Read Surrogate Online

Authors: Ellison James

Tags: #Paranormal, #Erotica, #Lesbian, #Short Fiction, #Multiple Partners, #sci-fi, #(v4.0)

Surrogate (2 page)

BOOK: Surrogate
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"If it'll make you feel better, I'll get
naked too," she said, in a near whisper. "That way we'll both be
vulnerable. We can be embarrassed together."

She watched Katrina, looking for signs of
willingness. Her body finally relaxed, and Katrina met her eyes

"Okay, I'll do it," Katrina said, her eyes
fixing on her own eyes, burning into them with a devious passionate
fire that set her core ablaze. "But only if Holly is as naked as

"Done," Holly said. "I'll go get ready in the
test room and you can get me all hooked up as soon as the subject
is ready."

Katrina opened the door, the bundle of wires
still hanging from her arms, and left the room. Holly glanced at
Doctor Mueller, feeling suddenly aware of the Doctor's stare on
her. Doctor Mueller had a peculiar look. Her eyebrows were pinched
together but the slightest hint of a smile grew across her face.
Her head nodded ever so slightly, as if she were agreeing with
herself. The look revealed the Doctor knew the change in procedure
was not entirely unplanned.


Marla stood beside the sterile-looking
hospital bed, pulling at the buttons of her blouse. The room was
small, square, and windowless. It was like any hospital room, or
doctor's office examination room. Beside the bed was a small table,
and besides that, the only other furniture in the room was a large
easy chair in the opposite corner. The chair was so large; she
wondered how it fit through the door.

She let her blouse fall from her shoulders,
catching it and folding it into a square before placing it onto the
bedside table. Even though she was alone in the room, she felt like
she was being watched. She unfastened her skirt and slipped out of
it, folding it into the same size square as her blouse. She looked
around the room as she placed her skirt with her blouse on the
table, and spotted the source of her intuition. A camera mounted
high in a far corner faced into the room. A little red light above
the small lens blinked on and off, reminding her that her every
movement or gesture was going to be recorded and chronicled in some
bland scientific report.

She stood for a moment, staring at the
blinking red light and contemplating her judgment in signing up for
this study. Standing in the cold sterile room, she suddenly thought
that taking experimental drugs might be better than exposing her
naked body, and who knew what else, to some form of weird
psychological experimentation. A light knock on the door brought
her back to the present. Before she could say anything, Katrina,
the intern, peeked through the door and slid into the room. Marla
covered herself as best she could although she was still wearing
her bra and panties.

"I'm here to get you wired up for the
experiment," Katrina said, matter-of-fact. "I'm sorry, dear, but
you'll have to remove the rest of your clothes, they'll get caught
on the electrical leads.

"Do you video all your experiments," Marla
asked, nodding toward the camera.

"The only one with a video feed is the
doctor," Katrina said. "Don't worry, once we turn the lights out
and you relax on the bed, you'll forget all about the camera."

Marla did not find Katrina's statements the
least bit reassuring. But, she decided, for the amount of money
they were paying her to lie on a bed in a darkened room, she could
overlook the intrusive camera just this once.


Katrina looked at the wall while Marla
slipped out of her panties and bra. She tried to remain as
professional as she could, but she was excited, and a little scared
at what Joanne volunteered her for in the other room. The funny
thing was that she was not sure how much of Joanne's decision came
from her own subliminal coaxing.

"Okay, I'm ready to be hooked up," Marla
said. "Do you think we could turn up the heat in this room?"

Katrina turned, and found Marla nearly
crouching, crossing one arm over her breasts, the other over her
crotch. Her arm was an unsuccessful attempt at covering her large
natural-looking breasts. Her large dark areolas dimpled, and her
nipples extended from the cold air, poking through Marla's fingers.
She had gooseflesh across her arm, and the look on her face was
immediate desperation.

"Oh, you poor dear," Katrina said as she
sidestepped around Marla to reach the thermostat on the far wall.
She would have to set the temperature in the other room to match
this one, so she mentally noted the new setting of seventy-five

She uncoiled the long length of cables from
her arm and laid them out on the bed. The wires and plugs were
color-coded to match the receptacles on the control head beside the
bed, but it was only through weeks of training that Katrina knew
where on Marla's body to place each wire. Her body flushed with
heat, and she became overly conscious of her cold hands as she
positioned the leads on Marla's temples, across her chest, on her
torso about three inches below her bellybutton, and on her inner
thighs. She tried to play it off like it was the heat kicking on in
the room but she felt the blood running to her core like an angry
river, and she knew it was something else entirely.

