat. I’m starving!”

When they were safely ensconced in a quiet booth at Jenny’s favorite steak place, she decided they might as well get everything out into the open. She played with her straw nervously, wondering what to say first.

“I’m sorry.” Damien’s voice was gruff.

Jenny raised her eyebrows. “For what?”

“For … taking you that way. It was … I don’t know. We should have talked first. I should have told you. What we were.”

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Jenny swirled her straw in her drink, watching the whirlpool diminish as she organized her thoughts. “It’s okay, Damien.” She looked up, meeting his gaze, not bothering to hide the desire she felt. “I wanted it. You didn’t force me to do anything. As I recall, I even begged for it.” Heat rushed to her cheeks, but she wouldn’t look away. “I don’t think there was a better way, really. I mean, I would have thought you were crazy, if you’d tried to tell me.”

“You’re being too generous.”

Jenny leaned forward earnestly. “Not generous, Damien. Selfish. Trust me.” She was seated between them, in a semi-circular booth, and she reached out to take one of their hands in each of hers. “I want it, Damien. Devlin.” She let go, slipping her hands between their legs, caressing the distinct bulge at each of their crotches. “All of it.” She smiled wickedly as they shifted, spreading their legs as she explored, cupping their balls through the fabric. “The companionship. The conversation.” She licked her lips, giving each of them a hungry glance. “The sex. I’ll only be here three more weeks. I want to make the most of every minute.”

They groaned simultaneously, the fabric of their pants straining. “God, Jen.”

“Come on.”

Jenny scooted up against Damien, forcing him to stand. Taking their hands, she led them toward the back of the restaurant. She tugged them into one of the bathrooms, locking the door behind her. They watched, bemused, as she tugged down her jeans and turned, bracing herself against the counter. “Oh, fuck!” In the mirror, she watched Devlin’s fingers, trembling as he fumbled with his zipper.

“Let me help.” Jenny turned and deftly released his cock, pushing his pants down past his hips. She ran her fingers over his hard length. “Oh, yes,” she murmured. “I can’t wait to have this inside me.”

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Dev groaned and grabbed her hips, turning her quickly. Damien had pulled down his pants, as well, and was now leaning against the counter, massaging his cock. Without a word, Jenny bent, taking Damien’s ripe head in her mouth as Devlin’s cock pushed between her swollen lips. “Oh, shit,” Damien murmured, and then his hot seed was slaking her thirst, even as Dev thrust once, twice, three times, and then exploded inside her. She drank greedily, whimpering as her own orgasm rippled through her.

When their climaxes faded, Jenny stood, licking her lips. Damien groaned and moved forward, hugging her shoulders as Devlin wrapped his arms around her waist. “God, Jenny,”

Devlin murmured. “You drive us crazy.”

She grinned impishly. “Then we’re even, because you do the same to me.”

They stood there, locked in a tender embrace, until Jenny said, “You know, we should probably be getting back.”

Dev and Damien moved away reluctantly, pulling their pants up as Jenny tugged her jeans back over her hips. They washed their hands, then headed back to the table.

Their waiter raised his eyebrows as he witnessed their return, but said nothing. Jenny giggled as they slid back into the booth. Their food was waiting, and Damien reassured the waiter that they didn’t need anything further. As the man walked away, Devlin slipped his hand between Jenny’s legs, squeezing her crotch. “I’m still horny,” he whispered in her ear.

She placed her hand over his, pressing into him. “Later,” she promised. She glanced between them. “All night long, if you want.” She looked down. “How-- however you want it.”

Damien put his arm around her back, his hand slipping under her sweater to caress her breast. “You mean that?” he asked.

She wriggled. “Yes,” she sighed. “Hell, yes.”

She had never eaten a meal as quickly in her life as she did that one.

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As the truck pulled out of the parking lot, Jenny shimmied out of her jeans and lay across the seat, resting her head in Dev’s lap, drawing her legs up onto the seat between the two brothers. Devlin caressed her hair, then reached beneath her sweater, teasing her nipples into taut peaks. She watched Damien’s stormy eyes stealing brief peeks at her pussy until he had the truck on the highway. Then he met her gaze and reached out, touching her wet lips.

