Read Sophie's Seduction Online

Authors: Keira Kendrik

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Fantasy, #Paranormal

Sophie's Seduction (10 page)

BOOK: Sophie's Seduction
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Chapter Thirteen



Jackson, Trent
, and Christian were out by the SUV discussing the nurse from the night before.  Jackson still couldn't settle the rage he felt knowing someone wanted to hurt his mate.  He knew Cade felt the same way and they had both been restless all night.  They had each taken turns patrolling the halls, carefully checking everyone's hand to make sure no Hunters were on the floor.  He was exhausted and knew Cade was too, the sooner they got back to the hotel, the better.  The others could take over guarding and the three of them could rest.

"She was ordered by someone named Gerard to attack Sophie
.  She said the syringe contained a special mix Gerard had given her.  It is designed to kill Otherkin," Trent informed him. 

"It's good we got a sample of it
.  I sent it to Phoenix.  We should be able to develop an antidote for it in no time," Jackson said.

"She also said Gerard had declared war on Promise
.  He is planning to head there soon to 'eradicate the vermin' as he put it," Christian added.

Jackson nodded and looked up at the windows in the hospital
.  Sophie was up there, hopefully resting.  He filled Cade in through their link and Cade answered. 

'I am going to call Phoenix now
.  We need to be prepared,'
Cade told him.

'I agree
.  We will need to call in all enforcers.  We need to find out when Sophie can fly, we need to get everyone to the ranch,'
Jackson said.

.  I will find out,'
Cade answered.

Jackson turned back to Trent and Christian
.  "Head back to the hotel and we will follow soon.  I ask that you rest now, we will need you to guard when we get back."

Christian smiled at him
.  "No worries.  It's obvious you are both exhausted.  When you get back, we will keep watch."

Jackson shook their hands
.  "Thanks, guys.  We appreciate everything you have done."

Trent and Christian headed back to the hotel while Jackson went back up to Sophie's
room.  She was dressed and ready to go, laying on her side asleep.  Cade was standing in the corner, talking quietly on the phone.  Jackson settled in one of the chairs and waited.  When Cade was finished, he sat down beside Jackson and they both sat watching Sophie sleep.

'Phoenix is updated and is making arrangements as we speak
.  He said the jet’s fueled and the pilot is on standby for us.  The doctor said he would like her have one more day of rest before leaving, but I think we ought to plan on leaving tonight,'
Cade sent to Jackson.

'I agree
.  We leave tonight.  Did they say when we could get the hell out of here?'
Jackson growled.

Cade nodded, smiling, he was feeling the same frustration as Jackson

'Yes, it will be another fifteen or so minutes.  They were going to bring her lunch first but I declined.  I told them we would feed her at the hotel.'

'That's good
.  I am done with the cafeteria food,'
Jackson sent.


An hour later, Sophie was finally released from the hospital and they headed back to the hotel.  Jackson took the long way back, watching for anyone following them.  When he didn't see anyone, he pulled into the hotel's underground parking lot.  He helped Sophie out of the SUV as Cade grabbed her bag.  They headed through the side door and then straight to the elevator.  When they exited onto their floor, Trent and Christian were waiting for them. 

"Hey guys, how are you?" Sophie greeted them.

Trent grinned at her and said, "We're good.  The real question is how are you?"

Sophie laughed
.  "I'm good.  A little tired, which is hilarious because all I have been doing is resting."

"An accident like yours can take a lot out of you
.  You should rest," Jackson said, nuzzling her neck.

Sophie leaned into him and Cade took her other arm, pulling them toward their suite
.  Jackson nodded at Trent and Christian and followed behind them.  Once they entered the suite, Cade pulled Sophie toward her room.

"What are you doing, Cade?" Sophie said in protest as he led to the side of her bed.

"You need to rest," he stated as he began to take off her clothes.  She had showered before they left the hospital, between that and the ride home, she looked worn out.

Sophie tried to smack his hands away but he per
sisted, whisking her shirt off her, then reaching to unclasp her bra.  "Cade!" Sophie laughed.

Cade leaned down and sucked her nipple into his mouth
.  She moaned and grabbed the back of his head.  Cade chuckled as he slipped her jogging pants off at the same time as he removed her shoes as well.  Then he knelt down while he removed her socks and kissed her toes as he did.  Sophie giggled again and pulled her foot from him.  When he stood, he took in her glorious body as she stood there in just her panties. 

