Read Sophie's Seduction Online

Authors: Keira Kendrik

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Fantasy, #Paranormal

Sophie's Seduction (9 page)

BOOK: Sophie's Seduction
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Sophie smiled at them and said, "Take really good care of my cousin, boys."

"We will protect her with our lives, Sophie," Marco answered.

The three of them left and Sophie turned to Jackson
.  "Mates?"

.  Dom told us outside in the hall," Jackson said.

," Sophie said.  "There are going to be issues.  She's a Hunter.  She has the mark.  Do they know?"

"They do and they will deal with it
," Cade told her.

Sophie went to shift on the bed and winced
.  She looked up quickly to see if her men had noticed and saw they had.  "I'm fine, really," she said.

"You need to rest now
.  You have had enough excited for one day," Jackson said firmly.

When she went to open her mouth to protest
, Cade butted in.  "No, you heard Jackson.  You need rest.  Lay back and I will give you a foot massage."

Sophie immediately snapped her mouth shut and laid back
.  Cade had wonderful hands and if he wanted to give her a foot massage, she was going to let him.  Cade came over and uncovered her feet.  As he began to rub her feet, Jackson got up and stood at the end of the bed. 

"I am going to go down to the cafeteria and get some food
.  The doctor said you could have soft foods.  Is there anything I could bring you?" Jackson asked. 

"Some Jell-O
would be nice, I guess.  Or some ice cream," Sophie answered.

"I will bring you both
," Jackson said as he leaned down to kiss her softly.  "I will be back soon."

He headed out to the cafeteria and Cade kept rubbing Sophie's feet
.  "Cade, that feels so good," Sophie moaned.  "Thank you."

Cade stopped for a moment and turned to her
.  He leaned down and kissed her just as softly as Jackson did, but Sophie wasn't allowing it.  She grabbed his head with both hands and began to kiss him aggressively.  He moaned then tried to pull away but she sank her fingers into his hair and wouldn't let him.  He brought his arms around her and kissed her back.

He took over the kiss, dueling his tongue with hers while his hands came around to cup her breasts
.  He tweaked her nipples as he continued to kiss her.  She moaned as she ran her hands down his back, raking her nails as she went.  Cade ended the kiss but continued to kiss her down her neck, tugging lightly on her earlobe as he passed her ear.  Then he kissed down to her breasts, moving her hospital gown as he went.  He laid her back on the bed as he kept kissing her breast, sucking lightly on her nipple. 

"Cade, please, I need
," Sophie moaned.  She was on fire for him.

Cade looked deep into her eyes and said, "Lay back and lie still or I stop."

Sophie nodded and did as she was told for once.  Cade knew Sophie wasn’t up to having sex yet, but she needed relief and he was going to give it to her.  He slowly laid down beside her and moved his hand down to between her thighs, completely avoided her stomach and side so as not to cause her pain of any kind.  As he kept suckling at her breasts, he circled her clit with his finger slowly and then inserted a finger inside her.

Sophie was on fire but in a good way, not from her injury
.  Cade had her on fire and she wanted him badly.  She knew he wouldn't have sex with her until the doctor said it was okay, but he was going to give her some relief and for that, she loved him more.  She felt him touch her pussy and she began to quiver inside. 
God it felt so good
, she thought, him suckling her breasts and then when his finger slid inside her, she tried not to cry out.

Cade continued to slide his finger in and out of Sophie's pussy, she was so wet and felt so good
.  He was overwhelmed with emotion, grateful that she was alive.  He moved his thumb to circle her clit, bringing her to orgasm.  Sophie cried out against his shoulder as she came.  He murmured his love for her in her ear as she calmed down, telling her all of things they would do when she was better.  She had another mini orgasm just from his words alone.

After a while, Cade sat back and kissed her deeply again
.  He sat back and said, "Now will you rest?"

Sophie smiled sleepily at him and said, "Yes, master."

Cade quirked his head to the side.  "I like that.  Don't forget it."

Sophie stuck her tongue out at him but did as she was told and cuddled up to his chest
.  As she was falling asleep, she said, "I love you."

Cade hugged her to him and said, "I love you too, baby, more than you will ever know."

