Read Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2) Online

Authors: E.S. Carter

Tags: #Romance

Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2) (33 page)

BOOK: Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2)
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“Go get her tiger.” she smacks me on the arse as I head out the door.

Like I said, she is where H gets the majority of his genes from.


hirty minutes later I pull up behind Liv’s car.

The door to the house is wide open and the estate agent is standing just outside, beckoning me in with a beaming smile on her face.

“They have just gone up to the second floor Mr Fox, I think Miss Campbell will be directed to the main bedroom last of all.”

“Thank you for your help Miss Novakovich, I’ll make sure to add a little extra to your fee as a gesture of my thanks.” I give her one of my trademark smiles, even though the nerves have got my stomach twisted up in knots and she blushes slightly.

“The pleasure was all mine Mr Fox.”


head up the carved wooden staircase, mindful of each step I take as I don’t want Emmy to be aware of my presence until I’m ready. Looking in through the open doors of the five other bedrooms on this floor, I find them all empty, which means she’s already been taken into the master suite.

Just as I approach the door, Liv slips out and catches my gaze.

A sneaky smile takes over her mouth and she whispers, “She doesn’t suspect a thing.” She places her hand on my shoulder as she passes and places a soft kiss on my cheek, “Go get our girl.”

I hear her quiet footsteps on the stairs as I push the bedroom door open and I immediately scan the room for signs of Emmy.

The French doors that lead out to the balcony are wide open and a slight breeze whispers across the sheer drapes, making them flutter. The movement of the curtains mimics the feeling I have in the pit of my stomach.

I can speak, act and even go nude on screen in front of millions, but right now I have a serious case of stage fright.

“Pull yourself together.” I mutter under my breath before I quietly walk towards the open doors.

My breath catches as soon as I lay my eyes on her.

She has one hand on the balcony railing and is tucking a strand of her long wavy hair behind her ear with her other, while she leans over to read the final message that I’ve left for her.

No sooner as I step out onto the balcony, than her posture changes and that ever present connection between us comes into full force, rippling across the space between us and skittering across my skin.

I know the moment she has read the words on the Loveheart because the atmosphere changes, like everything has stopped.

No more birds sing in the trees and the gentle breeze that was blowing wisps of her hair stills; it’s like the entire world has stopped spinning, creating a vacuum that contains just us.

Just Jake and Emmy.

Before she turns around the words slip from my lips, unable to be contained. I know that she has just read them and will hopefully realise that the little sweets were left by me, but I still want to voice the question and make it real.

“Marry Me?”

She turns slowly, surprise, love and hope written clearly on her beautiful face.

I take a step towards her, placing my hand in my pocket to pull out the little box that I picked up from the jewellers not a few hours before.

“Be mine forever Emmy, grow old with me, explore the world with me, have children with me, build a home with me ….. Marry me Emmy.”

12 months later……

he rain fell in sheets, drenching everything within seconds.

It was like the heavens had opened and were purging themselves of all the bad, all the sorrow and all the past.

It reminded me of the day before Jake and I got married; I was so worried that the wedding would be a wash out but my father urged me to have faith. He told me that neither James nor Grandma would allow a single drop of rain to fall on our big day.

He was right; the day I became Mrs Fox-Williams was gloriously sunny, almost like the downpour of the day before had cleared the air in preparation for a new beginning.

Only our close friends and family witnessed our vows under a small gazebo in the back yard of the beautiful house that Jake had bought for us.

It was perfect.

A string quartet played music that both Jake and I had chosen. The beautiful sounds of the instruments, weaving their magic on songs by a variety of bands from
, to the
, captured the day perfectly.

We both wrote our own vows, pledging ourselves to one another for the rest of our lives.

It could not have been a more blissful day and sharing it with the people we loved most, was the cherry on the cake.

My mother’s absence didn’t even cross my mind, as the day was filled with more love than most people are lucky enough to experience in a lifetime.


ooking down at my slight bump, I put my feet up and gaze across the vast expanse of lawn, watching my father emerge from the cottage at the bottom of the garden with a brolly over his head in a futile attempt to dodge the rain.

