Read Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2) Online

Authors: E.S. Carter

Tags: #Romance

Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2) (31 page)

BOOK: Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2)
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Guilt, anger, even shame to some extent.

Emma spoke with none of those weak emotions in her voice. She is courageous, almost fearless, even when her voice falters requiring her to take a few moments to compose herself. I am struck by how truly amazing my girl is.

She eloquently speaks of her pain, the darkness that threatened to consume her and how she got through it and found her light again.

She astounds me.

She beguiles me.

She eclipses everyone and everything around her.

So it’s no surprise when the journalist offers to put her in touch with some foundations that would relish the opportunity to work with her back in the U.K.

Everyone who comes in contact with my girl cannot fail to be blown away.


hen we get back to our hotel I try not to overwhelm her with how much today has affected me, so when she goes to take a shower, I give H a quick call.

I’ve spoken to him every day since his surgery and it’s heartening to hear him becoming more himself every time we speak. Knowing that tomorrow is his first chemo, I want to make sure he’s coping with everything.

He’s joked a few times with me about his ‘new and improved nuts’ but the jokes have little feeling behind them and fall painfully flat.

H may be a clown but I know him better than anyone and he’s a clown with a very soft, very sensitive heart.


ey buddy, what’s happening?” he answers after just one ring.

“I’m good H, I’ve got my first day off in ages tomorrow and plan on taking Emmy to see the sights before we fly back to the U.K. for a few days. So buck up because you get the pleasure of my company by the weekend.”

“Awesome, find me a hot ‘Aussie Sheila’ and hide her in your suitcase for me, I could do with some
down under

I laugh at the innuendo, “You’re a sick little puppy H but it’s good to hear you’ve got your mojo back.”

“Well there’s no point in being down J. I’m sure I’ll feel like shit again by the time you see me after the chemo, so don’t expect an encore. My wit might be all zapped out by then.”

I ignore the slight melancholy in his voice and try to keep the humour flowing.

“It’ll just be good to see you, I don’t care if you’re too tired to say a word, I’ll just get to do all the talking for a change. Be nice to get a word in edgeways anyway.”

He barks out a laugh, “You cheeky bastard, you’d miss my mad linguistic skills.”

“That I would buddy, that I would.”

“Well get back to your TV chat shows or whatever the hell you are doing over there, I need my beauty sleep and you’ve woken me up so I’m off for some shut eye.”

“You realise no amount of beauty sleep will make you as pretty as me right?”

“Yeah yeah pretty boy, give Emmy a kiss from me.”

“Laters H.”

He hangs up and I can’t help but worry about him, although I’m happy that I get to spend a day or two visiting him soon.


walk over to the bathroom to check that Emmy is still occupied in the shower before I make a call to Nate.

I don’t want her overhearing this conversation.

“Hey bro did I wake you?”

Nate’s gravelly voice fills my ear, “Yes, so it’d better be important.” He muffles the phone for a second and I can hear him telling Liv that it’s just me on the line.

“Liv said she can’t wait to see Emmy’s face on Saturday, all the plans are in place, they have accepted your offer and Liv is setting up whatever scheme you’ve got her involved in.”

“Good girl. Tell her thanks for me.”

“So are you bricking it?” I don’t answer him straight away because I’m not sure; am I bricking it?

“No bro I’m not, it feels right; no matter how she reacts to the surprise, I know it feels right.” I even shock myself with this admission.

Hearing Emmy turn off the shower I move to quickly end the call.

“Gotta go Nate, can’t have Emmy overhearing. See you Saturday morning. Don’t worry about picking us up for the airport; we have a car service arranged.”

“Okay bro, talk soon.”


mmy emerges from the bathroom seconds later; her wet hair and glistening skin beckoning me like a siren.

We spend the night in bed, making love, ordering room service and talking about the events of the day. She falls asleep on my chest and I watch her in slumber, drinking in her beauty, relishing in her weight on mine.

Saturday cannot come soon enough and if Tina arranges everything her end, I’ll have FML out of my life for good and Emmy in my arms forever.

I go to sleep with dreams of the future on my mind and a smile on my lips.

The following day we spend together discovering the delights of Sydney.

It amazes me how Emmy comes alive when she gets to experience new things; the new sights and sounds appear to be nourishing her soul.

It’s addictive being able to give her this, being able to live through her joy vicariously.

Watching her come alive makes me come alive.

The night is again spent locked in each other’s embrace.

I will never get enough her; I hope that when we are old and grey she will still want me the way I know I will want her.

It’s more than a physical need; I can’t explain it but I know that I need her on a emotional and spiritual level too.

She is my other half, the string that binds my very being, making me complete, whole and to some extent, finally a man and not a selfish boy.


fter spending Friday morning buying gifts for everyone at Emmy’s request, we board the plane to fly home and I am practically vibrating with excitement, something that she does not miss.

“What’s going on, you’re acting like a child on Christmas Eve, missed home that much have you?”

She smiles at me while buckling her seatbelt in preparation for take off.

“Just eager to see H, what can I say I’ve missed my wing man.” I wink at her and she seems to buy my excuse.

The first class stewardess comes over to us offering drinks; I ignore her blatantly obvious attempts at flirting, she can surely see, by the fact that my hand is in Emmy’s, that I’m taken.

