Read Simple Need Online

Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #General Fiction

Simple Need (2 page)

BOOK: Simple Need
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too, because the ice blue color of his eyes darkened, taking on a smoky-blue hue.

“It’s on the house.”

His voice had deepened as well, rumbling through her. They said that fantasy was always better than real life, but she was going to have to

disagree in this instance. She just knew, some other kind of intuition maybe setting in, she didn’t know, but she just knew the reality of him was

going to be better than any fantasy she’d ever had. “What about the other drink? I still need to pay for it.”

“That one’s on the house, too.”

“Oh.” She was fresh out of stalling tactics. “Well, in that case… ”

Vinter grinned again. He couldn’t help it. He’d watched her from the moment she walked in, to the moment she sat down at the bar, to the moment he couldn’t stand it any longer and he got up to sit next to her. He’d never seen her before, and while the bar attracted all sorts, the buttoned-up type of woman usually wasn’t it. He’d had innocent intentions from the get-go. He only wanted to say hello, talk to her for a few minutes, give her a friendly ear, listen to whatever her story was, because often people went to a bar for the first time because they didn’t know

where else to go. They wanted to get lost in a place no one would know them and some would open up in that safe environment of anonymity.

Vinter wanted to know what had brought her into his bar, and getting her into bed had been the farthest thing from his mind. However, the

second he sat next to her and she turned those big emerald eyes on him, he’d been a goner.

Lust flared in the green depths when she looked at him, and his gut twisted into a knot that slid down to his nuts and tugged hard. She tried to

bank it, to mask it, but it remained steady as her eyes traveled up and down his body, lingering on the tats on his arms, zeroing in on his mouth.

Hers went slack and her tongue slid out to lick her lips. He would have kissed her but he had the feeling the moment his mouth touched hers they’d be on the bar making out with him trying to get them both naked. Not that he would care.

“What’s your name?”

“Does it matter?”

Does it matter? Of course to hell it mattered. How was he supposed to whisper it in her ear as he pounded her ass if he didn’t know it? “Yes.”

“Really? Why? This is just about sex. Names don’t figure into it.”

Was she serious? It might start out as just being about sex, but he had a feeling that it wouldn’t end that way. “Trust me, names do figure into it.

Maybe not tonight or even tomorrow, but by the end of the weekend, names will be figuring into it a lot.” When she stood there with her lips compressed into a thin line and her eyes looking everywhere but at him, he relented. Only for the time being, though. “Very well. You don’t have

to tell me yours. Yet. However, mine is Vinter.”

Her eyes snapped up to meet his. He read relief there that he wasn’t going to press the issue. “Thank you. I just think names are a complication

this kind of thing doesn’t need.”

“This kind of thing? Just what do you think this is?”

“You know, one night.”

“Huh.” He nodded once, though he completely disagreed and slid off the barstool, gesturing for her to walk ahead of him. She stopped short

and had he not been paying attention, he’d have bumped right into her. As it was, he was able to catch himself just a hairsbreadth from her. When

she turned around, her nose brushed his chest and she ended up being the one to stumble back in surprise. He caught her around the back of the

neck only to haul her into his body.

Her breath came out on in a whoosh. “Th-the drink. Are you sure?” she panted out, her gaze locked in the center of his chest.

“I’m sure.” Vinter breathed in deep, the warm scents of fruit and spice wrapping around him. She looked up, questions in her eyes, and he

smiled. “I own part of the house.”

“Oh. Okay then.”

She gave him a short, crisp nod and maneuvered out of his hold and out the door. He ignored the laughter ringing out behind him from the

bartender and followed her outside into the cool night air.

She was on him in a second. The force of her launching herself at him pressed him back against the wall of the building as she pulled his mouth

down to hers. Maybe she wasn’t as buttoned down as he’d first thought.

Her kiss was hungry and desperate. He hated that she’d been driven to need what he could give, but at the same time, he’d give it all and then

some, grateful that he had what she needed. He was suddenly very glad that he’d stopped at the bar on his way home.

