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Authors: Jenesi Ash

Swap (3 page)

BOOK: Swap
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She instinctively tried to reach for him, and the cuffs yanked her back. The burn racing down her arms heightened the pleasure throbbing in her core. “More,” she whispered.
“More?” His breath was hot and steamy against her skin. “Like this?”
Aidan teased her with her mouth. His tongue circled her clit without pressing down on the swollen nub. Mia swiveled her hips, desperate to feel the pressure of his mouth against the insistent throbbing, but Aidan clenched his hands on her hips and held her still.
“Harder,” she told him. She knew her tone was sharp and abrupt, but she didn't care. So what if she was bound to the bed? He was on his knees pleasuring her. She could have just as much power as Aidan.
“Like this?” he asked innocently as he laved his tongue along her slit. Sparks popped under her skin as she felt the rush of heat down her shoulders and back.
Mia closed her eyes as the desperation clawed at her. Aidan wasn't going to give what she wanted until she surrendered to him. The quest to gain power was clouded by the urgent need for satisfaction.
She sagged forward, her head dipping down in defeat. “Please,” she whispered.
Her body trembled as she waited for his next move. Aidan captured her clit with his thumb and forefinger. She reared back as he pinched the nub, as the wild lust uncoiled deep within her, whipping through her body.
Mia cried out as if the desire lashed her. She felt like she was splintering into a million pieces. She froze when Aidan delved his tongue deep in her core. She came violently as he licked her drenched pussy.
Shivers continued to rack her body as he greedily lapped her wetness. When he was done, she could barely stand up; the bindings were the only things holding her up. Aidan got to his feet, and she noticed his movements were shaky as he ripped off his jeans.
He stood before her naked, and Mia's stomach fluttered at the sight. Aidan's hard cock eagerly pointed up and slapped against his tight stomach. He grabbed one of her legs and hooked it over his hip. He wrapped his hand around his cock, wincing at the touch, and guided the wet tip against her sex.
Mia took a deep breath right before he thrust into her. His cock filled and stretched her. His hot, sweat-slicked chest rubbed against her breasts as his fingers dug into her hips and legs. She barely noticed any of this, her world centered on meeting each savage thrust.
Aidan bent his head and placed his mouth behind her ear, suckling a sensitive spot there until she was struggling against her bindings. She wasn't trying to get away—she was trying to get closer.
Mia knew then she would never be as strong and powerful in bed as her lover. She shouldn't bother trying. Whenever she was near him, she felt naked. She was defenseless to Aidan's sexual allure and too weak to fight her addiction for his touch.
Yet she couldn't help but wish that one day she would conquer Aidan with her own sexual power.
Jamie collapsed on the bed next to Caleb. She gulped for air as her heart pounded in her ears. She was sweaty and bone-tired, but that didn't prevent her from curling her leg around his. His skin was hot to the touch, but Caleb didn't move away. Jamie wasn't much into cuddling, but she was tempted to nestle into his arms.
She reached up and plucked the blindfold from his face. Caleb blinked and Jamie was mesmerized by his soulful brown eyes. His forehead creased as he looked around to gather his bearings. He glanced at the window and saw the first streaks of dawn. “It's morning already?” he asked.
“Time flies when you're having fun.” And when she was clean ing out her goody drawer. Fortunately, Caleb had the stamina to try some of her toys out one last time.
She was going to miss him. Jamie was surprised by that realization, probably because it had more to do than with Caleb being the perfect playmate. When she was with him, she didn't have to worry about him seeing her at her worst.
Jamie knew she was difficult and didn't get along with others. As far as she was concerned, there was no need to change. She didn't do relationships and refused to be pinned down. She ran from any expectations and made it clear not to rely on her for anything.
Mia was the exception. Their friendship was the only constant thing in Jamie's life. While boyfriends came and went, Mia had accepted Jamie wholeheartedly, taking the good and the bad and never trying to change her.