Why do women do that? Flirt with a man when he is obviously with his girl?

I was once a man of loose morals but I never went after another bloke’s girl, well not while he was around anyway.

Emmy squeezes my hand, the smirk on her face letting me know that she finds the whole thing hilarious.

Only my girl could think another woman hitting on me in front of her as funny. It just goes to show that she is secure in her feelings for me and in mine for her.

The realisation warms my chest and I place a small kiss to the corner of her upturned mouth.

“What was that for?” her grin deepens.

“Because you’re mine.”

She shakes her head and playfully rolls her eyes before looking out of the window at the ground disappearing below us.

Little does she know that I plan on ensuring that she’s mine forever very, very soon.


wenty one hours later we land at Heathrow; while some Redlight reps usher us through baggage claim, I surreptitiously send a text.


All set?


y phone vibrates in my pocket a few moments later and when Emmy quickly uses the restroom, I pull out my phone to check the reply.


All set. Leave Emmy with Liv when u visit H and she will do the rest


t’s show time.

One more text to Tina and everything will be in place.


Did she sign the forms?


t takes mere seconds for her to reply.


All signed, sealed and delivered to every newspaper in the country. Hope it was worth it.


huge grin breaks out across my face just as Emmy walks out of the restroom.

She returns my beaming smile and I know that it was worth every fucking penny.

ome isn’t four walls and a roof, it’s within you; it resides with the few people that you let into your heart.


hen Jake drops me off at Nate’s place and the door opens to reveal my father and Liv standing there, I know that I’m home.

They envelope me in their arms and I am instantly surrounded by Liv’s excited giggling and my fathers familiar scent; I want to bottle up this feeling so that I can have it with me always.

“I’ve missed you Pud.”

My father’s shaky words cause Liv to step away from our group hug to give us a little space.

“I’ll just pop the kettle on and let you two catch up.” She smiles knowingly before leaving us alone in the living room.

Dad releases me slightly, takes a step back and examines me from head to toe.

“You look well, the tan suits you.” his eyes are glassy but filled with love.

I take in his rumpled clothing, mismatched socks and two week beard, “You look ……. different. Are you taking care of yourself? Where are you staying now?”

He looks at me with a weak smile, “Stop worrying about me Pud, I’m fine. Living on my own is a new challenge but I’m doing okay. Now tell me all about your adventures.”

We sit on the huge corner sofa and Liv returns with tea for us all; I spend the next hour filling them in on everywhere I’ve been, the things I’ve seen and the even interview with Cosmo.

“On my God Em, you’re bloody famous. My bestie is famous!” Liv over-enthusiastically gushes, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and pulling me into a tight hug.

“I wouldn’t go that far but I do have a few people to call while we are in the U.K. with regards to helping out at a few charities, kind of like an ambassador of sorts I guess.”

This peaks her interest and I go on to explain about
Child Bereavement UK
Rape Crisis UK.
Both are charities that Kate from Cosmo put me in touch with and after just a few emails, I know that this is something I would love to be part of as soon as we return to the U.K. fulltime.

Dad takes my hand in his and gives it a little squeeze, “I’m proud of you Pud; you’ve been through so much and yet you came out the other side stronger. Not only are you stronger but you’re about to use it to help others. You, as Liv would say,
rock my world.”

Tears fill my eyes and a chuckle escapes my lips, “Please don’t pick up any more of Liv’s phrases, it’s all kinds of wrong.”

Liv elbows me in the side for my remark, “Hey, what’s wrong with the way I speak?”

“Nothing, when you say it but would you want your father saying things like
rocks my world?”
she shakes her head at me laughing.

”No I guess you have a point,” leaning over to look at my father she adds “Best not pull out the
‘I love you lots like jelly tots’
that I taught you yesterday Mr C.”

My father smiles then mimes zipping his mouth shut and throwing away the key, yet another Liv-ism.

Liv looks innocently away and I have to laugh at the both of them. The fact that Liv has taken the time to check up on my Dad while I’ve been gone, fills me with love for my bestie. I never asked her to keep an eye on him, she just did it because that’s the kind of person Liv is; always thoughtful and utterly selfless.


o I have to do something for Nate in a bit, fancy joining me?” Liv asks a little while later.

“Sure, Dad did you want to come with us?”

I stand up to take the empty cups out to the kitchen, catching my father giving Liv a funny look before turning his gaze back to me, “No no, you girls don’t want me cramping your style, I’ll just head back to the Travel Lodge and you can call me later, maybe we can go out for a meal tonight, all of us together? My treat.”

I look from my Dad to Liv and back again, “Sounds good, you want us to give you a lift when we leave?”

“No, its fine I’ll walk, it’s not far from here, besides Nate has a
Sky Sports
subscription and I wanted to catch up with the cricket scores.” He gives me a sheepish smile and proceeds to lean back on the sofa and grab the remote. Soon the sounds of cricket commentary fill the living room reminding me of weekends back home. When I say home, I mean at our house, our old house as it is now. Maybe I should head over there at some point this weekend and grab some stuff to store at Liv or Nate’s. That way I won’t have to bump into my mother in the future because no matter what happens, I never plan on living there again.

BOOK: Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2)
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