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Authors: Lisa Eugene

Wrapped In Shadows (3 page)

BOOK: Wrapped In Shadows
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“He’s just having a little fun!” Michelle dismissed my comment with a wave of her hand. “You will have a great time. I promise. The men here are trained to please women. I hear to get the job they have to measure up to standard.” She grinned widely. “Get it?

I scoffed at her pun, but couldn’t help chuckling. Michelle could always make me laugh no matter how nerve-wracking the circumstance. The wait for Ms. Carmen’s return seemed endless. Finally she entered the room and requested that we follow her. She brought us to a stop outside a nondescript door and I had to take a deep breath.

“Wait in here. All will be arranged,” she said, pushing open the door for me to enter. I suppressed the urge to turn my neck and look behind me.
Was she talking to me?
I heard the theme song to the
Twighlight Zone
as I stepped across the threshold.

I turned back to Michelle and she shot me a reassuring wink and a tiny wave goodbye.

Alone, I walked into some sort of ante-room. It was a small dressing area with a comfortable sofa and coffee table. This room had two doors besides the one I’d just come through. One door was closed, the other door was partially open, offering a view of a large canopy bed situated in the center of an unoccupied room. I scanned the ante-room again and noticed a man’s jacket hanging from the rack in the corner. I caught my lip between my teeth, examining it.

Did that jacket belong to the man who’d be servicing me tonight?
I studied the article of clothing, hoping to glean information about him from his outerwear. It was a large peacoat of dark blue. The buttons had a design that reminded me of a royal crest. Maybe he was Prince Charming, I smiled nervously. Maybe he’d decided to stop off at a sex club on his way to the castle.

The fabric was of excellent quality, neatly stitched and appeared almost brand new. Did that mean he was a man who cared for his things? Was he meticulous and attentive to detail?
Would that make him a better lover?
My eyes landed on small smudges of pink paint on the underside of the cuff and a smaller smudge on the elbow. My brows flew up.
Or was he a filthy pig who’d be slobbering over me all night?
I swallowed hard and swiveled my head toward the door I’d just come through.

Should I head for the hills? Forget this whole thing? Go home and…what? Sulk? Cry? No! I was being ridiculous!
I thought about Michelle’s words. The men here were professionals who were skilled at pleasing women. And tonight my aim was to be pleased, to get drunk on pleasure!

Lifting my chin, I ignored the melancholy that had crawled to the pit of my stomach, and marched into the room with the bed. The decor was surprisingly warm and inviting, and could have easily been a room from my Hampton estate. The hard wood floors were strewn with woven wool mats. Fluffy down comforters were piled onto a high four poster bed, and there was a tufted chair draped with a colorful afghan.

I hadn’t asked what would happen next and had no idea what to do. Was I expected to undress? Should I have done it in that ante-room? I scanned the eerily quiet room as I pushed back my shoulder length hair. The movement caused my earrings to swing and I realized I’d forgotten to take off the matching pearl earrings to my necklace. I fingered the smooth orbs, drinking in the room. It really was beautiful, exuding a sense of safety and comfort. I sat on the edge of the chair beside the bed and anxiously kept my eyes on the door.

I took a deep breath, brushing my hands down the silky material of my dress. Michelle had loaned me a black spaghetti strap dress with a scooped neck bodice that flowed softly around my thighs. I wondered again if I should remove it, but then thought against it. I imagined that
would be an expert at undressing women. It might be a sensual experience to have skillful fingers remove my clothing. Clinging to that thought, I allowed a fiery anticipation to simmer in my body and a thrill buzzed along my spine. I thought about some of the panty-wetting stories Michelle had told me about this place, and although I imagined they might have been somewhat embellished, I allowed my fantasy to take flight and soon a languid warmth was flowing between my thighs.

Then the lights went out and the room was thrown into total darkness.



I heard the breath shuttle from my lungs and tried to draw it back in. Instead, the soft rasping sound was consumed by the heavy darkness. I instinctively wanted to bolt to the door, but instead clutched the edge of the wooden chair and forced myself to calm. My gaze shifted around the room as my vision struggled to adjust to the darkness. A muffled sound caused my body to stiffen. I frowned, but hardly had time to dwell on it because the door opened and a large silhouette filled the doorway. My heart slammed against my ribs, thudding fast with pure adrenaline. The door closed suddenly and the room was again shrouded in darkness. Time grew lethargic and I held my breath.
Oh, God… What the fuck was I doing? Had I lost my mind?