He inhaled deeply. “Mmmm. You’re so ready.”

She nodded, arching as Devlin pulled her sweater off over her head and bent to suck her swollen nipples. Damien slid two fingers inside her. She grasped Dev’s hand, urging him to join his brother. She moaned as he obliged, their four fingers dancing inside her.

Jenny made an inarticulate sound of disappointment as Damien withdrew, but a moment later, his thumb was inside her. His fingers, covered with her juices, slid between her butt-cheeks, and she raised her hips, reaching down to hold them apart while his fingers sought her anus. His forefinger teased the tight pucker, flicking back and forth over it. Jenny moaned. He eased the tip past her rim, wiggling it gently. “Mmmm.” Her pussy and anus both tightened.

“I like that reaction,” Devlin murmured. “Do it again, Damien.”

Damien slowly worked his finger deeper, massaging the tight canal as Jenny’s breath came in ragged gasps, her pussy and anus contracting erratically as pulses of pleasure shot through her. “Mmmm. Oh, yes.”

Damien’s thumb withdrew, and Dev’s fingers began to explore her pussy, delving deeper. Jenny shuddered as he located her G-spot. “Oh, you like that?” He grinned as she nodded vigorously, unable to trust her voice. A moment later, she cried out as Damien trapped the intervening flesh between his finger and his brother’s.

“Oh, God,” she sobbed. Damien’s middle finger edged in past her tight rim. “Oh!”

Damien hesitated, looking at her in concern. “Should I stop?”

Jenny writhed. “Oh, God, no. Please don’t stop.”

Rated: X-mas: Twice Blessed


Damien abruptly pulled off the road, the truck bouncing as he guided it along two ruts into the trees. He killed the engine and turned toward her. She watched as he reached out with his other hand, pressing her cheeks back, watching as he worked a second finger into her ass. She let go of her cheeks, putting one of her hands on Devlin’s as she pulled his head down, rubbing the heel of his hand against her clit as she plumbed his mouth desperately.

Devlin reached out with his other hand, capturing her clit between two fingers and milking it as she whimpered and writhed. Every nerve in her body was singing, a tight core of heat gathering in her belly.

“Hurry, Damien, please!” she urged. “All the way.” She reached down desperately, pulling her cheeks as far apart as she could.

Damien matched her urgency, forcing his fingers deep inside her. “Yes,” she urged.

“Oh, yes. Finger-fuck me. Both of you.”

Their breath came in ragged gasps as they began plunging their fingers in and out.

Jenny rose up on her elbows, watching Devlin’s fingers glide rapidly between her glistening lips, Damien’s hand twist and turn as he plumbed her ass. “Oh, God!” She bucked repeatedly, meeting them thrust for thrust, until the hot core inside her burst and her pussy and anus milked their fingers frantically. Devlin and Damien both raised their heads, howls ripping from their mouths.

Jenny lay panting after the orgasm faded. She rested her head in Devlin’s lap, chuckling as she became aware of the huge bulge beneath her head. She sat up. “Where are we?”

“A back road off the highway, near the house you were visiting the other night.”

Damien looked out at the trees. “This is where Devlin and I came to change, that night.” He turned to her. “We could smell you. Knew you were close.”

“Do it.” Jenny said. “Change. I want to see.”

Damien took in a deep breath, then opened the driver’s door. He stepped out, then turned back to her. Abruptly, he bent and drew his tongue over her crotch. “Damien,” she

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whispered. His tongue invaded her pussy, his nose pressing against her clit. She sighed in delight. As Damien ate her hungrily, she raised her head, reaching for Dev’s waist -- unfastening his pants, freeing his cock. She swept the tip of her tongue over his bulging head, tasting the drop of pre-ejaculate suspended there. Devlin growled, and she looked up. He arched, closing his eyes, and his shirt ripped as his chest expanded. He opened the passenger door abruptly and slipped from beneath her.

BOOK: Rated: X-mas: Twice Blessed
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