Rock Your Body: A BWWM Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Rock Your Body: A BWWM Romance
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She was lying. He knew it, but he chose not to pry. It was her dream. “You feel better?”

“Yes, thanks. I hope I can get a cab this time of night.”

“No need. I’ll drive you home,” he said.

Did she really think he was going to make her find her own way home?

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

Her gaze took him in and he realized she was referring to his current state of undress. “I can put some clothes on and drive you home. I just don’t want to rush you out of here.”

“I’m sorry. That was very unprofessional of me to fall asleep.”

“You clearly needed the sleep. You’ve been out for hours. You can take one of the bedrooms upstairs if you want and I can drive you in the morning.”

She bit her lip, clearly decided which was the lesser of two evils. “No, please drive me home now.”

“Let me put some clothes on and I’ll be right back.”

He threw on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and found Tamra pacing by the front door. She looked a little ashen but he didn’t think she would agree if he insisted she stay.

He did have an unfounded reputation as a hound dog. She might know little about him but he bet she knew that. Damn his younger self and his propensity to be a man-whore.

“I’ll bring the car around.”

She was waiting on the front porch when he drove up. She looked over the car then climbed into the low vehicle. “You drive this all the time?”

“No, just when I get out of the city.”


The car sat so low that Tamra thought that she was sliding on the road instead of riding on top of it. It was an Aston Martin but she wasn’t sure why she knew that. She wasn’t a car person at all. It was transportation from one place to another.

She only noticed it when it wasn’t working.

Like right now. When she had to have a world-famous rock star drive her home after falling asleep on his couch like she was four and hadn’t had her nap.

“I need directions.”

“Oh, right.”

Of course he would. She’d been so busy looking around the car and feeling uncomfortable that she’d forgotten he had no idea where she lived.

“Left or right out of the driveway?”


He took the turn and bulbs flashed. “Do those people not have lives?”

She didn’t look out the window, but put her hand up hoping she’d been looking away when the pictures were taken. The last thing she needed was to be in the spotlight.

“Who are they?”

“Paparazzi. Guess they figured out where I’ve been recording.”

He punched the accelerator and she was pinned to her seat. He took a sharp turn at the end of the block then another one.

“Do they always follow you?”

She could see his frown in the dash lights.

“I welcomed them early in my career and gave them plenty to photograph. I was out of control. Now I wish they’d leave me alone.” He looked in the rearview mirror. “I don’t think they followed.”

Would they follow him to her place?

“How about you let me off before we get there? That way they won’t know where I live.”

“No offense but they are not interested in you.”

Of course not, that didn’t mean she couldn’t be collateral damage if they pursued him. “I understand that, I’d just feel better.”

“No one is following us. I lost them and I’m walking you all the way to your door.”

“No need. This wasn’t a date.”

“No it wasn’t, but I’m still a gentleman.”


When Colin parked at Tamra’s apartment complex, he expected her to jump out when he stopped.

“You don’t have to walk me to my door. It’s perfectly safe here.”

He knew she’d argue but it was half chivalry and half curiosity about where she lived that made him climb out of this car. “You aren’t getting rid of me that easily. I did drive you home in the middle of the night. Humor me.”

She frowned and nodded when she got out of the car. “Okay.”

She strode ahead of him, but his long legs kept up with her. “You aren’t going to lose me.”

She stood at the bottom of an outside stairwell. “This is far enough.”

“Unless you live on the steps, it isn’t. A lot can happen on the stairs.”

He’d had some good sex in stairwells. He wondered if that would be too freaky for Tamra. He used to like the thrill of getting caught. Now he wasn’t sure his bones could handle it. His lifestyle did take a toll even though he kept in shape.

He’d broken enough bones to be sore on rainy days.

“We can stand here and argue or you can be tucked into bed asleep. The choice is yours.”

She whirled around and started up the steps. “Fine.”

She was a little out of breath when she reached the second floor, but Colin wasn’t. Those miles on the treadmill paying off.

She pulled a key out of her purse then spun around. “We’re here. This is my apartment. Thanks for driving me.”