It took everything Cade had in him to rein in his desire for her and turn to grab one of his t-shirts to slip over her head
.  He wanted her more than anything but what he really wanted to do was claim her.  He knew Jackson wanted the same thing.  The mating heat was riding both of them and had doubled since she had gotten into danger.  She was theirs and they wanted her.  The doctor said she was free to resume an almost normal routine, sex was okay as long as it was easy, no rough stuff.

Cade took a step back, curbing his desire
.  Sophie was tired and he wanted her fully rested when they decided to claim her.  Jackson came through the door with the room service menu in his hand, asking what they wanted.  When he saw Sophie in the t-shirt, his eyes turned dark with desire and Cade saw him struggling to control it.

"I want a big, juicy burger with fries
," Sophie said, licking her lusciously full lips.

Both Cade and Jackson were captivated
.  She slowly walked over to Jackson and took the book from him.  "What do you want, Cade?" she asked as she turned to him, cocking a hip, knowing she was enticing them.

Cade shook his head and chuckled
.  "Oh no, baby girl, you are going to eat lunch and rest."

Sophie stuck out her lip in a pretty pout and said, "Will you both be 'resting' with me?"

As she looked back and forth, batting her eyelashes at them, Jackson reached out and swatted her ass.  "Enough.  There's only so much we can take and Sophie, you just got out of the hospital.  Get in that bed.  Rest."

Cade took the room service menu and headed toward the living area saying, "We will order and bring it to you when it gets here."

Sophie huffed and went over to the bed.  As she laid down, Jackson caught her yawn and knew they were making the right decision.  She needed to rest, then they would claim her.  He knew he couldn't take it anymore.  He walked over and tucked the sheet around her, then leaned down to kiss the top of her head.  He straightened before she could reach up to pull him close and walked out to join Cade.

Jackson sat down beside Cade on the couch and sighed
.  "Damn," he said as he scrubbed his face with his hand.  "We need to claim her."

"I know, it's riding me too
," Cade grumbled.  "Let's order and then we can all take a nap."

"Then it's on
," Jackson growled.

Cade laughed and picked up the hotel phone
.  He made the order and they only had to wait a short time until the food arrived.  They took all of it into Sophie's room and ate picnic style on the bed.  Sophie turned on the television and they watched the movie
with Tom Hanks while they ate.  Then the guys cleaned up all of the plates and cups, putting them back on the little cart they came on, then they returned to the bedroom with Sophie.

They stripped down to their boxers, while Sophie watched hungrily from the bed
.  When they left their boxers on she growled at them, but they just laughed at her and climbed in on either side of her.  Soon she found herself sandwiched between her two men with an order to go to sleep.  She snuggled down between them and as she drifted off she thought there was nowhere else she wanted to be.




Sophie woke to something nudging her in the back
. She frowned and took in her surroundings.  She was facing Jackson, he had his arm around her hips, cupping her right cheek while Cade was behind her with his arm around her waist, cupping her breast.  She wiggled a little and found a very willing Cade behind her and a sleepy-eyed Jackson cracked a lid open.  He slowly smiled at her then leaned down to kiss her.

She smiled and then accepted his kiss; he explored her mouth until she was panting
.  He was a good kisser, she was in heaven. Sophie felt Cade pull her onto her back then he palmed her heavy breast and she arched into him. His hands on her skin made her nipple perk up when he pinched it between his thumb and forefinger.

leaned in and took her nipple into his mouth and she cried out into Jackson’s mouth giving him more room to deepen the kiss even further. The gentle kiss became more demanding and she felt his hand cup her other breast. Finally she had to break away and take a deep breath, the sensations seemed to rob her of the ability to breath.

didn’t give her much of a chance though to catch her breath. He let her nipple go with a pop and then claimed her mouth. It was like a brand; he pushed his way into her mouth and explored every inch. It was amazing; she never had felt this way when she was with anyone but her men. 

I need to taste that sweet cream,” Jackson murmured in her ear then kissed his way down her body. Cade held her firmly and continued playing with her breasts and kissing her, while Jackson got into position.

