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Authors: Jenesi Ash

Swap (2 page)

BOOK: Swap
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“It only has to be one time,” Jamie promised.
“Only?” Mia's voice rose. “One time is all it takes to ruin everything.”
“I don't understand. Are you worried that you're going to ruin things with Aidan, or are you afraid that you might want something more than what Aidan can provide?”
“Both!” Mia winced when she realized what she said.
Jamie pursed her lips as her eyebrows lifted up. “I think we have made a breakthrough.”
Mia wished she could take that answer back. She wasn't afraid of anything. If her relationship with her boyfriend wasn't working, she would end it. She wasn't hanging on to Aidan because he was her first.
“Listen,” Mia said quietly as she picked her words with care. “Things are good with Aidan and me. So what if I want something more or different in the bedroom? I'm not going to rock the boat.”
“Then I'll do it for you. What are friends for?”
“No, Jamie.” Mia grabbed her friend's arm before the woman went downstairs and confronted Aidan. “Forget I said anything. It's not worth the risk. I'm not going to act on it even if you hand me the opportunity on a silver platter.”
Jamie gave her a long, searching look. “Okay, fine,” she finally said. “If that's what you want.”
“Fine?” That was all she had to say? Jamie was giving up her idea too easily. “What are you up to?”
“Nothing.” Jamie shook off Mia's hold. “You don't want to do it, so we won't.”
Mia watched her friend with narrowed eyes as she gathered the bag of clothes. Jamie looked up. “Don't you trust me?”
Jamie smiled, not the least bit offended. “I won't bring it up again. Pinky swear.”
Mia watched as Jamie held her little finger up. Jamie never broke a pinky swear, but Mia felt like she was missing a loophole. Then again, Jamie was moving out of town in a week. How much trouble could she cause in such a short time?
Mia stiffened when she heard Aidan's low, rough voice at the foot of the stairs. How long had he been there? “Do you think he heard us?” she whispered.
“I wish he did,” Jamie muttered. “It would make everything so much easier.”
“Shush!” Mia took a deep breath and called out to Aidan. “Yeah, honey?”
“Are you going to be up there all night?”
“I'm coming down right now”—she looked at the mess in Jamie's attic bedroom—“unless you need me here.”
“Go on to bed. I'm fine,” Jamie assured her. “Anyway, Caleb is coming over soon. Perfect time to empty out my sex toy drawer, don't you think?”
Mia's stomach clenched at the mention of Caleb. She couldn't believe Jamie had offered to lend him. She didn't think she could look him in the eye ever again. “All in one night? I don't think even you can handle that kind of marathon.”
“Not all of the toys are for me.” She wagged her eyebrows suggestively.
Mia playfully covered her ears. “I don't want to know.”
Jamie's smile grew wide. “Yeah, you do.”
“Good night, Jamie,” she said with a hint of warning. “I'll help you out some more tomorrow before I go to work.”
“Sweet dreams.”
Yeah, right, Mia thought sourly. Jamie knew exactly what Mia was going to dream about because she had put the idea in to Mia's head!
Mia headed for the stairs and saw Aidan waiting for her at the bottom step. Her heart gave a funny flip, and she felt a burst of energy warming her. It didn't matter if she'd just seen him an hour ago. Her senses always responded to him like that.
She walked down the stairs and took in his appearance. Aidan wasn't tall or muscle-bound, but she could have sworn that he filled the doorway. She noted, not for the first time, that he was a study in contrasts. Aidan's black hair was cut ruthlessly short, but he always sported an unshaven look. He wore only casual clothes like T-shirts and jeans, yet his stance was anything but relaxed.
As a personal trainer for the local gym, Aidan followed a rigorous exercise regimen that would exhaust a lesser man. His body was hard and powerful, but he could be very tender and gentle with Mia.
“Sorry, Aidan.” She grabbed his hand and linked her fingers with his. His touch still made her pulse skip a beat as heat coiled deep in her belly. “I was helping Jamie pack, but she has so much stuff she needs to get rid of.”
“I'm not complaining. I know you want to spend as much time as possible with her before she leaves.” He drew her close until she was hip to hip with him, and Mia was tempted to curl into his side. She always felt petite and delicate against Aidan.