It had been that way from the beginning. There had never been any discussion or promises to be friends forever. Jamie would do anything for Mia. Her friend never had to ask for help, because Jamie was already there at her side.
Much to her surprise, Caleb was beginning to show the same unswerving acceptance. It made Jamie nervous, because she didn't do anything to earn it, and it was simply a matter of time before she made a mistake and ruined everything, just like she always did. She wasn't purposely destructive in relationships—she just never got the hang of them.
Jamie glanced at Caleb, taking in his longish brown hair and his narrow face. He wasn't handsome or even cute. But there was something about his face from his aristocratic nose and high cheekbones to his dark eyes that had grabbed her attention.
It had taken her a while to figure out what made him fascinating. It turned out to be something very simple: He was everything she wasn't. His body was as lean and lanky as she was all voluptuous curves. Her skin looked golden against his paleness. She was loud and brash, while he laughed quietly.
They appeared to have nothing in common, but it turned out they had the same greedy approach to life. They wanted to live in the moment, experience everything new and different. Caleb was just as willing as Jamie to step out of their comfort zone in search of something exciting.
Jamie brushed her damp hair from her forehead and watched Caleb's smooth chest rise and fall and found her breath matching his. She realized she'd been with Caleb longer than with any other guy. Okay, so there had been other guys on the side, but he knew that. Jamie didn't do exclusive.
A random thought entered her mind. She could take Caleb with her when she left Clover Bud. Jamie could easily see him in the passenger seat of her old car, encouraging her to ignore the map and go where the road led her.
She knew Caleb wanted to go with her. He had offered several times, but she had instinctively shot him down. For a moment she wavered, ready to invite him. Caleb was someone she could count on. She trusted him, which said a lot. But was she ready for this type of commitment?
No, she wasn't going to play it safe. Now wasn't the time to hold on to something familiar. Jamie rolled away before she said something she'd regret.
She needed to make a clean break from the people she knew and the only town she had lived in. That meant walking away with nothing to pull her down or hold her back. She was determined to travel as light as possible, taking only what she could fit in her car.
She should have moved out months ago, Jamie thought as she sat up in the bed. If she didn't leave now, the one relationship she relied on would be in danger. She should have known that she would eventually mess up her one true friendship, all because she lusted after the one person she couldn't—shouldn't—seduce.
Jamie didn't know if it was becoming obvious. She needed to leave before Mia figured it out. Mia already could see that Jamie was hiding something. Jamie already felt guilty, and she didn't need to see the hurt in Mia's eyes every day for retreating.
Sighing deeply, Jamie pushed the thought aside and bunched the blindfold in her hand. She tossed it in the box next to her bed. Looking at the jumble of sex toys she was throwing away, Jamie wryly decided it was a sort of timeline of her sex life. Some of the toys had been used once and then forgotten. They were too tame or not powerful enough for her. They were a lot like the men she met in Clover Bud.
The other toys she hadn't played with very often because of lack of opportunity. The few men who could keep up with her didn't like toys. They had hang-ups when it came to vibrators and dildos. The only man who showed any enthusiasm was Caleb.
She looked in the drawer and smiled. “Only one toy left,” she told Caleb.
She hooked the strap-on harness onto her finger and lifted it from the drawer. Her pussy tingled as she studied the contraption. The black vinyl and thick purple dildo looked fierce and threatening. Dangerous. Jamie couldn't wait to wear it. Every time she buckled it on, she felt a rush of power that she couldn't find anywhere else.
Caleb was the only guy who bent over for her. The only man who didn't fight for control. The primitive need to take the dominant role coursed hotly through her blood.
She wanted to invade Caleb's body. It had to be rough and fast. Jamie inhaled slowly as the need pulsed heavily in her. She would do this just once more, and then she'd toss the dildo away. There was no telling when she'd get the chance to do it again.
Caleb groaned and closed his eyes, knowing he was in for a wild ride. “Let me catch my breath.”