She felt him pull her to the edge of the bed as he knelt on the floor
. He flipped her legs over his shoulders and she wanted to giggle. The picture they must have made would've been funny, but she didn’t have the chance. Jackson swiped at her wet pussy lips from front to back so quickly that she bucked a little, but he held her waist with his hands and then began to eat at her like a starving man. He pushed his tongue through her folds and she felt the tip of his tongue graze her clit. 

finally gave her mouth a reprieve and went to work on her breast again, sucking and nipping in the same rhythm as Jackson. It was as if they were in perfect harmony. She cried out as she felt the tingling of an orgasm building. She wasn’t going to be able to hold off; it had been so long since she had felt this good. Jackson sucked her clit into his mouth, rolling in against the roof and she screamed her release.

pulled her over the top of him quickly and scooted until they were in the middle of the bed. She felt the tremors from the orgasm still flooding through her when he helped her straddle him and then entered her with one fast stroke. She cried out again because of the sensitiveness of her still pulsing pussy. 

Shit, sorry, baby, you feel so good I couldn’t wait. Your sweet cries were driving me over the edge,” Cade said into her throat. 

She chuckled and said,
“I'm okay.”

He put his hands on her waist and began slowly pumping in and out of her
. She pushed herself up a little and kissed his chest and then his nipples.
She wasn’t going to let him have all the fun
, she thought. When she was done exploring, she pushed herself up and held her breast out to Cade who latched on to it.

kson had gotten up and pushed his friends legs further out and whispered in her ear, “Are you ready to be claimed?”

Yes,” she gasped.

She felt him reach for something then felt something cold and wet on her crack
. “I am gonna stretch you out and see if you can take me, baby.”

She nodded and let her head fall as
Cade stopped and held her in place while Jackson ran a finger around the rim of her back entrance and then slowly pushed one finger in, it burned a little but quickly went away. She groaned when she felt the fullness of having Cade in her pussy and a finger in her ass. 

pulled her down to kiss him and that made her ass open up fully for Jackson who wasted no time pushing another finger inside her. She moaned and wiggled as she felt the stretch.

brought her up to an orgasm just to stop and then let her settle down. Both of them whispered they wanted to be in her when she came again. She shivered at the thought of them filling her with their seed.

Finally, Jac
kson pushed her forward and Cade held her still while he lined himself up to fill her backside. She took a deep breath when she felt the pressure against her little hole and then let it out slowly while he entered her. Cade praised her in a soft voice and told her to push back a little, to open her up. She did as he asked and she felt him slid inside her smoothly. She was stuffed full, there was no other way to explain it.

They established
their rhythm, one pulling out while the other pushed in, and she felt the tingling again in her toes and fingers when her orgasm started to build. They pumped in and out of her while she thrashed her head around trying to grasp the feelings she was having. 

yelled to Jackson that he was ready and she felt someone touch her swollen clit and she screamed her release.

leaned up, Jackson bent over her, one on each side of her neck, and they bit down causing her to explode into another orgasm, and she held on as she felt them both shoot their seed deep inside her.

She collapsed down on
Cade while Jackson fell to the side, sliding out of her now sensitive ass. Both men felt the connection between them all snap into place and they smiled, feeling the relief. Cade rolled a little so she was sandwiched in between the two of them.

As she lay there trying to catch her breath, she said, "I love you, Cade, Jackson."

They both murmured their love for her, holding her close as they all cherished the new connection between them.


Rochelle woke and saw it was already noon, she had slept so late. 
Why didn't they wake me?
she thought.  She jumped out of bed and ran to the shower.  She quickly washed up, brushed her teeth, and dressed then headed out into the living area of the suite.  She saw Dominik and Marco sitting on the couch, both looking at a laptop.  When she entered, they both looked up at her.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Rochelle demanded.

Marco stood and walked to her, placing his hands on either side of her face.  He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.  It was quick and fleeting, but she felt the tingle all the way through her body.  "We didn't wake you because you needed your sleep.  Now that you are awake we can go fine this Mother Eileen."

"Did you sleep well,
?" Dominik's husky voice floated over her and she turned to see him standing beside Marco.  Marco stepped to the side and Dominik leaned in to kiss her sweetly as well.

For a moment she was struck speechless, then she shook her head and said, "How is Sophie?
Have you heard anything?"

Dominik grinned
, he knew how they affected her.  "Yes, Sophie is doing well.  They let her leave the hospital this morning and she is now resting in her suite.  We will see them later."

"That's good
.  I'm so glad.  I was really worried about her," Rochelle said, then blushed as her stomach made a protest.

Both men smiled at her and Marco said, "Come
.  We ordered sandwiches just a bit ago,
mi strella
, you need to eat."