In just a few minutes, she would be in the
room next door, stripping naked in front of Holly just like Marla
had done for her. Doctor Mueller was in that room with her right
now, attaching leads to Holly's naked body. Oh how she wished it
were her placing those leads over Holly's breasts, on her inner
thighs. Her hands started to shake as she placed the last lead on
Marla's left inner thigh. She pushed away those little tingles in
her brain but still, flashes of heat ran through her body as she
surveyed her placement of the leads on Marla. Marla's body was what
Katrina considered 'very lovable.' She was not obese by any measure
but she was curvy. Her rounded shoulders, plump little ass, and
just the hint of a pooch on her stomach made her entire body look
soft and inviting. Now Katrina knew it felt as inviting as it
looked. She struggled to keep her mind on the task at hand, not in
the other room with Holly. Soon, she would be in that room, playing
coy as Holly ran her hands across her naked body attempting to
influence the woman she now touched. The thought of it all was
overwhelming and Katrina shook her head to rid herself of the

"There, all done," she said to Marla, using
her statement as an excuse to take in a deep breath. "Just relax
and lie back on the bed to make yourself comfortable."

"Should I expect anything ... weird ... to
happen," Marla asked, her eyebrows scrunched together, reforming
the same vertical line Katrina saw before.

"If the experiment is a success, you may feel
…something." Katrina did her best to explain without giving too
much away. "You may feel the presence of someone, or pressure on
your skin. It's normal, so were asking you to go with it. Allow
yourself to respond and know that it's okay, and part of the

She smiled at Marla and backed through the
doorway, holding onto the handle to make her exit as quiet as she
could. She had to fan her fingers and take deep breaths to keep
herself from breaking into a dead sprint toward the other room. She
didn't care so much anymore whether the experiment worked or not.
Her success would come as soon as Holly laid hands on her.

If this does work, Marla will have no idea
what she's in for.


Holly unbuttoned her blouse as she surveyed
the stark room. It was the same room she'd used during the
preliminary testing. Everything appeared the same as before, a
clinical style bed, a boxy looking easy chair in the corner, only
the monitor was missing. The wall mount looked lonely and
obtrusive, with a small coil of cable wrapped around the support. A
small red blinking light caught her attention as she folded her
blouse into a neat square. Although she knew it was there, and the
doctor used it before, she couldn't help but feel self-conscious to
know that not only would she be putting her hands on another woman,
the doctor would record the whole event future viewing.

She shook off the thought and concentrated on
preparing for her task. After unceremoniously removing her skirt,
she unsnapped her bra and folded it neatly on top of her other
clothes, and then slipped her panties down as graciously as she
could manage under the circumstances, folding them and placing them
on the chair as well. The room was cold and the skin on her arms
tingled as it set to gooseflesh.

Katrina entered the room and stopped, looking
at her wide-eyed as the door closed behind her.

"What's wrong?" Holly said, feeling the
uncomfortable weight of Katrina's stare. "Do I have something in my
teeth?" A nervous chuckle escaped with her question as she ran her
tongue over her teeth.

Katrina chuckled and said, "No, not at all,"
She averted her eyes and walked toward the far wall. "Let me turn
the heat up. It's a little cold in here."

"Thank you," Holly said, realizing Katrina
must've been staring at her breasts, her nipples extended in
reaction to the cold.

"I guess Doctor Mueller didn't get you hooked
up," Katrina said. Holly sensed excitement in her voice. Katrina
sounded almost giddy, but why wouldn't she be? This was certainly a
groundbreaking experiment, and she was probably excited to be a
part of it.

A wave of warmth rumbled through her body as
Katrina placed the first lead above her left breast. She wasn't
surprised with her response, rather welcomed it as it signaled she
felt comfortable with Katrina. Although, she wouldn't know for sure
until Katrina was standing naked in front of her. She was no
stranger to another woman's body but this would be the first time
she actually used a real person as a surrogate to connect with
another. Even though society labeled her as bisexual, she
considered herself more poly-amorous. Holly spent her youth among a
free commune-style society where work and pleasure were shared
among all members. She could see herself in a relationship with a
man and woman at the same time, or even multiple partners if it
seemed right. It was this free spirit, she believed, allowed her to
hone her special telepathic skills.