Holding out her hand, she gazed up at him. She wanted to shake his hand. He smiled and took it. Damn. As if she were electric, a tingle went all the way up his arm. “You’re welcome.”

She blinked and let go as if she’d been shocked also. With her being skittish around him already, he didn’t say anything to her.

Maybe she hadn’t felt anything. Wishful thinking on his part? Anyway, he let her go inside and then left to begin his day. Sleep wouldn’t happen. He was too busy thinking about Tamra and that tingle.


Tamra leaned on the door after she heard Colin’s footsteps on the stairs. She blew out a breath. “Wow.”

Her arm had actually tingled when he touched her. “What was that?”

She couldn’t call Kelly. It was the early morning and frankly she didn’t want her partner thinking she was going moony eye
over their latest client. Their most important client, since it would launch them into the big time.

Or at least make the company more visible. Hopefully not her more visible. She didn’t need that.

She pushed away from the door. This was a pickle. There was an obvious attraction there. He’d made it clear to her that was interested, even though she’d brushed him off repeatedly. Well, ignored him, really. He didn’t get the hint.

He was a spoiled rock star. Why was she attracted to him? Very out of character. Maybe she needed a good session with her vibrator. That was it. Sex or an orgasm. She’d been lying to herself, but touching him made her realize, she was attracted to him.

It was just physical and from now on she would not be around him. She would have no need. All of their business could be conducted via phone and e-mail. No need to see him in person.

She felt so much better.

Now to bed for a little bit. She’d call Kelly when she woke up to see if she could get a ride to her car or work

Tamra snuggled down into bed and fell asleep quickly.

She woke to Colin standing over her. Naked. How did he get in? Of course that was her first thought. A man who many would pay to be in his bed was standing over her, clearly ready for action and all she thought about was the violation of her sanctity.

“I want you, Tamra.”


Did she let him in? Give him a key? None of this made sense. He slid under the covers as if she’d invite him. Part of her wanted him to kiss her. Wanted him to touch her.

He did. He touched her in all the right places. She knew it was wrong. She didn’t want him to stop. Her body craved him, responded to him as if he knew were all of her buttons were.

“You’re a client.”

“I don’t care. I want you Tamra.”

His fingers did amazing things to her body. Like he was playing an instrument, he was playing her body. Making magic happen until she felt herself falling over that orgasm cliff.

Then she woke up. Her sheets were sweaty and she was alone.

“That was one heck of a dream.”


Kelly answered Tamra’s call the next morning. “You should have called me. I would have come and gotten you.”

“It’s fine. Colin drove me home.”

“That means he was alone on the drive home.”

Shit. “I hadn’t thought of that. I just wanted to be home. Rookie mistake.”

“Look, I’ll call him. He’s probably fine. I’ll come get you. First I have to get Sophie up and off to school.”

“I’m not in a hurry but call him. Please.”

“Right now.”

She hung up with Tamra then called Colin. He answered sounding half asleep. “I woke you, sorry. We just wanted to make sure you got home okay last night.”

“I did. I’m fine. No one followed me. The reporters were gone by the time I got back.”


“Tamra didn’t mention them? Doesn’t matter. They were gone. They never caught up with me.”

“Good. We won’t let you off the property again, unescorted. Tamra sent me a copy of the latest letter. She’s concerned and I am too.”

“Then I guess I need someone with me all the time?”

“Yes. We’ll have someone there today.”

“I want Tamra.”


“If I have some big burly guy as my guard the stalker will know he’s won. If I have Tamra by me, like she’s on my staff or possibly a girlfriend then the stalker won’t know.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? Tamra’s good at defense but a big guy would be better.”

“No, I want Tamra and I’m the customer right?”

“Technically your agent is paying the bills but I’ll talk to Tamra about this.”

“Good. I’ll feel so much better with her here. I’ll make up the room next to mine so she’s close.”

Kelly hung up with him but she didn’t think that Tamra would be willing to do this. She would have to do some serious tap dancing. Kelly’s daughter entered her room.

“Hey, Sophie.”

“Mom, is it true that you’re protecting Colin Brennan?”