Jake moved him in with us straight after the wedding and I’ve never seen my father happier. It’s like he’s found a whole new lease of life now that he is out from under my mother’s thumb.

I smooth my hands over my six months pregnant belly, while I mentally plan all the extras that I’d like added to the garden before Caleb James arrives.

Jake wants to have a pool built and my Dad has already started a tree house in one of the large oaks.

“I can’t wait to meet you little man, everyone is so excited to see you. I think you could well be the most loved little boy in the entire world.”

I speak to my bump often but today is the first day that baby Caleb responds with a well placed kicked, and I can’t help but giggle at the sensation.

Firm arms wrap around me from behind and Jake nuzzles into my neck, “Just because you’ve taken maternity leave and gave your last speech for
Rape Crisis
last night, doesn’t mean you can neglect your wifely duties you know.” He slips his arms further down to caress my tender and much larger breasts.

“These get more and more irresistible every single day, I think I need to keep you knocked up forever.” He groans into my ear, tweaking my nipple through the fabric of my dress.

I place my hands over his and guide them down to my swollen belly, resting them right where I felt Caleb kick moments ago. Almost in answer to his Daddy’s touch he gives another strong kick which causes Jake to still.

“Is that, did he …. ?” He is speechless and it makes me laugh. This man that has fast become a worldwide superstar is struck dumb by the first feel of his baby boy moving inside me.

“I think he wants to say hello to his Daddy.”

Jake kneels down at my side, his eyes filled with wonder. He looks at me almost for permission and when I nod he places his head right over the same spot.

“Hey, little man, Daddy can’t wait to meet you.” his soft tone fills my heart and I wonder if I could love this man more.

His head shoots up and he looks at me in shock, “The little devil just kicked me in the cheek.”

I let out a hearty laugh, causing my belly to shake, “How do you think I feel being kicked from the inside out.”

He kisses my belly all over and then whispers so low that I have to concentrate to hear him, “Listen little guy, I can’t wait to meet you but you’ve got another three months of cooking to go and Daddy has another three months of hot pregnancy sex to cram in.”

I hit him across the back of the head in mock disgust, “Jake you can’t go saying things like that to him!”

He gives me a devious smile before kissing my belly once more and bringing his lips up to mine, “He’s my son Emmy, do you really think he’s not going to be a lady killer too?”

I kiss him gently and murmur over his mouth “Reformed lady-killer remember”

Deepening our kiss and sending shivers down my spine that pool between my legs, he answers, “Only one girl for me and I’m such a lucky bastard that I get to keep her forever. Say it for me baby.” He places teasing kisses all over my sensitive mouth, “Say it Emmy, don’t deny me baby.”

Licking his full bottom lip I breathe the words straight into his mouth, hoping that they settle deep in his soul.

“I’m yours ….. forever.”

Twenty One is my second book and I have been lucky to have met some amazing people since I hit publish.

To all the authors who have supported me on my writing journey, I don’t want to name you all for fear of missing anyone out but you know who you are. BIG HUGE SNOGS to each and every one of you, I adore you all.

To E’s Elite, the best readers group ever! Thank you for all your support, all of your pimping, your friendships and your love. No goats, mermaids (or nuns) were hurt in the making of this book, although I’m sure that you would have loved for some to be included.

Massive thanks to the following ladies: Cynthia, Mary, Rebecca, Alexandra, Dawn and Sharon, your support has been unending, thank you so much for everything. You ladies are the best betas, teaser makers and cheerleaders a girl could ever want!

A special thanks goes to my Butty Bach for being my light in the darkness, you know who you are and how much I adore you.

I can’t give thanks without mentioning my Yummy Mummies, this group of ladies are who got me through the last five years, you may never read this but I need to tell you I love you girls xx

Finally I want to thank all the blogs out there for sharing, promoting and filling our TBRs with a never ending supply of must reads. You rock!

Did you enjoy Jake & Emma’s story? Please make sure to follow me on Facebook or Twitter to keep up to date with my all my news. I’m sure you will see them again in future books!

BOOK: Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2)
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