Read Surrogate Online

Authors: Ellison James

Tags: #Paranormal, #Erotica, #Lesbian, #Short Fiction, #Multiple Partners, #sci-fi, #(v4.0)

Surrogate (4 page)

BOOK: Surrogate
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Katrina could hardly stand it. Holly's tongue
felt like velvet in warm honey, gliding across her skin. She was
startled when Holly told her to sush but didn't think she'd said
anything. Then again, with Holly's expert touch, she might have
said something and wasn't aware. She was barely hanging on to
self-control and couldn't believe how erotic and sensual this whole
thing was, even if she was being recorded on camera for others to
study at their leisure. Holly barely brushed across her outer folds
once while her hands slid, like oil on silk, up her body, and the
action rocketed her so close she feared the slightest pressure
might send her over the edge.

She held her breath, and a shiver ran through
her body as Holly slid down her torso on the very tips of her
fingers. The pressure was slight but her senses were so raw that
Holly’s fingernails cut a path through her skin, and an angry fire
burned in their wake. Her teeth clinched and air filled her lungs
so fast it made a kind of hissing sound as those scratching,
burning, glorious fingers found home across the neatly trimmed
patch over her pelvic mound, and onward into her wet folds. She
gripped the bed rail so hard she feared she might bend the metal.
With her other hand, she gripped and pulled on her own hair—hard,
hoping a sensation of pain might forestall her impending

Holly's fingers retreated from the danger
zone before they pushed her over the edge, and climbed back up
along the sides of her torso, now open palmed but still on fire.
Holly's hands moved through her armpits and slowly down her inner
arms to her wrists before backtracking until her fingers again
circled her breasts. Holly's fingers crawled inward from both sides
and circled again, this time around her areolas just beyond the
outer edges of pinched skin surrounding her achingly taught
nipples. Then the fingers made that last move to her nipples. They
pinched hard and pulled them in all directions like a tiger
gripping its prey around the neck and shaking.

Her eyes flew open and she looked at Holly.
Through the darkness, she saw Holly rearing her head back, her
mouth open and the reflection of her wet tongue flashing across her
upper lip. Holly moaned, tightening her grip on Katrina's nipples.
A sudden flash of pain bit through Katrina's ecstasy but it was
wash away in euphoric pleasure. The look she saw on Holly's face
fueled her euphoria, and the pleasure fought its way to the
forefront until she could stand it no more, crying out in the midst
of her own impending eruption.

She was glad that she forgot
to pick up the monitor from the repair shop. She didn't really
forget though, that's just what she told Doctor Mueller. She'd
overheard Joanne talking about the possibility of projecting
tactile stimulation with the aid of a surrogate and decided right
then that she wanted to
that surrogate.


Marla no longer felt uncomfortable with this
unseen entity, and now allowed it full access to her body. She not
only allowed it, she welcomed the strange sensation of ghost
fingers exploring her most sensitive areas. She felt the pressure
of the fingers on her breasts, warm breath across her neck, and the
moisture left behind from an invisible trail of kisses from soft

At a moment she was unaware of, she made a
connection with this entity. It was a kind of mental connection by
an invisible pathway to an unknown location. Not only a mental
connection, but also physical, even psychic, in a way that allowed
her unfettered access to the mind of the one projecting sensations
of touch to her. She accepted every caress, every stroke and pinch,
and in her mind, sent it all back lovingly to the sender.

Invisible hands circled her breasts, and the
skin around her nipples pinched and tightened in response. The same
invisible fingers circled inward until they tightened around her
protruding pebbles. The feeling was so intense, so real, that she
instinctively reared her head back while thrusting her chest
forward wanting more from the fingers. She imagined her fingers
returning the pleasure, reaching across some invisible thread to
feel the warm skin on the other side. In her mind, she clamped her
fingers around rigid nipples not unlike her own, pinching hard,
pulling and twisting to foster a response from this ghost. She
wondered if this thing was a real person, or some kind of machine
or computer. Her answer came in the form of an urgent clamping on
her own nipples. She pinched harder, and so did the spirit on the
other end, until she cried out and released her grip on her
invisible partner.