When Jackson returned with food, he took in the scene and inhaled deeply.  He frowned at Cade and grumbled, "Next time you go get the food."




Rochelle followed the two men into the hotel and into the elevator
.  She was so nervous to be alone with these two men.  They made her feel jittery and out of control.  The elevator stopped and Dominik indicated with his hand for her to follow Marco out and to the room.  She adjusted the duffle bag she was carrying, the men had offered to carry all of the bags but she wouldn't let this one go.  This one bag was vital to her staying alive.  Quietly, she followed Marco to one of the hotel room doors and he opened it with a key card.

When he opened the door, he allowed her to step in front of him and enter the room
.  The room was a beautiful suite, two bedrooms, one off to the left and right with a living room in between.  There was even a small kitchen off the living room.  She walked further into the room and sat her bag down on the small dining table.  She kept her back to the men and walked over to the balcony doors.  She looked out at New Orleans and knew her life was going to be changing.  It already had.  She had lost her father and now had Bo and his men after her. 

Rochelle stiffened as she felt the heat of one of the men step up behind her
.  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.  It was Marco, she could tell by his scent, it was a manly scent filled with fresh cut grass and man.  He placed his hands on her shoulders and began to rub them gently but firmly.  She let her head fall forward so he could do her neck and she groaned as her muscles began to relax.  She could hear Dominik moving around the room, probably placing their bags in their room, and then she heard him sit down on the couch with a sigh.

"Rochelle, will you come sit with us?" Dominik asked

Rochelle turned then and smiled her thanks to Marco for the massage, then looked at
Dominik, knowing the time had come.  "Of course."

Once they were settled, her in between both men, Marco said, "We need as much information as you can give us about these men who are after Sophie
.  Her life is in danger and we need to be able to help her."

Rochelle nodded
.  "Of course.  They are Hunters, of course you know who they are and what they do.  Bo and his group are the worst.  They follow Gerard, he is their leader."

Dominik placed his hand on her knee and she jumped
.  "We just found out about Hunters, none have disturbed us in a century at least.  We don't know much about them.  Will you fill us in?"

Rochelle was surprised and it showed on her face
.  "I thought you knew...ah...okay, let me start at the beginning.  Hunters want to kill Otherkin and all other 'unnaturals' as they say.  Which is ironic because they practice bad magic, or at least Bo and them do."

"Bad magic?" Marco questioned.

"Yeah.  Very bad.  Voodoo kind of magic.  You would need to speak to Mother Eileen, she could tell you more.  Anyway, they had been casting to find Otherkin, working their way around the states.  They want to make sure no Otherkin are alive here in the US first, then they will help the old ones overseas," she told them.  "That's all I know, really.  I have never been a part of them.  When I was really little, my grandfather took me from daycare and said the ritual words over me to put this tattoo here.  I have never wanted anything to do with them, I was raised to know what they are doing is wrong."

Dominik reached over and held her hand where she was trying to rub away the Hunter's mark
.  "
, be calm.  We know you have a pure heart.  Is there any more you can tell us?"

Rochelle thought for a moment and then shook her head
.  "We need to go see Mother Eileen.  She will be able to tell you more, that is, if she will.  She can be very vague at times.  It can be frustrating."

"Where can we find her?" Marco asked.

"She is right around the corner on Bourbon," Rochelle answered, attempting to stand.

Dominik had kept hold of her hand and when she went to stand
, he pulled on it so she stumbled into his lap.  His arms encircled her middle and she gasped at the contact.  "We don't have to go just now, it's late.  We are going to order dinner, you will get some rest, and then tomorrow morning we will go find this Mother Eileen."

Rochelle looked at Marco and said, "
Is he always so bossy?"

Marco smiled at her
.  "He has your best interests at heart.  You need to be taken care of and we are going to see to it."

Rochelle sat there dumbfounded by what Marco had just said
.  His eyes were so intense when he spoke, gleaming with what she thought was desire.  He reached out and cupped her cheek.  Without thought, she leaned into his touch.  She felt Dominik shift underneath her and glanced over at him.  He smiled at her and she seemed to melt inside. 
Damn, they were too handsome for their own good

Dominik patted her side and said, "Come on, let's look at the room service menu and order some food."