His arms wrapped around her and he turned them, reversing their positions. With a groan, he tore away from her mouth only to trail kisses

along her jaw. “Put your legs around me.”

“N… no, I can’t. I’m too heavy. You can’t hold me up.”

He nipped at her neck and tugged on the skin with his lips, wanting to soothe the anxious edge in her voice. “My build is deceptive. I may be

slim, but I’m strong enough. Trust me, I can do it. I’ll help you.” And to show her he meant it, he reached down and wrapped one hand around the

back of her knee and lifted her leg up around his thigh. He pressed into her harder. “Lift your other leg, baby. I’ve got you, I swear.”

Her hands slid up his arms and her fingers gripped his shoulders as she lifted her foot off the ground. He shifted slightly and caught both her

legs in his hands as he moved her up the wall with his body. She was heavy against him, but god, it was a glorious heavy and he fucking loved it.

Her soft body and full curves welcomed him into the plushness and his cock strained against the zipper of his jeans where the heat from the juncture of her thighs teased him.

“Shit, woman. You’ve got to be the sexiest… ” His lips captured hers again before he finished his statement. Tongue met tongue, breath mingled with breath, and as her hands slid up over his head, his fingers flexed around her thighs and ass, wanting her naked. She rocked against

him and he shoved himself against her, the fucking through their clothes a frustrating and delicious friction. Could she feel the ridges of his cock

piercings through the double layer of denim separating their flesh from one another? He sure as hell could. He felt them rubbing the inside of his

jeans. What would she think, how would she react to seeing the metal along the shaft and through the head? He wondered these things and a lot

more in the space of a few seconds and then stopped wondering altogether.

Forcing an end to the kiss, Vinter looked into her face, his hips still pumping against her. She tightened around him and gasped air into her

lungs with her lower body bearing down. She was going to come. He could see it in her face, feel it in the tensing of her muscles. The street lamps,

the parking lot lights showed everything in her expression.

“Please… ”

It was a whisper as he surged up hard. It was a whimper as he ground into her.

He was going to have her this way back at his place with the exception that they’d both be naked. He was going to hoist her up against the door,

the wall, set her on the kitchen counter, anchor her on the back of the couch, and fuck her. There wasn’t going to be a single surface left untouched

in his house when he got through with her.

Then, after a little recovery, he was going to start all over again. Outside. On the porch, on the hood of his car, in the grass.

She moaned and he strained not to come in his jeans, but when she stiffened first, and then bucked and shuddered in his arms, he lost it. His

cock pumped semen against the denim but he had no complaints. Fucking her like that had been hot, erotic and one of the damn sexiest things in

his life.

When he thought he could talk and make some sense, he gave it a shot. “C’mon, let’s go. There’s so much more I want to do to you that doesn’t

involve the wall outside my bar.”

“Um, yeah, okay. Let me just make sure I’ve got my AmEx card. I wasn’t planning on this tonight.”

Her voice was still breathless, soft, a little gravelly and sexy as hell, but her thoughts were calm, rational. He wanted her to let go of that control.

He needed to help her let it go. “Why do you need it?”

“For the room.”

“Room? Hotel room?” She nodded. Oh hell no. “We’re not going to a hotel. We’re going to my place.”

“Oh. No. I… No, a hotel is a better idea.”

His lips trailed kisses along her jaw, his cock was still throbbing in his wet jeans, and she wanted a cold bed in a room with cold walls?

“Wrong. My bed is a better idea. It’s the best fucking idea.”

She sighed and he steeled himself against the rejection she was about to deliver. He wasn’t going to back down on this, though. They needed

time to explore this hotness, this insane hunger he was feeling inside. And that wasn’t something they could do in a hotel room. Besides, she couldn’t scream in a hotel room and he wanted her screaming his name.

