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Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #General Fiction

Simple Need (4 page)

BOOK: Simple Need
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groaned. He probably couldn’t wait to take her back to the bar so she could get her car and he could go find someone else.

When he turned the shower on, she rolled onto her back and ended up in the middle of the bed. The side he’d slept on was still warm from his

body, and on impulse she grabbed his pillow and put it over her face, inhaling his scent. It was dark and sexy, like the finest whiskey. Deep, rich,

strong. He was worth more than just being a man to fuck on the rebound and she was dumb, dumb, dumb for being there with him in the first

place, even if it had been his idea. She wouldn’t deny that she wanted him from the second she heard his voice. All that sex appeal and then… then

he’d held her against him all night and never once tried to take advantage of her. Yes, a man like him was worth so much more than after-a-breakup

sex. Shit,
with him would be worth more than simply after-a-breakup sex. That damned orgasm outside the bar had made her want more. Hell,

the kiss, the very look of him sitting next to her in the bar had made her want more.

“Trying to suffocate yourself?”

Damn. Caught. Elise lifted the pillow from her face and turned her head. He stood in the doorway of the bathroom, shirtless and in jeans. The

tattoos on his arms and chest and stomach made her pussy clench. He was the baddest bad boy she’d ever met. He made her sex wetter than any

man she’d ever met too. “No. Honestly, I was smelling it. You smell good.” Might as well let the truth out. No need hiding behind it now.

“Nice. I like the honesty. It’s not as overrated as most people think it is. You hungry? Want breakfast? I make killer waffles.”

Oh hell yeah, she was hungry, but it wasn’t for food. The longer she looked at him, the more her belly flip-flopped and her clit twitched. She

was hungry for him. Starving. “Maybe later. I don’t think I want waffles just yet.”

He flipped off the bathroom light and walked to the side of the bed. “Oh. What do you want then?”

She didn’t know if she was blushing, but it sure felt like she should be. The thoughts going through her head at his question should be making

her scramble back under the covers, headfirst, but she didn’t. She just stared at him, not knowing what to say or how to answer him. Should she

look away? Should she go to him? He was getting harder by the second. The longer she looked at him, the denim tightened and stretched as his

cock grew in length and width. She put the pillow back on the bed and sat up. “I… I don’t know. I really don’t know how to do this with you.”

“I’m just like any other man, baby.”

Like hell he was. “No, you’re not. I’m sure though after last night you’re ready to be rid of me.”

“Nope. Not at all. But you’re going to have to tell me what you want. I can’t give it to you unless you do.”

You. I want you. I want you everywhere inside me.
“I… ” She licked her lips and shook her head. This was going to be… hell, this was a disaster.

“You have nothing to fear from me. We just met last night, but we also slept all night together. You trust me at least a little. Trust me a little

more. Tell me what you want. You can have anything at all, you just have to say it.”

He was right. If she wanted this, then she was going to have to just come right out and say it. She’d never had to do that before. Not even in her

fantasies. Her fantasy men just knew what she wanted and gave it, taking from her what they wanted. This was much harder.

She took a deep breath. “We came here for a reason last night.” Her voice was soft, unsure and it was exactly how she felt inside, too.

“We did, yes. You were a little sleepy though,” he said with a smile.

That smile was going to kill her. She took another deep breath and got to her knees. Damn, at this rate she was going to need an oxygen tank.

Slowly, she inched toward him. He didn’t move, he didn’t speak, he just stayed still, waiting, patient. How many times would she have to tell herself over the course of the day that she could do this? Alcohol had added to her bravado along with the darkness of night. Broad daylight, however overcast outside, and no rum was a whole different story. “I’m not sleepy now.”