Marco opened the book, which seemed to appear in his hands and she shrugged, looking at the items offered.  She would go with the flow for now, but she wanted to understand what this was between them and why their eyes glowed a little when they looked at her.


Sophie couldn't have been any happier than she was at that moment.  The doctor had given her the all clear to go home as long as she promised to take things easy.  The men assured him that she would and promised to take care of her.  She rubbed a hand over her side, still not believing how fast she was healing.  Her 'scar' from the surgery was nothing more than a puckered pink line with no signs of infection.  She had been very lucky, the doctor had informed her of that on more than one occasion.

Trent and Christian had come in a few minutes ago only to head back out into the hallway with Jackson for another 'secret' meeting
.  She knew they had taken the nurse from last night to question her and she wanted to know what they had found out.  When she tried to go to the door of her room, Cade stepped up to her. 

"I don't think so, you still need to rest until your paperwork is done."
Cade pointed to the bed and gently guided her to it.

"I'm fine, Cade, really
," Sophie protested but when she saw he wouldn't budge, she huffed, "Well can I at least call Jasmine now?"

Cade silently handed her his cell phone and she kissed him on his cheek
.  She dialed the number to the ranch and waited for someone to answer.  Lucy answered and Sophie was surprised as she felt a jolt of strong emotions in missing the older woman.  Lucy was the housekeeper for the ranch, but she was more like everyone's mother.  She took care of them all like her own children.

"Sophie, honey, I am so glad to hear from you
.  How are you feeling?" Lucy asked. 

"I'm doing better, thanks
.  How are things there?" Sophie said.

Lucy laughed
.  "Same as they always were, I guess.  Jasmine is still being stubborn, which is driving Phoenix and Gabriel crazy.  She just walked in from seeing to the foals and she's hoppin' up and down to talk to you.  Take care, sweetie.  See you soon."

There was a rustling on the phone, then she heard, "Sophie!
How are you? Are you okay? What happened?"

Sophie laughed
.  "Where do I start?"

"How are you?
I have been so worried," Jasmine said in a serious tone.

"I'm fine, I promise
.  You know I'm too ornery to die," Sophie teased. 

Jasmine huffed out a laugh
.  "Yeah but it was too close for me.  What's happening?"

"They are sending me home today, well, back to the hotel at least."
Sophie laughed.  "I have to rest for a day or so and then we are coming back."

"Thank goodness
.  On the other subject, did you find out anything?" Jasmine whispered the last part so Sophie knew Phoenix and/or Gabe was near.

"I have some information and I think I may have a small surprise when we return
.  You will just have to wait and see," Sophie paused and then added, "I am finding some of the answers, Jas, have faith."

"I do, I just...I don't want to lose you in the process
," Jasmine said softly.

"You won't
.  We just found each other, nothing will separate us now," Sophie said lightly.

Jasmine sighed
.  "I hear ya.  Okay, I want you to rest and take care of yourself.  Is Cade or Jackson there? Can I speak to one of them please?"

Sophie looked at Cade who was watching her closely and held out the phone, smirking, "She wants to speak with you."

Cade took the phone holding it out like it was a rattlesnake that was going to bite him.  He gingerly put it to his ear and said, "Jasmine? How are you?" Then his expression went to slack jawed as he could only get one word in at a time.  "Yes...I...okay...sure...okay...yes...okay." He handed the phone back to her.

Sophie laughed and took the phone
.  "I'm back."

"You rest and get back here
.  Be careful and no more hunting the Hunters," Jasmine ordered. 

, ma'am.  Don't worry.  I will charge my phone today so you can text or call me anytime," Sophie told her.

"Okay, I'm so glad you are okay
.  I love you, sis," Jasmine said and sniffled. 

Sophie's eye filled with tears
.  "Love you too, sis.  Take care and I will call you soon."

Sophie hung up and wiped at her eyes
.  Cade was there to gather her in his arms and hold her, soothing her scattered emotions.  He went into the bathroom and got her a cool cloth to wipe her face, then made her lay back for a catnap while the paperwork was being finished.  Soon she would get out of there and then she was determined to get answers, whether or not the men approved.

BOOK: Sophie's Seduction
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