Read Red Hot Rose Boxed Set Online

Authors: Kandi Kayne

Tags: #erotic romance

Red Hot Rose Boxed Set (6 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Rose Boxed Set
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It was too much.
My entrance began pulsing, fresh juices gushing out of me to make the sliding that much smoother.
I felt his cock grow even bigger and then he yelled along with me, sounding like a wild man doing a war cry.
The spasms took over me, and all I could think about was him and his big dick, wanting him to pound me harder and faster.

I whimpered and then cried, screaming out, unable to stop the flow of emotions that took me over.
I thought it would end soon, but it just kept coming.

He’d blown his load and slowed his rhythm, but the pulses rocking my pussy would not stop.

“Oh, God, oh god,
make it stop!”
I yelled, unable to keep myself from pushing up against him begging for more.

He pushed into me a few more times, causing me to scream, before pulling out all of a sudden.
I nearly wept with the emptiness before I shouted again, when his face was suddenly there between my legs.
He licked and then sucked my clit while shoving three fingers inside me, stretching me even more than his cock had.

I let out one huge scream, sounding like someone was murdering me, as the last overwhelming waves of my orgasm rocked out of me.

His tongue reached out and flicked my clit when it was over, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin.
I rocketed to the top of the couch to get away from his touch, my body pulsing and seizing from the physical trauma of a world-class orgasm like I’d never thought possible even in my wildest fantasies.
I was bawling and moaning at the same time.
I was like a crazed, trapped animal, ready to run from the room.
If only I had the energy.

He fixed me with a devilish look and started to crawl up towards me.

“What are you doing?” I gasped.
“Get away from me,” I said, nearly begging now.
He had rose petals stuck to his chest and stomach.
I looked down and saw a bunch of them on me, too.

“Shut up and kiss me, Rose,” he said, getting closer and closer.

“Your mouth is dirty,” I whispered, both repulsed and excited by the idea of tasting us both on his tongue.

“You like it that way,” he said, inches away.

“I don’t even know your name,” I said, my last ditch effort to stop the inevitable.
I could already smell both of us on his lips.

“My name is Alex.
Alexander Blackstone,” he said, covering my mouth with his.

The fact that he shared the same name as my local congressman didn’t cross my mind until much later.


A banging came at the door as I was pulling my dress over my arms.
My head shot up in panic.
I’d avoided the post-steamy-sex embarrassment as much as possible by keeping my back to Alexander from the moment I’d gotten up off his couch.
My plan was to get the hell out of his office and back to the party to retrieve Jessica as fast as I could.
Then I was going to insist she get her in car and take me back home so I could search the classified section online and find a real job - one that didn’t involve hot men in expensive, tailored suits convincing me with little effort that I should strip down to nothing and have crazy sex in a back room in the middle of a party.

Alexander had been getting dressed behind me, not saying a word.
I could hear the rustle of his heavily starched shirt as he pulled it onto his arms and across his back.
I refused to allow myself to visualize, for more than five distracted seconds, his rock hard abs or thin waist that led down to the nicest ass I’d ever seen.
I was liable to turn around and try to put my hands on him again.
Apparently, my shame knew no limits.

I was thinking I’d have a chance at pretending this had never happened if I could just focus on getting dressed, out that door, and back in the car without too many people seeing me.
A stop-off in a bathroom would have been nice too, but if I saw an opening, I was going to beeline it to the front door and go without the cleaning up I desperately needed.
The less time I was there, the less chance there was of me being seen by someone who might know me or being discovered as the back-room-girl.

But now, someone was just outside his office door, and whoever it was, he or she was going to catch me in here looking freshly fucked and the room smelling probably like a brothel.
Oh, ground, why won’t you please open up and swallow me already?
Hasn’t my humiliation reached high enough levels for you yet?

Alexander stepped closer until he was just behind me and said loudly towards the door, “One moment please!”
He lifted my hair up gently off my shoulders, pulling the ends of it from inside the back of my dress.
I could feel his breath on my neck and it sent shivers down my spine.

“Thank you,” I whispered, my voice not quite working properly for some reason.
I reached up, thinking I was going to fix my hair somehow, but as soon as I touched the hard, tangled clumps of curls, I knew there was no hope for it.
“Do you have a back door in this place by any chance?” I asked, not turning around.

“No,” he said, simply.
“Just go sit down in one of those chairs, and I’ll take care of this.”

I looked in time to see him gesturing towards his desk.
I hurried to take the chair on the left side, hoping to be seated before whoever it was came in.
Maybe then I wouldn’t look quite so messy and out of sorts.
I sat down and smoothed my dress over my thighs, trying to get a handle on the quivering that was still happening all over my body, aftershocks of the earth-shattering orgasm that had just rocked my world.

I cringed at the wetness I felt coming out to stain my panties.
Please, don’t make me stand up right now!
But what if the wetness gets on my dress so people can see it!
Maybe I should stand now so it doesn’t!
I was half-up out of the seat now and half-down, trying to figure out which would be the least damaging to my reputation in the end.

I gave up trying to guess my future a second later and sat down.
My legs were too quivery for standing right now, anyway.