Being forward was hard for her, harder than she expected, but there was something about him that drew her. He wasn’t pushy, he wasn’t forcing her, he wasn’t trying to coax her into anything. He knew as well as she did what she wanted, but he was leaving it up to her to take it, to at

least make a grab for it. He did something to her that was compelling her forward. Maybe it was the dark want she saw in his eyes. Maybe it was

that she wasn’t trying to impress him, make him like her. Maybe it was that she had the chance to be with the kind of man she’d always hungered

for but never had the guts to go after. Who the hell knew what it was, but she wasn’t going to waste a second of her time. He was all lean and scorching hot, she was all plus-sized and average, and for whatever reason, he wanted her.

Slowly, her gaze traveled from his jeans, up his abs, over his chest, and stopped at his lips. She wanted his kiss again. She’d loved his kiss.

“Say it. Tell me what you want.”

She hadn’t, had she? She was still silent, mute, and he wasn’t going to let her get out of it. He wasn’t going to let her just try to show him, he

wanted the words from her. He wanted… consent. He wanted her to know she was giving herself to this. He was giving her the power to either have

him or not. He wasn’t going to let her settle for indecision. The choice was hers. Either stay safe or take the risk.

“You. I want you.”

He reached out with both hands and flicked at her nipples still covered by the shirt. “Take the shirt off.”

Another choice. Had she really not made the choices before, merely doing without considering what might come afterward? This with him, right now, the morning after, was a choice she had to make. Trembling fingers tightly gripped the bottom edge of the tee shirt, and though her intention had been to go slowly, her actions were anything but. She pulled the shirt off over her head before she gave herself a chance to change the

course she was on.

A slow, naughty grin spread across his mouth when her breasts came into view. He reached out again with both hands and flicked her now-

bare nipples. Her back arched and he took it as the invitation it was and pulled at them. She couldn’t stop the groan that filtered up from her throat.

Seeing his black-painted fingernails against her pale skin was like every sin and wicked thought she’d ever had coming to life. She was enthralled

with the feel and sight of him touching her. “Like that, do you?”

“Yes.” Her voice came out as a breathy gasp when he lifted her breasts by her nipples. She’d never told anyone that she liked sex a little rough

with a little pain, but he seemed to know what she wanted, what turned her on. She’d hardly dared admit it to herself. Most of her previous sex

partners were oblivious to what she truly wanted in the bedroom. The one man she had shared it with had thought her loose and wanton and too

much so to be the future mother of his children. She’d learned to not be so open about many things with the men she dated, but most definitely

about her desires for all-day, all-night hard sex.

Vinter seemed to know what she wanted though, and he seemed to know what her body wanted, but also that she wanted to admit to, tell it,

say it, shout it, scream it as well. Was that part of the bad boy persona? Did they all know their partners as well or was it just that her needs were


“Before we go further, you need to see something.”

Chapter Three

He let go of her nipples and she deflated slightly. His hands on her body burned through her like liquid flames. “What?”

Sitting back with her ass resting on her heels, she waited and watched. Long fingers with colorful designs on the knuckles unbuttoned his 501s.

Since they’d hit the market so many years ago, they’d been her favorite ones to see on men. There was something incredibly mouthwatering about a

man unbuttoning his jeans that a zipper just didn’t convey. Though, maybe if she were to use her teeth for tugging a zipper down it would make

for a sexier argument. He would let her do it. He would let her explore and experiment with him and that made her smile, relax inside.

Once all the buttons were free of their holes, he pushed his jeans down his hips slightly and pulled out his cock. Her eyes widened. “Oh my

god.” The more she stared at it, the harder it seemed to get.

His cock was long and thick and she doubted her fingers would wrap around the whole width. That really wasn’t what captured her attention,

however. It was the piercings. She’d never seen a cock pierced that way. Yes, she’d seen pictures of cocks with rings and even bars through the

head, but… never this, never the shaft pierced. She reached out, wanting to touch him, and as she did so, the skin around the piercings grew taut.

“May I… ?”

“Yes. Touch me.” His breath hissed out and as if his cock understood what she’d said, it flexed toward her.