Dominik led her over to the small dining table while Marco retrieved the sandwiches from the little kitchen
.  They all sat down and ate, each lost in their own thoughts.  Rochelle was thinking about her father and she needed to bury him, he needed to be at rest beside her mother.  Her mother was buried on their land in the family plot beside her father's parents.  Her parents had loved each other so much and her father had protected her mother from the Hunters, never allowing them on their land.  Now they were both gone and she was on her own.

Rochelle was startled out of her thoughts by a hand on her arm
.  "
, what has you looking so sad?" Dominik asked concerned.

"I was just thinking about my parents
.  They loved each other so much, at least they are together now.  I hope I have a love like that one day." Rochelle smiled through her tears at the men.  "I was also having a pity party thinking that I am all alone now."

, you have us now.  You have Sophie," Dominik told her.

Thank you." She smiled at both of them.  "Should we get going?"

Marco laughed out loud, she loved the sound of it, it made her smile back
.  "Yes, Miss Impatient, let's go."

"I just need to go slip on my shoes."
Rochelle got up and went to her room, slipping on her tennis shoes, then she joined the men again in the living room.

Marco led the way out of the suite, she watched him glance up and down the hall, nod to someone and then he led her to the elevators
.  She saw Trent and Christian walking up and down the hall as if keeping guard.  She wanted to ask the guys about it, but it didn't seem to be the right time.

They exited the hotel and headed toward Bourbon Street, Rochelle leading the way
.  The men kept an eye out for anyone following them or anyone suspicious while they walked.  Rochelle led them halfway down Bourbon before she stopped in front of a small shop that said, Mother Eileen: Psychic Readings.  She pushed open the door and little bells tinkled as they entered. 

"Mother Eileen?
Are you here?" Rochelle called when she didn't see the old woman up front.

They heard movement from the back and then an old woman came through some beads blocking the back doorway
.  She had on a long peasant skirt with a peach blouse and lots of jewelry.  When she saw Rochelle, her face broke out into a huge grin.

"Rochelle, bebe, what you doin' here?"
Mother Eileen looked at the two men behind Rochelle.  "Ah, I see ya done found your men."

"My men?" Rochelle asked confused
.  "What do you mean, Mother?"

"These men, they are yours, bebe
.  They keep you safe," Mother Eileen replied. 

Marco stepped forward
took Mother's hand, bowed low over it and said, "Mother Eileen, we are honored.  May with sit with you? We are in need of some information."

, of course.  I knew you all was comin' and put on da tea.  Come." Mother turned around and led them into the back room.  She had a table with four chairs and it was set with four teacups as if she had been expecting them, which of course she said she had.  They all sat down while Mother brought over the teapot and served everyone. 

She sat down with them and said, "Ask away, I know you are young and eager."

Dominik sat forward and said, "Mother, can you tell us of the Hunters?"

"They are bad, that lot
," Mother said as she frowned over her teacup.  "They want the surnaturel, the supernatural, to be gone.  Gerard is a
bon à rien
, good for nothing.  He uses bad magic against them.  He needs to be stopped."

Dominik nodded and then asked, "Are they many in numbers?"

Mother shook her head.  "Not here.  I know they are bigger in number in their nest, but I don't see that.  They block me." Mother reached over to Rochelle, her eyes going misty.  "I'm so sorry about your daddy,
, I told him before, he knew.  He said he still had to save you.  No way to change what was to come.  I tried to tell him dat is not true, always the coming can be changed.  He wouldn't listen."

Rochelle got tears in her eyes but she wiped them away
.  "I know, Mother.  He did save me.  I wish he had listened more to you."

Mother rubbed a hand over Rochelle's arm
.  "No worries, these men will get the bad ones.  They will pay for their evil."

Mother got up from the table and went to a large bookcase
.  She took down a book and handed it to Marco.  "You are gonna need dat." Then she grabbed a medium pouch off another shelf and handed it to Dominik.  "This will help for the bad
they gonna try."

Marco looked at Rochelle and mouthed '
'.  Rochelle smiled and mouthed, 'spell'. Both men nodded and then continued to listen to Mother.

"You need to go with them,
," Mother said to Rochelle.  "They will keep you safe.  Your daddy, he want dat.  He knew they would come."

Rochelle chose to ignore that statement for now
.  "Mother, I helped one of the jumeaux enchantée like you said I would.  Are they safe now?"

Mother looked at her and said sadly, "No
, their battle, it just beginnin'.  You will help them get ready for the big one.  Just remember the sun will answer your call."

BOOK: Sophie's Seduction
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