Secret Baby: Billionaire Stepbrother (7 page)

BOOK: Secret Baby: Billionaire Stepbrother
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Beck wasn’t asking for this new life to be him and me together as a couple. He was only saying that he could be out in the open and be Bart’s dad. The only two people we had to keep it from being our parents.

But, I was pretty forlorn with the feelings of separation from Beck. I wasn’t sure I could have him in my life and not desperately want him.

“We can have our own version of a witness protection program, only ours will be identity protection or step relation protection,” he said.

See, funny. Even forlorn, I couldn’t help laughing.

After that we had a great time with Bart, and together. Beck was being charming, and I tried not to read anything into it. But my body was not listening. Still, I think I hid my horny-vibes for him pretty well. I mean I’d had a lot of practice throughout the years.

I just didn’t want my runaway libido to get in the way of enjoying our fragile truce. Plus, I was pretty sure I was going to have to get used to it. Beck and I together were a done deal, and really I shouldn’t ever want him again after the way he had treated me; like I was some kind of slut or something.

It didn’t matter that I had always been a slut for Beck in my mind. He might have forgiven me to get along with me, and make Bart’s life easier and better, but that didn’t mean it had open any more doors for us.

Except for the looming one—

I bit my bottom lip, looking at Beck when he didn’t notice it, and I wondered what he’d do with the news I had about the pregnancy test. But everything was so nice right then, and I didn’t want to tell him yet, especially at work.

He found me looking at him, and he searched my face, then slight speculation came into his eyes. I swear he knew what I was thinking. Quickly I shied away from it, by turning my gaze.

“Okay, guys,” I said. “Bartie’s mom has got to get back to work.”

Beck’s firm lips compressed as if he was getting ready to get stern with me, but Bart saved me by plopping his mushed pickle on Beck’s leg.

Then when we were all cleaned up, packed up, and getting ready to go back inside, I turned to Beck and said, “I’m going to be late. I have to get this done tonight, because they have an open house on it tomorrow.”

Beck looked down at me, as he held Bart by one fist in his car seat. I sure wished I could do that.

“You don’t mind, I will take Bart to your house and stay until you get there,” he said.

“That’s so cool,” I exclaimed, grabbing his free forearm for a squeeze. Because otherwise Bart would have to stay with me and he would likely get cranky. “Thank you, and for this too, it was great.”

Beck still looked at me as if he was trying to figure something out, but then he turned away to lift Bart closer to him.

“Time for race car derby, buddy,” he said to Bart, who looked just like he knew what his dad was saying. “I’m going to beat you this time,” Beck vowed, looking so serious it made me laugh again.

That was how Beck left me ... laughing and feeling good, so when Penny showed back up, I was smiling.

“So, Bart’s dad? I thought it was a one night stand, who you could not remember.”

I looked guiltily at Penny.

“Sorry, I had to say something,” I said, with a flip of my hand. I had planned my new story, once I’d agreed to tell people that Beck was Bart’s dad. And I thought sticking as close to the truth as possible would be smart.

“Sorry about the lie,” I said first. “Beck was my boyfriend—” I started saying, and the most amazing feeling filled me at being able to say that. But I squashed it. “—and I was stupid about some gossip I heard about him, and some other complications, so I ran away from him. Later, I found out that stuff I believed ... it was totally wrong. Well, and it kept me from even thinking he wanted to know that he had a son. Then I just got caught in the fact I had never told him, and how bad that made me, once I found out the gossip was untrue.”

Penny leaned in and nudged my shoulder; she was a great assistant and a really good person. “No one would ever believe that man wasn’t great dad material and that he didn’t love it,” she said, making something blossom inside me ... like hope. “Glad you two got it figured out about Bart.”

And right like that, Beck my stepbrother was accepted into my life, far away from anyone that knew we were even related. It felt awesome.

Well, it felt amazing, until about seven that night. I had just finished up when I got a text from Beck that had me instantly hyperventilating.

It read:
“Mom showed up. I fucking lied big time. Don’t show up until we can talk. I’ll call as soon as I can.”

Then I sat outside my staged house, in my SUV, and I fidgeted for twenty minutes, while wondering what in the world Beck could say to cover for
. Next, I got pissed because he and I shouldn’t have to go through these cover up things that made us crazy and stressed us out so much.

Then being braver than I had been just a year ago, I nearly started my car to go home, confront mom, and tell her that Beck and I, although not together at the moment, had had a baby and she could live with it
not. It was

And did I freaking care what she thought to begin with? I think I cared more what the people from school, and in the small town we grew up in, thought than I did her or dad.

But I didn’t have to ever see them again, if I chose, or if any of them was my friend and they got weird over knowing about it, well then they weren’t worth being my friend. So I realized as I sat there, not going and doing it, because I couldn’t surprise Beck like that without clearing it with him, that I was finally over my cowardice about the social impact of it all.


And, I’d be damned if anyone was going to get in my way of having it.

“God, I really want it to be
though,” I said, cupping my belly, then giving it a gentle rub. “I have to try to convince him,” I muttered, right before my cell rang.

“Boo, I’m in the fucking bathroom. Bart’s in bed and mom is in the living room,” Beck uttered, without saying “hello.” He sounded very irritated and he had a right to be, as I wondered where Murray was. Before I could speak, Beck continued, “She wants fucking money. Pisses me off. She, of course, didn’t know I was here. But she came here to try to convince you to hassle me to give her the million she’s whining for.”