Deafening silence poured into the dark room as the figure stood eerily still.

“Is the darkness okay for you?” The voice was a purr that rolled over my skin, peppering it with goose bumps.

My tongue was glued to the roof of my mouth. I nodded and didn’t know how he knew, but I heard his steps draw closer. Thin moonlight filtered in through the window, defying the heavy drapery and offering a measly shadowing of objects in the room. I could feel my eyes splay wide, eager to get a visual of the figure moving towards me, but all I could see was a large murky blur defined with generous brushstrokes. The first thing I noticed was his scent, an earthly fragrance with a subtle hint of sandalwood that seeped into my senses. It was perfect for the room. Natural. Heady. I wondered if it was part of the fabricated atmosphere.

A palm traced slowly down my cheek, and because I hadn’t expected it, I jumped back in the chair, startled. My skin still tingled from the gentle touch and I could feel my entire face heat. I swallowed hard, my breath now panting through my parted lips.

“Relax, beautiful…” That voice again. A gravelly disembodied whisper. The sound made my nipples stretch.

I laughed lightly at his words. “How do you know I’m beautiful? It’s pitch black in here. I could be a hideous troll for all you know.”

And you could be too…
I stifled the thought piggy-backing my words. Many women would consider Josh drop-dead gorgeous. And look where that had gotten me.

A deep chuckle brushed over my skin, causing the hair to stand on end.

“I know,” he whispered.

I was about to ask him how, but was distracted by the knuckles trailing along my jaw and passing slowly down my neck. He turned his hand and the pads of his fingers rested lightly on my collar bone, the touch like an inferno on my skin. I didn’t know if it was the darkness that heightened my senses, but my skin seemed infinitely more sensitive than usual. Every stroke of his finger left an electric trail behind. He drew small circles, slowly widening the arc until they slipped beneath the neckline of the dress just above my breasts. I arched my back, suddenly desperate for his touch to go lower. My breasts throbbed, heavy with longing, and my nipples twisted to painfully taut bullets. He pulled his hand away with another soft chuckle, and my tense muscles thawed with disappointment.

“Soon, beautiful…”

I sucked in a breath, surprised at the need quickly replacing my anxiety. My vagina sang happily, saying,
‘even if you leave, I’m staying.’
It didn’t have to worry. I wasn’t going anywhere. I rose slightly in the chair when I felt him drawing up my dress, and my arms automatically lifted so he could pull it over my head. I frowned, almost disappointed that my undressing had not been accompanied by some practiced seduction. I’d have thought these men had a routine for everything.

The fact that I was now sitting in the chair in just my panties, though, was enough to set her nerves thrumming. Cool air kissed my naked skin and I hugged my torso, covering my breasts in the dark. The figure stepped away and I heard the rustle of clothing and knew he was undressing. I tried to imagine what he might look like, then scolded myself because not knowing had been my specific stipulation. Although, I hadn’t expected this total darkness—a party mask for us both maybe—but not this. I knew he was big. That I could tell by the large contortions in the shadows. I wondered if he could be one of the men I’d seen
but the height and width of his shadow didn't fit.

“Lean back.”

I obeyed the hypnotic voice and shifted my shoulders back against the afghan. A long moment passed where all that could be heard was our mingled breathing, feathery music that filled the dense space with anticipation. Apprehensively I chewed on my bottom lip. This time when he touched me, I didn’t jump. He was directly in front of me, leaning over slightly. His palms cupped my shoulders and brushed down my arms, warming my skin. Silently he unfolded them and drew them away from my breasts. I knew he couldn’t possibly see me through the thick darkness, but I could feel the heat of his eyes searching, probing, and gliding over my body like a caress. I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling absurdly exposed.

I sensed a shift of movement and a sudden intrusion on my senses kick started my vocal cords, causing me to cry out. A long, wet stroke slowly made its way up my belly, quivering the ambivalent muscles.

Oh, God! Was that his tongue?

My eyes flew open. The shadow was crouched low, hovering over me now, barely touching except for that persistent tongue creating an extraordinary path, licking and fluttering and dancing against my skin, scattering a fiery buzz through my flesh. His head grew closer as he traveled up my body and the scent of sandalwood sat heavy in the air. I inhaled deeply, trying to capture more of the drugging fragrance. His lips settled between my breasts and my lungs stilled mid-breath. The tip of his tongue flicked lightly over one nipple, then he suctioned it hard into his mouth and nipped gently with the edge of his teeth.

