Read Red Hot Rose Boxed Set Online

Authors: Kandi Kayne

Tags: #erotic romance

Red Hot Rose Boxed Set (4 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Rose Boxed Set
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Halfway there, my heel caught one of the fibers and caused me to lose my balance.
I felt myself going down, and threw my hands up to try and save myself.
My dress was too tight for me to do much else than head straight towards the ground.
I closed my eyes automatically, wondering how I’d ever be able to admit this epic embarrassment to my friend after the night was over, while at the same time, hoping I wasn’t going to be bleeding in the next few seconds from grave injuries.

Instead of hitting the nearby table in my tragic journey to the floor, I landed in the arms of the man who’d somehow managed to get from five feet away to the spot where I was falling to catch me.
His arms wrapped around my upper body, stopping my downward motion.

My face smashed into his chest, my cheek sliding down his silky tie.
The water splashed out of my glass and hit me in the eyes, waking me up fully with its very cold temperature and forcing me to blink over and over so I could see again.

God, my makeup has to be running everywhere now!

The butterflies that had started in my stomach as I felt myself tipping forward were now flying acrobatics inside me.
I wasn’t sure whether I should laugh hysterically or throw up with it, but before I could really let myself go to wallow in the embarrassment my klutziness had caused me in front of this god-of-a-man, my nose caught a whiff of his cologne, sobering me up instantly.

Oh. My. God.
What is that smell?
It was pure man.
If I were the person in charge of the marketing campaign for this product, that’s what I would have called it, too.
Pure Man.
The Scent for Power Players the World Over.
It went straight to my head first, and then send tickling-like sensations to all my most secret places.
I had been wet between my legs already from our earlier contact; now I was pretty much soaked.
I prayed I wouldn’t have to sit down, worried I’d leave a wet spot on the back of my dress if I did.
What is wrong with me?
Do I have a medical problem or something?
This never happens to me!
Jessica was going to have a hysterical laughing fit when I told her.

The man’s strong arms righted me, setting me back on my feet.
It was then I noticed he was a couple inches taller than me, even with my heels.
said nothing - just reached into his inside jacket pocket and came out with a black handkerchief, using it to gently wipe my cheek dry.

As we stood face-to-face, only inches away from one another, two more of my curls escaped their prison to hang down over my forehead.

He slowly moved his hand away from my face, tucking his cloth into his jacket again.

I stood breathlessly, staring up into his eyes which were the most intense blue I’d ever seen in my life.
They nearly sparked out of his face, standing in stark contrast to his dark, salt-and-pepper-colored hair.
I could tell he wasn’t nearly old enough for the gray hair that shot through the black, making him seem even more mysterious than he already had.
Who is this guy?
How old is he?
How could he have such a huge fancy house and be so young?
And what is he going to do right now?
Oh, God, he’s going to touch me!

I probably should have backed away, but I was struck dumb and paralyzed, waiting to see what he would do next.
He nudged one of his shoulders out of his jacket, letting it slide down off his arm, first on the left side and then the right.
He caught it at the collar, tossing it carelessly over at the couch.

My pulse rate climbed rapidly as I watched him.

He put a finger up to his throat, loosening his necktie a few inches and undoing the top button of his shirt.
And then his arms came out to the side, moving to go up to my head.

I waited breathlessly while his fingers went into my hair.

“What are you doing?” I whispered.

I’m just fixing your hair.”

He pulled each of the pins out, one by one, dropping them carelessly to the floor.
As my hair escaped the tiny bits of pinching metal, it fell down around my face and ears, big chunky lacquered curls bouncing around until they were all free and flowing around my head in one big mass of awfulness.
He lowered his hands to his sides and just stared at me.

Hello, ground?
Let the swallowing of me commence.
I’m totally ready now.

“You are so beautiful,” was all he said.

My face burned red, the cool room now suddenly hot and uncomfortable.
“My hair’s a mess,” I mumbled, reaching up to grab some of it.

He intercepted my hand and pulled it hard, jerking me towards him.

The last few inches separating us disappeared, and I fell into his chest, this time a little less embarrassingly.
My breath came rapidly, my chest heaving up and down as my heart raced out of control.

“What are you doing?” I whispered.

“Do I really need to explain that to you?” he asked, before reaching up and putting his hand on the back of my neck, pulling my mouth to his as he dipped his head down to meet me.

I tried to respond, but my brain was misfiring, unable to help my body operate the way I thought it should - namely to run away.

My lips met his and spread apart, giving his tongue instant access to mine.
He used his other arm to grab me around my waist and pull me into him tightly.
His hard length pushed right up against my juicy mound, through the front of my dress, making me instantly want to hike my leg up.

I resisted the urge.

His hand moved down from my waist to knead my backside, pulling my cheeks apart and making my private area gush some more.
I could actually feel the dripping between my legs.
Soon it would probably be running down into my shoes.
I wondered distractedly how I would possibly be able to make it out of the room and the party without anyone noticing.
But half a second later I totally didn’t care.

His tongue was going in and out of my mouth, his lips pressing against mine so hard, I could feel the beginnings of his beard shadow scraping my sensitive skin.
The sensations slammed into me along with the smell of his cologne and the juices that had escaped my panties, making me so aroused I didn’t know what to do with myself.