“Million,” I gasped.

“I am a fucking billionaire,” Beck growled.

“I know,” I whispered, but that was still really rude of mom. “I guess I don’t know what it’s like, since I’ve never been one,” I said lamely.

“The minute it happens, every person you even said ‘hi’ to in your life has their hand out,” Beck uttered, and I felt bad for him, and worse that I hadn’t realized. “Dad asked when we were there, right after hello. And mom is so busy working me over, she has forgotten to even work out why I’m here.”

“Really, Beck?” I asked softly.

I heard his huge breath, then more calmly he said, “Yes, and if I give her the money, I think she will not get into why I’m here, before she flies out the door.”

“No!” I exclaimed, then I backed off, surprised at myself. “Um, sorry, but you shouldn’t have to do that. It’s like blackmail or something.”

“I like that you are behind me,” he said in a low and very deep voice, and I felt it in intimate places, as a little breathlessness followed. “But what else can we do?” he asked.

I caught my bottom lip with my upper tooth, then I dived in.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I’m totally in on just telling her
thing.” Right there Beck made a deep surprised sound. “She can either accept it and be in our lives
not. And, no money, unless you feel like it someday ... without the pressure.”

“Damn it, boo, you never cease to surprise me,” he said.

“Let me tell her, if you are in,” I said.

I knew that had to have completely amazed him. I hoped it had really surprised him, and I also hoped my new changes kept breaking through to him.

Actions spoke louder than words; Beck taught me that.



Chapter Nine



Beck debated about letting Millie do what she’d said she finally wanted to do. He’d argued with her to do this exact thing before, but now that it was imminent, he realized he should have cut her some slack. It did have major ramifications like she’d said before, and he’d wanted to ignore back then. In fact, there were many more now, especially for Bart.

He would not have his son hurt by it. So he muttered and paced in Bart’s room, hiding from his stepmother. Bart was asleep looking like an angel, and Beck felt the tug as he did every time he looked at him.

My son.

It was pride, possessiveness, and lots of love.

He’d never told her, but Bart had Millie’s nose.

“If we don’t just lay it out, this hell is going to haunt us forever,” Beck muttered.

Instead of trying to shove it under the carpet, he and Millie needed to shout it from the rooftops. They needed to bulldoze their place in this world.

He looked at Bart. That was the way to help his son.

Then he heard the front door opening, and he went to back up his woman.

He could see right away that she was tired, but he could also see determination on her beautiful face. Without thinking and definitely without planning it, he reached her at the entrance to the living room. Their mom was just turning toward Millie’s entrance, and he swept Millie up against his body.

Then he kissed her, right in front of their mom, who made a shocked sound.

But Millie didn’t get shocked, instead she lifted her arms over his shoulders and she kissed him back even harder, while she pressed fully against him.

The minute their lips parted, she said, “Hello, baby, it’s so good to be home.”

Damn, he liked that... Beck tightened his arm around her, as their mom exclaimed, “What in the hell are you two doing! Stop that!”

Beck kept his arms circling Millie, but he let her turn under his arms, until her back was to his front as she waved and smiled at their mom. A fucking brilliant performance and it made him want to lift her up and take her to bed, where he could show her how much she turned him on and he wanted her.

“Hi, mom,” Millie called. “I see you have discovered our little secret.”

Phyllis stomped forward with her hand on her hips, as she declared, “This isn’t funny, young lady.” Her searing gaze turned to Beck. “
your hands off her, it's indecent!”

“Oh, mom!” Millie exclaimed. “It isn’t indecent for two people

Beck tensed as a cosmic beat thumped through him, and then the world came into focus again. He took Millie and whirled her toward him, while their mother was exclaiming her protests.

that again,” he uttered fiercely.

Millie clutched his shoulders, looking at him in surprise, then she quite clearly said, “I love you, Beck, I always have.”

Over the top of Millie’s declaration, their mother yelled, “Of course you love him, you are family, but you cannot do this-

Beck didn’t say he loved her back, but he did cup her face in his hands and he pulled her up to kiss her with fierce emotions, until she gasped a hurt sound, because their mother had slugged her back to get their attention.

Beck glared over the top of Millie’s head, and he snarled, “You fucking touch her like that again and I will
you out.”

Millie stepped forward to hug against him as their mom exclaimed a stunned sound. Then, since he had their mom speechless, he laid it out for her.

“We are together, mom, get used to it or get out, because we are not asking for your permission or approval. And if you just once say it is inappropriate or indecent, you will never be welcomed here again.”

His mom started to open her mouth, when Millie turned partially against him, and loudly said, “Don’t say it, mom! Think first, because you’re not getting any chances about this. You say anything bad to us or about us to anyone, and you are cut from our lives.”

Their mom’s lips sputtered shut with her face getting redder and tears starting in her eyes. “You can’t do that,” she whispered.

Beck set Millie to his side. “What I think we can do right now is get you a hotel room, I’ll call a cab, then after the shock wears off, if you have anything nice to say, you can contact us.”

But their mother wasn’t done. “You don’t know what your father has done to us ... what he has put
through,” she snarled, looking up at him as if he was the one that had done it. Then she turned angry eyes to Millie. “Don’t let him do that to you,” she said evilly. “Like father,

Millie hugged him tighter with a horrified breath, while he quickly called a cab and a hotel.

BOOK: Secret Baby: Billionaire Stepbrother
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