“Vinter, this isn’t going to work. I just wanted—”

“To not be noticed, to be anonymous, to try and understand why you let him use you, even though you didn’t know he was doing it at the

time. You wanted a drink. You wanted to forget. You wanted something different because the normal things aren’t taking care of you like you need. Yeah, baby girl, I know. Trust me, okay? By morning you won’t remember his name and you won’t want to forget mine.” He lowered her legs

to the ground and held on to her until he was sure she could stand on her own. He wasn’t even sure that he could, but where there was a will, there

was a way and he had a will to get her naked and in bed and have his way with her.

“Your place is too personal. It—”

“It’s just what you need. You need personal. A lot of personal.” He bent his head and tugged at her bottom lip with his teeth. “C’mon. You

know you wanna… ” After tweaking one of her nipples through her shirt, he turned and disappeared around the side of the building where he’d

parked his car. When she walked around the corner, he was leaning against the trunk as though he had all the time in the world, as though he wasn’t wearing a pair of jeans with a load of come in them. For a few minutes, he allowed himself the doubt that she’d follow him, but he’d seen it

in her eyes that her lust would win out. Part of her might believe she didn’t want or need this, but that was a small part compared to the part of her

that craved getting naughty with him.

She stopped in front of him and the slight breeze outside brought the warm scents of her to his nose, allowing him to inhale deeply, taking her

in. She’d be addictive.

“I shouldn’t be doing this.”

Chapter Two

“Maybe, maybe not. We can debate that later if you’d like. For right now, though, you want to do this and so do I. I don’t bite hard, unless you

ask me to.” Her eyes widened at his statement. He’d love to bite her soft, smooth skin. He’d love to mark her in so many ways it would scare her.

He grinned and straightened away from the back of the car. Walking around to open the passenger door for her, he waited for her. She rushed toward him and slid down into the car. He closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side, sinking into the leather seat that hugged him

with familiarity.

Vinter leaned over and turned her head toward him with his fingers on the side of her face. His lips took hers in a hot, open-mouthed kiss and

she melted around his tongue. With his free hand, he unbuttoned the first five buttons on her shirt. When he pulled back and looked down, he

could see the inner curves of her breasts encased in black satin and the slight indentation of her waist. She was beautiful. “Stay just like that. My

dick is hard again just looking at your chest. You should be showing off that figure, showing off and not covering up. Damn, woman, that man was

a fool. He didn’t deserve you.”

He lowered his head toward her. “Turn this way a little. Yeah, just like that.” She shifted in the seat, turning her body until she was facing him

and he pressed his face into her chest, snaking his tongue into her bra, tasting her skin. She was so fucking sexy it took his breath away. Forget fool, the man who dumped her was definitely a complete dumbass, married or not. He knew why any man would want her, even a married one, but to

deceive her like that…

She arched her back and the creamy mounds pressed into his cheeks, nose and mouth. Her hand held him against her and little mewling sounds touched his ears as they fell from her lips. He hoped she didn’t have plans for the next couple of days because he did—for both of them.

It took effort, but he lifted away and pulled the seat belt across her body, hooking it in place for her, and arranging it so that it didn’t take away

from the luscious view. Once he clicked his own in place, he started the car and backed up, throwing it in first gear and peeling out of the parking

lot. The hum and gentle roar of the engine, the dark of night, the smell of sex hanging in the air from between both their legs rocketed his lust up a

few notches. The gearshift in his palm felt good and he wondered what it would look like pressed up inside the woman next to him. He grinned at

the naughty image and pushed the clutch in, shifting into the next gear.

He glanced over at her as he turned down a small two-lane country road. “You’re very quiet. What are you thinking?” He wasn’t sure why he

wanted small talk. Likely, he just didn’t want her thinking of the other guy when he wanted her focus solely on him, on her orgasm, on the needs of

her body. He wanted her to be thinking of his hands all over her, his fingers inside her, his mouth kissing every inch of her from her sweet, luscious

breasts down to her hotter-than-hell cunt. And even though he hadn’t seen it yet, he knew it was gonna be wet and burning for him.

She stared at him. Her eyes traveled across his body and he couldn’t deny how much he liked it, craved it. He couldn’t remember the last time

BOOK: Simple Need
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