He growled, moving his hand from my backside to my thigh, pulling it up so he could press his hardness against my slit.
I willingly complied, pushing my hips forward to feel his solid length against my sensitive and now hard clit.
I knew it would be standing out, begging for a nice rub from his hard member or even his tongue.

My own thoughts shocked me, causing me to pull my face back away from him.
What in the hell has gotten into me?

“Did you spike my drink?” I asked breathlessly, frowning at him in accusation.

He dropped his hands from my body and stood up straight, running his fingers through his hair.
He took one step back, putting some cold air between us.

My heart flipped, seeing this perfectly-put-together man now before me with his tie askew and his hair on end, his lips swollen from our kisses.
It made me feel powerful.

“Trust me,” he said in a low voice, sounding almost angry.
“I don’t have to drug women to get them to come for me.”

My heart stopped beating for a second with his words.
Did he mean come as in…?

I never got the thought out.
He took a step towards me, using his chest to corral me towards his desk.

“What are you doing?
Where are we going?”

“Stop talking,” he said menacingly.

We reached the edge of the hard wood, my thighs banging into it.

“Put your hands on me,” he ordered, staring down at me, seeming angry or confused, I didn’t know which.
Maybe both.

Something in his tone made me do it.
I wasn’t scared at all.
And all the goofy things I’d been thinking before disappeared and were replaced by other emotions that were taking me over.
I was both intrigued and aroused by his beautiful yet harsh exterior and confident but desperate air.

I reached my hands up and put them on his chest, looking up at his expression to see if I was doing it right.

“Lower,” he growled.

I slid my hands down, stopping at his nipples, gently pinching them between my fingers.

His sharp intake of breath and the flare of desire in his eyes told me I’d done the right thing.

I got bolder, as my hands drew down farther, stopping at his rock-hard abs.
I could feel the bump of the individual, ripped muscles standing out.

“Lower,” he commanded again.

I reached the edge of his pants and acted like I was going to undo the buckle, but then I kept going, touching him on the outside of his fly with one hand, moving my hand slowly up and down.
I could feel the tip of his cock through the material.
The thought of the meaty head touching the inside of me, sliding in and out, made my breath come faster.

“Hold my balls,” he said, pushing his hips forward to press himself against my hand.

I used my other hand to reach down between his legs, keeping my other one moving all the while.

He leaned down and captured my bottom lip with his teeth, gently nipping me before turning it into a kiss, full of tongue, deepening when he grabbed me behind my head and tilted it to get better access.

My hands moved to his buckle, wanting to feel if this big package was really as huge as it felt through the cloth.

He reached down with one hand to help me when I had difficulty, making short work of the clasp that kept him contained.

I pulled open his boxer-briefs and reached inside, wrapping my hand around his silky-but-hard, thick and heat-filled rod.
Oh damn.
Oh damn oh damn oh damn,
was all I could think.
I’d never felt anything so big or so solid in all my life.
I was no virgin, but most of my experiences had been amateurish fumblings in the dark with frat boys I’d known a little too long and too well to be swept away by.
This guy was clearly no frat boy.
Not by a long shot.
He was one-hundred-percent man, and he was hung like a friggin horse.

He bunched my dress up around my waist and then lifted me up onto the desk, pushing the fountain pen set hurriedly off to the side.
He settled himself to stand between my legs, and I tried to ignore the impulse I had to scoot all the way to the edge and pull him into me.

I still had panties on, but they weren’t going to get in the way of this need I felt building in me.
I didn’t even know this guy’s name, but I wanted his big hard cock in me so bad I was nearly ready to beg for it.
I could feel the slippery feeling between my legs and rather than worry me, it emboldened me.

He pulled away and stared in my eyes for a second.

“Who are you?” he asked, searching my face, freaking me out a little with the intensity of his stare.

“I’m … Rose.”

His nostrils flared as he cast a glance over to the vase of my namesake blooms not that far away.
He turned back to me and said, “Rose … a beautiful flower, that smells so sweet …”
He let my face go, his hands traveling downward, his eyes never leaving mine.

His words should have seemed corny, but all I could think about was the word
- the smell of sex that was permeating the space around us.
Before, that odor had always embarrassed me; but right now, it just made me get hotter and wetter.

His fingers reached my thighs and traveled slowly upwards towards my dripping heat.

I whimpered when they stopped at the edge of my panties.

He smiled against my mouth, knowing what he was doing to me, as his fingers ran along the edge of the material.

“Open your legs …
,” he whispered.

I complied immediately, feeling the muscles in my groin stretching, only wishing I could open them more.

His fingers went beneath the edges of my underwear that lay against my inner thighs.

I nearly swooned when his fingers not only stroked my hard clit but also went inside me, sliding in and out ever so slowly as his tongue continued to tangle with mine.
I moaned uncontrollably, moving with the rhythm of his hands, my backside grinding into the wood of the desk as I sensed the heat and something I couldn’t define building inside me.
I could feel the blood rushing to fill the lips of my pussy and clit, making my entrance swollen and tight.

He moaned with me, pulling one hand away to move his own briefs out of the way.

“Put it in me,
I begged.
I’d been on the pill forever and immediately dismissed any worries about anything else.

BOOK: Red Hot Rose Boxed Set
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