Her fingertips took the ring that pierced the head and tugged lightly. His body tensed. The pads of her fingers skipped down the shaft, running

over the four bars that were placed at even intervals along the underside. “Do they hurt?” Her hand wrapped around the base of his cock and slid

up, tightening until she got to the head, then her grip loosened, one bar between each of her fingers. She’d never seen anything more provocative,

more erotic. She thought his tats were hot, his pierced ears too, but this was beyond anything she’d imagined. He was unlike any other man she

knew, she was suddenly very glad of that and very glad she’d wandered into his bar.

“No,” he ground out.

“Why did you get them?” She repeated the same steps she’d gone through before, starting with tugging the ring, then dragging her hand down

the length, to wrapping her hand around him and pulling up.

“No real reason. I liked the idea. It’s different. I kind of liked the little bite of pain, too. It’s expression. And you think they’re hot.”

Oh god, did she ever. As she stroked him, she realized that she was different as well and had been since meeting him. At least, different from

what others saw. No one knew she’d find this kind of man ideal… smokin’-hot bad boy, expressive in body and art. No one knew she’d be the kind

of woman to leave a bar, well hell, much less enter one, and say yes to a night of uninhibited lust. She was so tired of wearing the mask and she was

slowly learning she didn’t have to wear it around him, very glad he was coaxing it from her tightly fisted grip.

Her gaze roamed over his abs and up his chest again. Color was everywhere. In some places on his arms and shoulders, she wasn’t sure there

was an inch of skin not covered in ink. How long would it take her to trace each and every one of his tats with her tongue? She’d love to find out.

Letting her vision drop back down to the cock she held in her palm, she reached out with her other hand and cupped his rather large and heavy

balls. His groin was smooth-shaven, lacking any trace of hair, and, god, that was hot. She wanted to bury her face against him, inhale deeply, and

suckle between his legs.

“You want something,” he ground out. “Tell me.”

Boldly, shyly, she whispered, “I want to taste them.”

“Good girl. Do it. Taste me.”

And so she did. Tongue, lips and wide-open mouth all explored. The cool metal against warm skin made for an interesting contrast. Her teeth

played with the ring, playfully pulling on it until Vinter groaned and started flexing his fingers at his sides. She moved down then, her teeth tugging on each of the barbells, each one drawing a more agonized moan from him than the last.

She licked swirls around each of the bars and slipped the tip of her tongue through the ring before taking as much of his hardness into her mouth as she could. The width stretched her lips wide, and her tongue sliding down the underside of his cock against the piercings was deceptively erotic. She couldn’t begin to describe what this stranger did to her insides, her pussy. Holy hell, her pussy was soaked. The second

she’d seen the piercings, her sex had flooded inside her panties.

“Damn, baby. You must really like the decorations.”

Elise lifted her mouth and let his cock slip from her lips. “I love them.”

“How much?”

There were no words for how much. She licked around the head as his fingers caressed her cheeks. “Mmmm. Lots.” She engulfed him once

again, this time fucking her mouth up and down as her hand gripped the base and stroked. One of his hands went to the back of her head and force-

fed her more cock, the other stroked her shoulders, down her chest, and stopped to fondle her nipples.

She slurped and sucked and French-kissed. And when she couldn’t stand it any longer, when she couldn’t deny herself pleasure for another

second, she reached between her legs. Her fingers dipped under the waistband of her panties and went straight to work on her clit. She shifted and

spread her thighs, fitting her whole hand against her pussy.

“You are a naughty thing.”

“Mmmm-hmmm. All because of you it seems.” This sound, punctuated by a nodding of her head, proved she was in heat, sucking on one of

the most beautiful cocks she’d ever had the pleasure of, and her slit was soaked. The sucking noises as she slid her fingers in and out added to the

slurping of her mouth on his cock. She wanted him inside her. She wanted to wrap her legs around him as he pounded into her. She wanted…

Elise lifted her mouth off his cock and pulled her fingers from her sex. She gazed up at him and shocked herself by sucking them, exaggerating

the licking of her juices. His eyes darkened and narrowed, and a devious smile pulled at his lips and it spurred her on, emboldened her. She’d

BOOK: Simple Need
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