She jerked when she heard the rattle of the old pipes in the house. Just like clockwork, Mia was up and taking a shower. Jamie gave an impatient sigh. Unlike her friend, she couldn't stand routine. When each new day brought the feeling of déjà vu, it was time to shake things up.
Only she might have shaken things so much that she couldn't put them back in place. Jamie winced, wondering why she had to push her luck with Mia right before she left. She always had bad timing. Hadn't she learned from her past mistakes?
“What's wrong?” Caleb asked.
She stiffened, unaware that Caleb had been watching her. Worse, he was beginning to read her easily. “I think I went too far with Mia,” she confessed.
Caleb turned toward Jamie and tucked his arm under his head. “What did you do?”
Where did she begin? “Mia was a virgin when she met Aidan,” she said with an incredulous chuckle and shook her head. “Can you believe that?”
Caleb's eyebrows rose. “And she's a friend of yours?”
“Ha. Ha.” Jamie playfully swatted at him. “Believe me, I didn't understand her decision to wait for Mr. Right”—she rolled her eyes at the term—“but that was what she wanted.”
His eyes narrowed with suspicion. “So where do you come into this?”
Jamie wasn't sure how to explain her role. It was going to make her look bad. Normally she didn't care what people thought of her, but Caleb's opinion of her was beginning to matter more than it should.
She stood up and looked away, keeping her hands busy by sliding on the vinyl. If there was one way to distract a man, it was putting on a dildo harness. “Once I leave, Mia is going to get stuck in a rut,” Jamie said. “She never tries anything new unless I'm dragging her into it.”
“Never,” Jamie repeated as she adjusted the straps and buckles. She knew she wasn't exaggerating about Mia. Her friend was practically allergic to change. “Which is why I made a”—she tried to think of a noninflammatory word—“suggestion. I told her to try out some other guys before she settles on the first man she slept with.”
She gave a quick glance at Caleb. Her heart took a dive when she saw his mouth sagging open. Great, she'd managed to drop a bombshell on the one man who couldn't be shocked. It was official: She had gone too far with Mia.
“Jamie,” he said in a growl of warning, “don't interfere with Mia and Aidan.”
It was so cute when Caleb put his foot down. Jamie stroked her silicone cock, already warming up under her hand. “I'm only making sure that Mia will be happy,” she said in her own defense. “I'm not going to be around to keep an eye on her.”
“Aidan can do that,” Caleb pointed out.
Jamie made a face. “Aidan is going to protect his own interests.” She gripped the silicone cock in her fist, enjoying the sense of power flooding her.
Caleb's eyes drifted to her hands, and she saw the ruddy color seeping into his face. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes with his hands in an attempt to stay focused. “Okay, Jamie. Spill it. What exactly did you suggest?”
She gave a little shrug and crawled back onto the bed. “I suggested to Mia that we swap sex partners.”
Caleb's eyebrows shot up. He opened and closed his mouth, but didn't say anything as if words had escaped him.
“With your agreement, of course,” she hastily added.
Cynicism flashed in his eyes. “Of course.”
“But it's not going to happen,” she said with a pout as she straddled Caleb's chest, the purple dildo thrusting in his face. “Aidan would never agree.”
“Don't be too sure about that,” Caleb said as the dildo diverted his attention. “You are offering a man a sexual fantasy few get to enjoy.”
She had a feeling Caleb had already experienced that kind of fantasy. Several times. One of the things she liked about Caleb was that he had no boundaries when it came to sex, just like her. He'd seen and done it all, and kept coming back for more.
His vast experience wasn't what made him the perfect lover. Jamie had been won over by his refusal to judge her. She could be wild and nasty or sweet and romantic. Her moods and secret desires never fazed him. For someone who scandalized the entire town on a daily basis, this could be somewhat unnerving.
Jamie guided the purple dildo and teasingly circled it around Caleb's lips. “Would you do it if I asked?”
“Do I need your permission?” he asked, his voice suddenly cold.
“I thought we had no claim on each other. If I wanted to sleep with Mia, I would go ahead and do it. Wasn't that our agreement?”
BOOK: Swap
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