Did her ex spill the beans? Damn. “Yes, I am.”

Her daughter’s eyes lit up. “Can I meet him?”

“Right now it’s dangerous.”

“Then when you’re done and he’s safe? Please, Mom. I’ll be the best daughter.”

“We’ll talk about it.”


Tamra was waiting on the sidewalk when Kelly picked her up.

“I’ve got bad news.”

Tamra’s pulse kicked up a notch. “What? Is it Colin? Did he not make it home?”

“No, he’s fine. He wants you to be his round the clock bodyguard.”

Tamra didn’t know what to say. That just could not happen. “I don’t see why he would care who was with him. Besides, one of our big guys would be able to protect him so much better.”

“He insisted.”

“Then you need to talk him out of it.”

“I need to?”

“Yes, you. I’ve got a ton of things today and you can reason with him. You are so much more the people person in this relationship.”

Hopefully she hadn’t la
it on too thick.

“I agree that a guy would be better suited but why are you so reluctant to do this? Or even talk to him?”

“You said yourself he was flirting. It made me uncomfortable.”

“I’m calling bullshit.”


“You didn’t even notice his flirting. What’s changed?”


“Tamra. It’s me. I know things about you. Just tell me and I won’t judge.”

“I fell asleep on his couch last night. I’m embarrassed.”

“That’s it?”

No, but she was not going to tell Kelly that she might be attracted to their client. She wasn’t one to have crushes. She hadn’t been on a date in years. She swore off men. This whole Colin thing was invading her sleep.

She had to stay away from him.





Colin had a lot to do that day as he waited for Tamra. She wasn’t late. Yet. He liked to be punctual and he had the appointment with the fragrance company today.

He had to admit he was excited for what the day held. And to spend it with Tamra. She couldn’t possibly turn him down. Of course if she really was not interested in him, then things would be awkward.

He’d seen her face when he’d shaken her hand. She’d felt the jolt also. It was this tingle he’d never experienced before this. It must mean something. It wasn’t static electricity. No, there was something there and he planned on pursuing it.

Gently, of course. She was like a skittish horse. He’d have to tread lightly which was difficult for him.

He heard a car door outside and his heart rate quickened. Tamra. Would she be mad at him? Or would she welcome the chance to get to know him?

Here he was, a rock star with oodles of money and adoring fans and he felt as if he’d asked a girl to the prom and was waiting on her answer. No matter how successful you were,  some things never changed.

He’d gotten women in his bed with just a crook of his finger. Because those women had been sleeping with him because he was a rock star, they didn’t add to his confidence. No, he was still a shy little boy inside.

He laughed. What would his fans think of him now?

Kelly entered the house. Alone.

Colin looked past her.

“She isn’t coming.”

“No? I specifically requested it.”

“I know but we’ve agreed that I might be the better person to guard you. I’m more of a people person.”

He frowned. This was not going as planned. He crossed his arms. Time to play the spoiled rock star card? “But I asked for this. Do you have the same self-defense skills as Tamra?”

“No, I don’t. That’s why I’m shadowing you today but I’m bringing in someone else to help me.”

“That’s too many people around me. Why do you think my assistant doesn’t live with me? I like to be alone.”

“You wouldn’t be alone with Tamra here,” Kelly said.

“No, but she’d be one person as opposed to two. I really want this to happen.”

“Not sure it’s going to.”

“Then I think I’ll see if Larry can find me another security detail.”

He stared at her. He wasn’t going to blink. He was bluffing, knowing full well he wouldn’t fire them and that they might need him more than he needed them.

Kelly sighed. “I’ll talk to her.”



Tamra fumed as Kelly drove her to Colin’s house. She hadn’t wanted to do that. Not at all. But here she was moving into Colin’s house for the length of this assignment.

How was she going to get through this if what she’d felt on her hand had really happened?

Damn. She couldn’t remember ever being in such a situation.

“You’re pissed. Why?”

“Because I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Well, the client wants this and this could catapult our company into the big time. Colin Brennan could get us some high profile customers and we’d be doing very well then. So suck it up, buttercup.”