My back jerked and I moaned, tendrils of pleasure spiraling deep into my wet sex. My hips bucked as silky slickness coated my folds. He did the same to the other, coaxing another sound from my throat. My body was trembling, shaking with tiny ripples of pleasure. I felt like a leaf caught on a breeze, floating in a hazy abyss of wonderful sensation. I was lost…seeking…searching…trying to grab hold of something.

With a groan, he took a step back, taking my palms and pulling me from the chair. I gasped when I crashed against his body. He was indeed a large man, much taller than my five-six frame. And he was completely, gloriously naked. Hard tight muscles flexed against my body, and there was a distinctly large protrusion pushing into my belly. The heat of his thick cock burned into my skin and the solid feel of it had my senses whirring and my empty channel shivering with longing.

“I want to kiss you,” he whispered against my ear and I tilted my head in invitation.

His fingers curved under my chin and I thought I would dissolve into a puddle of lust when supple lips crushed down on mine. That skillful tongue swept into my mouth, playful at first, then delved deep for a smooth tango. He tasted wonderful. Rich. Masculine. Decadent. I moaned and pushed into him, my palms gliding over thick shoulders and enticing hills of muscle. There was erotic mystery in the darkness, and my senses were acutely honed, trying to absorb every nuance of this man. I was suddenly eager to feel all of him, to learn his image with my touch and commit it to memory. My hands mapped his body as my fingers roved over his face, our mouths where they were fused, and the strong column of his neck.

They boldly coasted over smooth skin and tight muscles, plotted a descending course over tight abs, and then drove into a nest of textured hair. Eagerly I circled the wide root of his cock, both hands gripping him hard and learning his shape. He groaned low and I loved the sound. I fought to tame my breath, enjoying the heavy weight and burning heat of his flesh in my palms. I closed my eyes and moaned into his mouth as his cock kicked hard against my fingers and leaked sticky pre-cum into my palm.

He swallowed the sound and ate generously at my lips, grunting when I fisted his pulsing shaft and squeezed hard. I moved lower and cradled his balls while I whipped my hand up and down his cock. If I weren’t so aroused, I would have been shocked by my boldness. His size was substantial and I wondered vaguely about the hiring requirements that Michelle had alluded to. The thought of him inside me sent a shock of tremors rippling through my pussy. It did a happy dance, bragging,
Mine! Mine! Mine!
I corrected,
Ours! Ours! Ours!
I couldn’t wait for us both to get what we wanted.

He licked the seam of my lips then pulled away with a groan. I allowed him to guide me to the edge of the bed where he sat me down after peeling away the underwear from my trembling legs.

Oh, God. I wanted him—badly. Had I ever been this turned on? He was a complete stranger!
I figured it must be the extraordinary situation coupled with the underlying turbulence in my life. My emotions were severely warped and now hammered brittle thin with raw lust. Shit, I was having conversations with my vagina. Yeah, definitely in a strange space right now.

The shadow folded low and his fingers found the soft flesh on the inside of my thighs, persuading them apart with the slightest pressure.

I started to hyperventilate, my breath panting from my lips. I was suddenly frightened, rattled by these overwhelming sensations and the intensity of my sexual need. Liquid seeped from my body to coat the inside of my thighs and I could smell the potent fragrance. My body stiffened. My vagina bellowed,
Now? Now, you get nervous?

“Relax, beautiful,” he whispered. Soft lips pressed against my thigh, planting tender kisses. “I’ll give you what you need.”

You heard the man!
My vagina sighed.

The power of his whispered voice was all consuming. It was warm caramel pouring over my heated body, and I reacted instinctively to its honeyed sweetness. I melted back onto the bed in one languid stretch. I felt him press his face to my center, heard him inhale deeply, and then he groaned lustily. That tongue, that instrument of superlative talent plunged through my folds and invaded me with a voracious kiss. I gasped as white-hot pleasure blasted my body, a full blown assault on my senses. He maneuvered the very tip just over my clit, then vibrated it with perfect pressure that had me clawing at the sheets and arching my back high. Pleasure knifed through my pussy, gloriously sharp as he drew tight figure eights with his tongue over the bulb of straining flesh.

BOOK: Wrapped In Shadows
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