"Okay, looks like you're all set," Katrina
said to her, as she placed the last electrical lead on her

"Let's give this a shot then." Holly smiled
at Katrina, who was standing so close that she caught the faint
scent of her perfume. "I'll get myself mentally ready while you get
yourself naked." She giggled at her own words, as they seemed a
nervous contrivance after she spoke.

Katrina moved away and quietly undressed,
while she closed her eyes and concentrated, bringing her aura to
her center, and attempting to establish a psychic connection with
whoever was in the next room.


Joanne checked the readouts coming from
Marla, making sure the computers would record the information in
real-time. She saw Marla through one of the monitors along the wall
of the control room. On the screen, she saw her lying on the bed,
shifting her gaze from the ceiling to the camera. She looked
anxious, so Joanne moved a lever on the console, dimming the lights
in her room. She hoped the darkness would help Marla relax. The
screen flashed and took on a green hue as the camera shifted from
day to night vision. Marla's eyes glowed like luminescent marbles
bringing an element of eeriness to the otherwise straightforward
experiment. Marla finally closed her eyes and appeared to relax, so
Joanne concentrated on the monitor showing Holly removing her
clothing in the other room.

Joanne felt a tinge of guilt and naughtiness
as she watched Holly undress. There was no sound, she hadn't turned
that on yet, but the view more than made up for it. Holly was one
of those types of women that actually looked better as she removed
clothing. Not that she wasn't gorgeous to begin with but as Joanne
watched her remove her loose-fitting blouse and knee-length skirt
on the monitor, Holly seemed to become more confident—more

Katrina appeared in the monitor, and then
disappeared out of screen while Holly removed her bra and panties.
She was a beautiful woman with a body that looked like it was made
for comfort. Holly wasn't tall. Of course, to Joanne, nobody was
tall. She was taller than just about anybody she'd ever known. Even
wearing flats, she found herself lowering her head through doors,
just in case. At six foot-three inches, she found it uncomfortable
walking through doors. Her height also made it difficult to find
dates. Sometimes she wished she were shorter. How she would enjoy
being fully hugged—to be fully encased in the arms and body of
another, but then she probably wouldn't be where she was today. Her
height spawned the isolation that allowed her to concentrate on
education rather that social interaction. Now, at only
twenty-seven, she was the youngest woman in her college to obtain a
Doctorate degree and work for a major research firm. Now, she was
at the forefront of this controversial research that promised great
advances in not only psychology, but medicine, and even military
applications. Best of all, she got to watch three women get naked
and have sex in the name of research.

After Katrina placed the monitoring leads,
Joanne watched through the monitor as Holly sat back in the bed
assuming some kind of yoga pose. The readout on the equipment in
the control room confirmed she was entering a state of relaxation
as her pulse slowed and her brain alpha activity increased. Katrina
stripped out of her clothes in front of Holly. She did not merely
take her clothes off, she literally 'stripped' with a devilish look
on her face, as Holly sat on the bed with her eyes closed, missing
the show.

Within a minute after Holly reached her state
of relaxation, one of the machines beeped, and Joanne quickly
turned to catch the news. Just as she'd hoped for, the beep
indicated a change in the alpha waves of the subject, Marla, in the
next room. Her pulse quickened for a moment then fell back into a
slow steady pattern as her alpha waves moved into the same pattern
as Holly's. Joanne smiled and tapped her fingers on the table,
ecstatic that the first part of the experiment was already a
success. She wondered if Holly knew that she connected to the
subject. She wondered if Marla had any idea of her connection. In
the left-hand monitor, Holly moved forward on the bed as Katrina
stepped to the edge. They embraced, and another beep indicated a
change in someone's vitals. Holly waived at the camera so she
flipped a switch on the console dimming the lights in the room
until the camera switched to night vision. Now, both her monitors
showed the participants in varying shades of green. She checked,
and found increased pulse rates on both Holly and Marla. This test
was official underway. Joanne leaned forward and flipped two
switches up turning on the speakers to the control room. She pushed
the record buttons on her console for the cameras in both rooms,
and leaned back in her swivel chair to watch, er ... monitor the
activities of her subjects.

BOOK: Surrogate
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