Of course Kelly would say that.

Tamra swallowed. Time to come clean. Partially. “I think he has another motive for me guarding him.”


This pained her to say. She didn’t have enough ego to be sure this was true. “You even said he was flirting with me. What if he does have an attraction to me?”

“Since when have you ever been intimidated by a man? I’ve seen you cut bigger and bolder men down to size. You’re going to let one skinny rock star that you could break like a twig bother you?”

He was skinny, but he had those sinewy muscles that you couldn’t see through a shirt. She’d seen him almost naked so she knew. He’d be a more formidable opponent than she’d ever dealt with.

She sighed. It wasn’t that simple. There’d been something electric in his touch. Something she’d never felt. What if it all meant something? She could jeopardize so many lives if she lost control or focus.

If Colin had felt the same thing, she had the feeling that he wouldn’t stop until he got his way. He was rich and attractive and people did his bidding. Despite him telling her that he hadn’t surrounded himself with nothing but flatterers and yes-men.

Someone was bound to be.

“I guess not.”

“Besides, if you’re on the inside, you might be able to figure out who the stalker is. We know it’s someone inside his organization,” Kelly reminded her.

Kelly was right. She had to get past this and be professional. She’d packed her vibrator and extra batteries. Maybe she’d be okay.


There had been no reaction from the Brennan camp. No publicity. Nothing. No cops called. Just Tamra moving into the house that Colin was renting.

He’d have to do something bigger. Instead of a letter. An actual attempt to do what? Something. There had to be something that would get the press’ attention.

Colin would be in the news. That meant he’d be in the news even if they didn’t know his name.

That could work, but what?

He paced his office. Something threatening, but not dangerous. He wasn’t willing to kill Colin despite what he’d hinted at in the letters. Colin was his ticket to fame and fortune.

No, a smart man would milk this until he’d been as successful as he could be.

And he was a smart man. Smarter than Colin. Smarter than those two women protecting him.

They see it. They’d know at the end of all this that he was smart.

He laughed as he sat down to figure out his next move.


Colin didn’t answer the door right away. He didn’t want to seem too eager. Though in reality he was very eager to see Tamra.

She was a strong, sexy woman and he thought she was a woman who could ground him and hold him in check. She turned him on with just her smile.

Not that she smiled much. That made the situation more special when she did. He hoped he could loosen her up. Even if he didn’t, he was giving this a shot. Colin Brennan didn’t often fail at what he tried.

He had no plans to begin now.

Tamra rolled her suitcase into his rental house. She had a frown on her face. He smiled at her anyway.

“So Kelly convinced you.”

“She told me what you threatened.” Tamra leaned close to him. “I don’t appreciate being threatened so you’re on notice. If I say duck, you duck. If I say run, you run. I will have little patience for your spoiled rock star persona. Are we clear?”

He stared at her for a moment. Kelly just came through the door and had not heard her partner. “Clear.”

Kelly glanced from one to the other. “Everything okay?”

“Just peachy,” Colin said hoping she heard the sarcasm in his voice.

Was he in for more than he bargained for? He liked challenges.

“What bedroom am I taking?” Tamra asked.

“The one next to mine,” Colin said.

Did he see her shudder?


She brushed past him and carried her suitcase up the steps. Kelly watched her partner. “You sure you want this? She can be professional, but she’s going to be a little surly.”

“I feel safer this way.”

He didn’t feel he was in any danger but that was another story. He was having this security detail to humor his agent. Larry was sure someone was going to kill his prize cow so he was building a better barn for him.

Since Colin was now benefiting from it, he was going to let Larry build that barn all he wanted. As long as it meant he shared that barn with Tamra.

Hm. Tamra, in hay. Naked. No hay near here, but who knows what he could come up with?

“If she doesn’t kill you first,” Kelly said.

“I think I can handle Tamra.”

“Look. I’m going to tell you something and Tamra will deny it so I will deny that I said it. She’s more fragile than you think.”

Colin glanced up the stairs to where Tamra had disappeared. “I have trouble believing that.”