I sighed.
There was a science to executing a quickie properly, and I obviously didn’t know it.
Maybe with practice I could act cooler about it, but that would probably require more embarrassing moments like these, and I didn’t think my heart could manage it.
I was falling apart over maybes and might bes, reality no longer meaning anything to me.

Alex reached the other side of the room and opened the door.
I didn’t even turn around, hoping to remain anonymous to whoever was standing there with him.

Voices came from the doorway right away in low, urgent tones, but I could hear them clearly, able to tell right away that whoever it was, he was very agitated.

“Alex, you need to come right away.
We’re having a serious problem out here.”

“Take your problem to Fisher.
That’s what I pay him for.”

“Fisher is already in the middle of it.
But this isn’t just a security issue.
It involves Jacqueline.”

“Shit,” said Alex, sounding even more aggravated than he had before.
“What the hell does she want now?
And how did she even get in?
I left specific instructions to keep her out.
Her credentials are no good with us any longer.”

“She came with Senator Flint.
We couldn’t very well turn her away at the door when she’s hanging on his arm, could we?”

Alex sighed heavily.
Alright, that’s fine.
I’ll be out in a minute.
Thanks, Ken.”

The stranger cleared his throat once before saying in a lower voice.
“Will you be alone?”

“Of course.
See you in two.”

The sound of the door closing quietly and hard footsteps across the floor made my heart leap with anxiety.
My face was burning with shame.
I was the dirty little secret in the office that no one could know about.
I wanted to slink out of this palace of a house and never come back.
The question is, how am I going to do it without being seen?
Aren’t palaces supposed to have secret exits?
Tunnels leading to the other side of the street maybe?

As Alex’s angry face came into view, I wondered who Jacqueline was and why he didn’t want her at his party.
He must hate her a lot for her arrival to make him this upset.
Maybe she was an ex-wife or something.
Please, do not let her be a current wife!
The idea of being a slut was one thing … but an adultering slut was too much.
My mother would have turned over in her grave.
I resisted the urge to fan my flaming face.

He walked past me and around his desk, sitting down on the other side of it and opening a drawer, not even looking at me.

Part of me wanted to slide down into the chair in shame and the other wanted to lean across the space between us and slap him.
I wasn’t sure if it was because I was mad at him for ignoring me or if it was because I was mad at myself for caring that he was.
I was so confused right now I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or have a breakdown.

Get a grip on yourself, Rose.
This guy is so far out of your league it isn’t even funny.
Just find your hair pins and get the hell out of here before anyone else catches you
I thought of Jessica and had to smile.
She was probably out there looking for me everywhere, thinking I was hiding in a bathroom, afraid some guy was going to proposition me.
Little did she know…

“You can wait here for a few minutes and then leave after I’ve gone.”
He finally looked up at me.
His face held no expression, save cold steely anger.
“As you probably heard, I have something I need to take care of.
I apologize for not seeing you out myself.”

I nodded dumbly, not knowing what to say.
At least he sounded genuinely sorry.

He took his wallet out of his coat pocket and opened it up.
“You’re one of Corrigan’s girls, right?”

My mouth opened but no words would come out so I nodded again.

He pulled out a wad of cash and stuffed it into an envelope, along with a business card he’d taken from his top drawer.
He closed the flap and put it down on the desk, sliding it over in my direction.
I assume that will be sufficient.”

I stared at it, more red heat burning up my face and neck.
“What’s that?” I asked, my voice sounding sickeningly weak to my ears.

“A tip.
I appreciate your work tonight.
You’re good at what you do.”
He lifted an eyebrow at me ever so slightly, and we stared at one another, saying nothing.

A million thoughts were flying through my mind, and a few choice phrases battled to be spoken; but rather than give them any volume, I kept my mouth shut and my thoughts to myself.
I couldn’t trust that I wouldn’t completely freak out if I started talking now.
Just be cool for five more minutes.
Then you can get the hell out of this place and quit this stupid job and never look back.

He stood a moment later and adjusted his tie, pulling on the front of his jacket and then on the bottom of his sleeves, transforming himself from the sexy animal I’d just been fucked soundly by into the cold, hard, emotionless businessman I’d met out in the party.

My heart sunk, and I felt sick to my stomach.
I’m officially a hooker now.
Paid for sex.
My worst nightmare come true, and it’s all my fault.
I should have listened to my gut.
I should have told Jessica she was nuts and stayed home.

“You can find your way out, I assume?” he asked, hesitating only a second before moving towards the door.
He could have been talking to a business associate, his voice was so devoid of any feeling.

I felt the heat of our passion completely leave my body to be replaced by ice.
“Yes,” I answered, my voice sounding as cold as his had.

The sound of the door opening and closing behind me without any more words from Alexander confirmed that I’d allowed myself to be used and treated like a cheap piece of ass, not even worth the simple courtesy of an escort to the door.
I slowly took the envelope from the top of the desk, opening the flap and flipping through its contents.
Five hundred bucks.
Well, maybe not so cheap … but still, just a piece of ass.
I had only myself to blame for it.
But I was a big enough girl to move past it and learn from my mistakes.
Starting right this second.

BOOK: Red Hot Rose Boxed Set
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