She didn't want to think about her best friend leaving. She knew once Jamie crossed the state line, nothing would ever be the same. Jamie might come back for a visit, but she would never return to stay. Clover Bud was too small a town to hold someone like Jamie for long.
Mia, on the other hand, reveled in the cozy atmosphere the sleepy town had to offer. It was comfortable knowing everything about her neighbors. She knew every inch of Clover Bud and enjoyed the gentle rhythm of the seasons and traditions.
The only time her routine was disrupted was when she was in the bedroom with Aidan. When she was with him, she was a different person. She took risks. She was wild and bold.
But it wasn't the real her. Or, at least, she didn't want it to be. Sometimes it scared her because she felt out of control. She would often beg Aidan to tie her up or pin her down. It made her feel safer.
She wanted to be strong, powerful, and fearless, but when she was with Aidan, she clung to him and needed his guidance, knowing that otherwise she would get caught up in swirling dark emotions. She didn't like her submissive tendencies or her need for bondage. She was almost embarrassed by her transformation in bed.
She needed to change that, Mia decided as she silently guided Aidan to her bedroom. Tonight she was going to accept her wild abandon. She would not ask to be tied up. In fact, she would take charge.
Mia stopped at the threshold of her bedroom and turned to Aidan. She stood on her tiptoes and linked her hands behind his head, claiming his mouth with hers.
She kissed Aidan aggressively, a potent mix of excitement and trepidation sparkling in her blood. But his mouth didn't soften against hers. Was he surprised? Or turned off ?
Mia retreated slightly, nibbling his mouth and swiping the tip of her tongue along his bottom lip. Aidan gave a sexy murmur and parted his lips, allowing her entrance. Triumphant, she drove her tongue into his mouth.
She ground her lips against his, the white heat zipping through her veins. Her nipples tingled; her breasts were full and heavy. Mia wiggled her hips, fighting against the swelling, wet sensations flooding her body.
Gliding her hands over his chest, she murmured her approval of his chiseled muscles and the steady beat of his heart. Aidan loved having his chest rubbed. He groaned, the sound vibrating deeply. Mia needed to get closer and dipped her hand under his T-shirt. His skin was warm, and her fingertips caught in the whorls of his springy dark hair.
She shoved Aidan's shirt up, exposing his washboard abs. As she pulled the shirt over his head, she trailed her fingers along the defined muscles of his arms, shivering as she remembered how they flexed and tightened. How could she overpower such a man? And did she really want to?
Mia shivered as Aidan's large hands roamed over her back, his fingertips gently teasing her spine. Her resolve was disintegrating, and she wanted to cling to him, but the tension in his movements alerted her that he was holding back. Why hadn't he taken over? Was he biding his time, or could he tell that she needed to be in charge, just this once?
Mia reluctantly pulled away until he couldn't touch her. Aidan frowned as his hands dropped to his sides. She darted her tongue against her lips, not sure what her next move should be.
She decided to strip off her clothes. It would have to be quick, and she had to keep out of his reach, because Aidan could never keep his hands off her naked body. Mia took off her pink camisole top with more force than necessary. She felt her small breasts bob freely as she pulled off the shirt and tossed it on the floor.
Mia kept her gaze on Aidan, watching his eyes flare with lust as she shimmied out of her gray hipster shorts. She hooked her thumbs over her thong, already damp from her arousal, as she dragged it down her legs.
She stood proudly in front of him with her hands on her hips. Her nipples puckered, and her skin was hot to the touch. Mia reached up and pulled the rubber band from her hair, giving her long blond tresses a good shake. She was aware of the rapid rise and fall of her chest. Mia stood on the balls of her feet, ready to move fast if Aidan lunged for her.
Aidan stayed where he was, his hands clenched to his sides. She saw a tremor sweep his strong body and knew he was definitely holding back. A renegade thought occurred to her: Had he heard her discussion with Jamie? A heavy knot formed in her stomach. She studied his face and dismissed the idea once she saw the desire gleaming from his dark brown eyes.
“Touch yourself,” Aidan said hoarsely.