“She’s been hurt by a lover in the past. She has trust issues and her boundaries are pretty secure.”

“What do you think I’m going to do?”

“I think because you are so used to getting your way that you are going to try to scale those walls. And then you’ll move on with your life when you’re bored and she’ll be left to pick up the pieces. I’m willing to risk myself for this account but I’m not willing to risk her.” Kelly leaned in closer. “You mess with her, you mess with me.”

Holy crap. Kelly had a fire in her eyes. “We’re cool. And I’m not the spoiled rock star you think I am.”

“Oh, yes you are. You practically held your breath today until I relented and talked to Tamra. That’s behavior befitting a toddler, not an adult. Just remember. I’m watching you.”

She left him standing the hallway, but she hadn’t deterred him. He didn’t play with people’s hearts.


Larry chose that moment to visit Colin. He met Kelly at the door, much to his delight. He knew today would be a good day.

“Hello,” Kelly greeted him.

“How is our rock star today?” Larry asked.

Kelly smiled. Larry liked that smile. Maybe more than he should. They had a business relationship. “Well he’s done having his tantrum so I guess he’s fine.”

“Tantrum? Colin? Not the type.”

“Well he did for me. Demanded that Tamra be his guard or he’d find some other company to do this.”

“For the record, he can’t fire you. I have no plans on doing that. I’m sorry for the behavior. It really is unlike him.”

Kelly glanced at the closed door. “If you say so.”

“Can I make it up to you?”

“No need, though you might talk to Tamra. She’s the one being inconvenienced.”

“Well, you’ve had to smooth some feathers this morning. I need to talk to Colin before his appointment, but could I meet you for lunch in a few hours?”


“Yes, to discuss your updates on the case.”

Kelly chewed her lip. “Sure.”

Larry grinned. “I have your cell. As soon as I can I’ll let you know when I’m available. You pick the place.”


She got in her car and drove away. Then he did a happy dance. He was having lunch with a beautiful woman. Nice.

He pushed open the front door to Colin’s house to find the man standing there. “Got a date?”

“Sort of.”

“Should you be romancing the employee?”

“Look who is talking. You don’t think that having Tamra move in is obvious?”

“No, it’s not. I know what I’m doing.”

“So do I. You have that appointment this morning with the fragrance company?”’

“Yes and if I don’t leave soon, I’ll be late.”

“They probably are expecting you to be.”

“All the more reason to not be late. Let me go
et Tamra know we have to leave.”

A knock sounded on the door. “Would that be your limo?”

Colin nodded. “You don’t expect me to actually drive in Manhattan? Especially not the Aston.”

“No, I guess not. I’ll tell the driver you’re almost ready. You get Tamra.”




Tamra was just about finished unpacking when she heard soft footfalls in the hallway. She stiffened.

“Hey, Tamra. I have an appointment in New York. We need to go.”

She nodded, checked her gun and put it in a holster.

“You’re carrying?”

“Yes, I have a permit in several states.”

“Interesting. Will you take me shooting with you at some point?”

She eyed him. Shooting. “To the range? You’d want to do that?”

“Yes, of course, but we have to go. The car is here.”

“The car?”

“Yeah, I don’t drive in Manhattan.”

The car was a Lincoln Continental with tinted windows.

“I could have driven you.”

“Your car is in the shop.”

“I could have rented one. I ha
no time to clear this driver.”

Colin pointed to the driver. “He’s my cousin. He owns the place. Sean, meet Tamra. Tamra meet Sean.”

Tamra looked the man over, but so no resemblance to Colin. “Nice to meet you.”

She still would have done a background check or driven him herself. She could have rented a car if necessary. She slid into the back seat and Colin closed her door.

When he got it the car she said, “Let me get out first and get in last. It’s safer that way.”

“Okay. You’re the boss.”

“Remember that.”

She looked out the window, not wanting to speak to him. She had to be on alert. He was distraction that was not going to help her do her job. It made sense on so many levels to have some guy in the house but he would not have liked that. He’d insisted that she do the job and the customer had the final say in some things.

BOOK: Rock Your Body: A BWWM Romance
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