Unseen hands inched their way down her torso
and around her back until they cupped her ass cheeks, gripping them
firmly before sliding downward. She channeled the feeling through
her mind to her own hands where the feeling of soft skin
materialized in her own fingers. The ghost hands caressed the backs
of her legs down to her knees before reversing course and traveling
upwards along her inner thighs. She processed every movement and
sent it back out to whoever was on the other end. She felt like the
entity became one with her and together, they were joined together
in some gloriously endless loop of sensation and feedback, as
everything she felt, she sent back only to receive another
sensation, like an echo of the first.

Her legs spread on their own accord as
invisible fingers reached the apex of her inner thighs. She was so
ready, so sensitive, she actually felt cool air rolling over her
wet folds. The coolness was replaced with electric fire as two
fingers spread her folds, while a third moved along the length of
her slit, sending a thrill and a shiver through her body as it
moved across her engorged and aching clit. Again, it felt so real,
that she opened her eyes to check if she was simply fingering
herself but both her hands were at her sides gripping the bed
sheets. Her faith in the entity restored, she concentrated with a
new vigor until she was returning the favor, imagining her fingers
gliding across the wet folds of her ghost lover.


Joanne watched the monitors in her darkened
control room. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. On one
screen, Holly ran her hands over Katrina's shoulders and circled
her breasts before moving inward and suddenly twisting her nipples.
In the other monitor, her subject, Marla, clearly reacted to
Holly's actions, throwing her head back. The sound of Holly crying
out blasted from the speakers and filled the room, bringing a
stirring to Joanne's core. She stared at the computer equipment
monitoring the vitals of both sender and recipient and was amazed
to find the heart rate and alpha brain activity running nearly
identical. She smiled to herself at the success of her experiment,
and her exhilaration fueled another kind of excitement within

The tiny room suddenly became hot as Joanne
watched the monitors. The reactions Marla exhibited as Holly
explored Katrina's body were both exciting and titillating.
Thinking it would be nice to be in Katrina's place, but being in
the control room and watching everything unfold in great success
brought a different kind of excitement she could not have otherwise
experienced. Besides, Katrina was quick to volunteer as surrogate
in place of the monitors. The thought of the pleasure Katrina must
have been feeling, along with how Marla was so expertly influenced
by Holly's remote touch made Joanne's nipples extend until she felt
the pressure of them pressing against the soft fabric of her bra
and aching for touch.

She had to have relief and merely rubbing her
breasts along the edge of the table wasn't getting it done anymore.
As she watched Holly reach down to the cusp of Katrina's glistening
cleft on one monitor, while Marla rolled and writhed on the other,
she leaned back in her swivel chair, unfastened her blouse, and
pulled her bra up over the top of her breasts. The underwire of her
bra caught on her extended nipples and sent a thrill to her core so
intense, it made her suck in her breath. Finally, she could stand
it no more and dropped her pen to the floor as she reached up and
squeezed her breasts. Her knees squeezed together as fingers
glanced over her raw exposed nipples. On the monitors, all three
participants were now moving, touching, writhing, and throwing
their heads back in such pure unabashed ecstasy that the feeling
permeated the control room. Joanne felt like she was physically
present in both rooms at once, taking part in both sending and
receiving at the same time.

She found herself moving into a more natural
position, placing her feet on the table edge as she forced her
chair back to its limits. She bit her lip as her hand, as if having
a mind of its own, found its way under her skirt, and into the hem
of her panties, until her fingers slid past her sensitive nub and
into a cascading stream of wetness within her folds.


The more Holly engaged Katrina, the more
feedback she received. She was still fondling Katrina's breasts
when the feedback took on a course of its own, setting a wet path
down her torso and around her bellybutton. This was not just simply
feedback of her own actions, someone was giving her remote tactile
sensations the same way she was sending them. It was an eerie
sensation, but completely erotic. She knew the feelings did not
come from Katrina but they felt as real as if someone else were in
the room with them. She felt the weight of this person against her,
smelled the flowery perfume on her skin.