Mia knew she should refuse and tell him to touch himself. She would enjoy that, but not as much as she would have fun putting on a show for him. Even better, if she masturbated in front of him, she would control the pace.
She covered her breasts with her hands, fondling them the same way Aidan would. She squeezed tightly, pushing them together. Mia pinched her nipples hard, gasping when they stung.
Aidan took a step toward her and then stepped back. He folded his arms across his chest, as if he knew that was the only way to keep from touching her. “Lean against the bed,” he suggested.
It was a good idea. Her legs felt a little wobbly, but she didn't want to lie down. That was when she was vulnerable. Leaning against the bedpost would keep her on an equal level with Aidan.
Mia rested against one of the posts, the hard wooden corner biting into her shoulder. She jutted her hips out and cupped her sex. Sliding her finger along her wet slit, she bit her bottom lip to prevent a guttural moan escaping from her throat.
“Show me how you like it,” Aidan said.
Oh, she'd show him. Mia widened her legs and showed him her glistening pussy. She caressed her clit with one finger, her movements quick. She rocked her hips against her hand, but it wasn't enough. She needed something more. She needed Aidan's touch.
“Kiss me,” she moaned as she felt the urgent need winding tight in her pelvis.
Aidan slowly walked over and stood before her. He unfolded his arms but didn't touch her. His body heat enveloped her as her lips tingled in anticipation of a kiss.
“Keep touching yourself,” he said.
Mia frowned and wondered why he wouldn't touch or kiss her. She stroked her clit, her breath snagging in her throat as pleasure rippled gently through her body. She wanted to feel powerful and strong, but she didn't want to do everything by herself.
“Lick my nipples,” she told him, but her raspy voice ruined the commanding tone she was going for.
A wicked gleam shone from his eyes. “Feed them to me.”
Mia cupped the underside of one breast and arched her spine, offering him a taste. Aidan lowered his head, never taking his gaze off her face. The tip of his tongue darted from his mouth, and he swirled it along her nipple.
She gasped, his touch sending a fiery jolt through her bloodstream. Mia reached up and cupped the back of his head, her fingers spearing through his short black hair. She tried to draw him closer, but Aidan resisted.
“Keep touching yourself,” Aidan said as his tongue flicked against her tight nipple. “Otherwise I'll need to tie you up.”
Mia closed her eyes as his words triggered a quaking through her. She lowered her hand and stopped in midair. She couldn't deny the piercing longing. It didn't matter what she had planned; she really needed to be tied up tonight.
She defiantly placed both hands on the back of his head and guided him closer to her aching breasts. From Aidan's smile, she knew he approved of this decision. He stepped away and walked to the chest of drawers.
Pulling out the bottom drawer, Aidan retrieved two leather cuffs. Mia's core clenched when the metal chains caught the light. Her pulse skipped a beat as the thin skin prickled around her wrists.
She licked her lips as she watched Aidan approach her with the bindings in his strong hands. Why did she make this decision? How was she supposed to feel strong and powerful when Aidan chained her to the bed?
Mia was surprised when Aidan took one of her wrists and expertly bound her to the bedpost. She thought he would ask her to lie down on the mattress like he usually did. He took her other wrist and bound it on the opposite post. Her arms were stretched as she stood naked at the foot of the bed, facing him.
Aidan stepped back and gave a devilish smile as he studied his handiwork. “Now I will lick your nipples.”
He went down on her hungrily, the edge of his teeth scraping her nipples as his fingers crushed her breasts. She writhed under him, the metal chain rattling as she pulled at her bindings. Her inability to move made every lick, every bite more intense.
As her moans echoed in her ears, Aidan knelt down, licking a trail down her stomach. Mia watched his descent and felt an incredible rush of power. This was what she liked: Aidan on his knees, pleasuring her.
He knew exactly how to touch her. The muscles in her stomach bunched as he stabbed his tongue into her navel. She shied away when he brushed the gentlest kiss on her hip bone.
Aidan pushed her legs apart and kissed along her inner thigh. Each breath she took was painful as she found the anticipation tormenting. When he finally covered her pussy with his mouth, Mia cried out. She bucked against his face, her cuffs jingling.
BOOK: Swap
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