In response to her newfound partner, she
followed suit, making her own salty trail of wetness down Katrina's
torso. In an attempt to regain control, she circled Katrina's
bellybutton twice and continued downward, running her hands along
Katrina's back until reaching the curve of her ample backside.
Holly squeezed a cheek in each hand and pushed Katrina forward on
the bed as she leaned back to position herself directly below her
musky wet folds.

Katrina let out a moan that echoed off the
room's walls as Holly pressed her tongue to her outer folds and
moved along the length of her slit. Holly couldn't help but let a
moan escape her own lips as she felt a ghost tongue slide down her
own torso until soft weightless lips encircled her aching clit. She
bucked at the sensation but the sensation remained, as if some
glorious entity held fast to her. As the ghost mouth remained, her
sensitive clit held within a warm wet cocoon, invisible hands moved
across her breasts, sending a lightning bolt of pleasure through
her as they brushed across her petrified nipples.

She moaned against the sensation, and that
caused Katrina to cry out again. If Katrina only knew, the pleasure
she received was a mere shadow of what was being sent to her by
this ghostly lover. She wanted to return the pleasure given her, so
she moved into Katrina harder, sucking her clit through her pursed
lips and holding it within the wet folds of her lips while flicking
her tongue sideways across it. At the same time, she filled her
hands with Katrina's breasts, massaging her nipples and running her
hands around her areolas in wide slow circles. Everything she did
to Katrina and every sensation she projected to her subject came
back to her, two-fold.

Katrina emitted a growling sound through her
clinched jaw, and grabbed at Holly's hair, pushing her face hard
against her. Holly felt her spasms against her lips and let her
clit slip out of her mouth, giving her room to work two fingers
slowly into her. Almost as soon her fingers were in, she felt the
same sensation as warm ghostly fingers probed inside her. She
screamed out creating an echo of her own off the walls before
diving back into Katrina, lapping at her with a vengeance, while
thrusting her fingers in, turning them slightly against the rapidly
contracting walls.

Pleasure washed over her like a tidal wave,
and she gave in to it, her entire body stiffening and vibrating
from within. She pushed Katrina's spent body away from her and
closed her eyes, allowing the colors of her climax to permeate her
soul. The world went away and her ecstasy-racked body became
weightless. She saw a vision of her disembodied lover come into
focus, but the sight was beyond her eyes, streaming directly into
the deepest, darkest regions of her soul. Loving eyes stared at her
approvingly, and she felt as if she stared back. A smile formed
across the face of her new lover and an eternal connection was
made. She knew, at that very instance, the woman looking at her
possessed the same talents and powers she possessed—they were one
in spirit and formed a connection beyond mere sexual intimacy.

The face subsided into the darkness and Holly
again felt the weight of her own body as she collapsed into the
bed, Katrina still straddling her face. She rested for what seemed
like hours before she was able to muster the strength to move.
Katrina had moved minutes before, and was already getting dressed.
Reluctantly, she did the same.


Marla reeled from the pleasure provided her
by this unseen entity. It was a little scary at first but the
wonderful sensations quenched her fear, smothering it like fingers
pinching a candle's flame. Unseen fingers now massaged her breasts
and the slightest brush across her nipples made them rise
instantly, pinching the skin around them tight as they hardened.
She wanted to return the pleasure she was given, but with no
physical presence, found it difficult to channel her energy.
Concentrating on the source of the ghostly fingers—the soul
connected to the energy—she sent out her own aura like tentacles of
a sea creature, in search of a more physical connection.

To her amazement, she established a greater
psychic contact with the one sending her pleasure. She found her
connection went beyond mere aura or energy. She felt the physical
being of another. She reached out into the air and felt soft warm
skin. An entire body formed in her mind and she craned her head up
and felt the warmth of skin on her lips. She sensed a reaction to
her touch. The entity moved against her lips. It was so real, she
tasted the saltiness of skin, smelled perfume in the air. Marla
trailed kisses downward until her head rested again on the bed. Her
tongue caught a depression, and she knew it immediately as a
bellybutton, so she circled it, lapping up the slightly salty
warmth, feeling miniscule little hairs stand up against her

BOOK: Surrogate
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