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Authors: Lisa Eugene

Wrapped In Shadows (4 page)

BOOK: Wrapped In Shadows
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Oh. My. Gaaaawwuuud.”
That husky guttural cry could not have come from me, I was sure, but he did it again and I groaned, long and hard like a woman possessed by demons. He was making long fluid swipes now, dragging his tongue from bottom to top, insinuating it into and between my folds.

My nails dug into his scalp as I fisted the short waves of his hair. I bucked my hips hard against his face, uncaring now about the inarticulate sounds coming from my throat. The pleasure was unbelievable, the heat of his mouth and the glide of his tongue. I slipped into a passionate euphoria that quickly enveloped my body.

“You taste so fucking good,” the voice whispered passionately. “I want to eat you up.”

He latched onto me and sucked, then lapped his tongue furiously against my swollen flesh. Pleasure burst inside me, brilliant white stars zooming across an infinite black sky. I arched my back and shouted into the darkness, my body jerking and seizing hard with a powerful climax. I collapsed back onto the bed, the breath dragging from my lungs like I’d just run a marathon. My limbs quaked, determined not to follow commands as I tried to steady them.

, this is…is…”
What did I want to say? Why wasn’t my tongue working? Why did I want to crawl inside this man and never leave?

He moved up my body, his strong arms caging me. His lips found mine in the dark and his tongue mated with mine, thrusting and sweeping slowly.

“Do you see how good you taste?” he whispered fervently.

“Umm…hmmm,” I rumbled against his lips, the flavor on his tongue a surprising aphrodisiac.

“Did you like my mouth on you?”

Hell, yeah!
The thought came from down below.

“Umm…humm.” I smiled lazily.

“I could spend all night between your legs,” he admitted between kisses.

“It was sooo…good.”

“Yeah?” He placed gentle kisses on my cheek, then traced his soft lips along my jaw.

I smiled again, loving the feel of his warm breath so close. “I like that you pay attention to detail.”

I felt him return the smile, then he chuckled lightly before he swept his tongue deep into my mouth. We kissed slowly for long, languid moments and I adored the soft firmness of his lips and the sensuous play of his tongue.

“There appears to be a particular detail in need of attention.” He flexed his hips and his stiff cock slid against my abdomen, hot and pulsating.

Mine! Mine!
My greedy vagina chanted.
, I corrected again.
And if you start referring to his dick as ‘precious’, we are no longer related.

“Please…” My voice trembled, shaking like my limbs. He moved away, and I heard a rustle of clothes followed by the soft tear of foil.

His heavy weight settled over me again and I held my breath, waiting and wanting…almost desperate to have him. My sex ached and throbbed, and I clenched tight to assuage the maddening emptiness. Strong arms enveloped me, cradling me skin to skin, gently wrapping me in masculine warmth. I buried my face in his neck and my teeth mindlessly caught his shoulder as he entered me in one deep, wet stroke. My words withered against his hot skin, my cry a lost, desperate whimper. Sensation crashed into me, raw and potent as it raced through my body and exploded fire in my sex, bursting in long, undulating waves. I arched my hips, greedy for every possible inch as he slammed into me hard and ground into my pussy. I convulsed with scorching pleasure, again thrown headlong into climax.

His deep groan rumbled through me, his hips setting a quick pace. He whispered into my ear, his tongue teasing the shell. I had no idea what he said, so lost was I in our connection. The thick fullness of him, the delicious stretching, the glide of slippery skin, and the heady scent of sandalwood. My senses were hijacked and held hostage in a place where this man driving into me was the sharp focus of every molecule of my being.

His fingers cupped my buttocks and he tilted me, holding me steady for a deep, rough pounding. My nails scratched down his back, following a beautiful curve of sinuous muscles as he captured my lips. He claimed my mouth, moaning deeply as his shaft swelled and pulsed in throbbing waves inside me when he found his own release. We stayed like that for long sultry moments, tongues slow-dancing, limbs entwined, and our hearts slamming together in synchrony. I realized there were tears in my eyes and blinked rapidly, confused as to why I was crying. When his weight shifted and he pulled away, I felt oddly bereft, instantly missing his touch.

I shook my head to clear it, trying to make room for rational thought. This man was very good at what he did. Waves of pleasure still rippled through me and I felt wonderfully sated. He was beside the bed now, and I could hear him taking care of the condom. Would he be able to see to put his clothes back on? The room was still very dark. Would he slip out quietly? I gnawed on my lip, unsure of what to say and surprised by the sadness that had settled in my chest. What did one say in a situation like this?
Thanks? Good job?
Should I make small talk? Compliment him on his talents? Joke about his training for this line of work? Did he get tipped? I’d have to write him a check for like a zillion dollars. He was amazing.

My eyebrows gathered when I felt a dip in the mattress, and I startled when the large shadow snuggled closely behind me and fitted my back against his torso. He tucked my head beneath his chin and his corded arms snaked around my waist.

“Uhh…I—aren’t we…done?”

beautiful…I just want to hold you.”

Wow, he was good…okay, a gazillion dollars.

A slight smile tickled the corner of my lips and my body relaxed against him, enjoying the comfort of his big body. Every part of me was content. I drew in his scent and closed my eyes, a strange warmth filling my chest. The darkness folded around us, cocooning us in silky silence. As I listened to his soft breaths shuttling in and out and felt his fingers trace slow intricate circles on my abdomen, I let my mind languish in this temporary heaven, feeling strangely…



A knock on the door startled me awake and I bolted upright in bed. For a moment I was disoriented and jerked my gaze around the room. A mild soreness below caused the night to come rushing back in vivid detail. The down comforter slipped to my waist and looking down, I realized I was still naked…and alone. I’d fallen asleep. Yes. But…he’d awoken me and we’d made love again. He’d been behind me that time, holding me close and taking me slowly. I closed my eyes, reliving the pleasure. I must have fallen back to sleep afterwards. There was more light filtering in through the drapery now and although hard to tell, I surmised it was early morning.

We have to go!”

Michelle’s voice chased away my remaining confusion and I jumped out of bed. Groping around the floor, I found my dress and pulled it over my head as I made my way toward the door and cracked it open.

“Are you okay?” Michelle asked instantly. She was standing in the ante-room.

I nodded, avoiding my friend’s searching gaze.

“Are you alone?”

I nodded and pulled the door wide, allowing Michelle to come in. I combed fingers through my hair, my gaze scanning the floor as Michelle spoke.

“I’m sorry, hon. But Eddie said we should go now. Something is going on downstairs. He’s not sure what it is, but he heard shouting in the hall. We can go out the back exit.”

I paused from shaking out a comforter. “Is everything okay?”

Michelle shrugged. “Yeah, probably some disgruntled guest. I’m sure it happens.”

I turned over another comforter and patted it down, trying to ignore the lingering scent of sandalwood on the sheets. Michelle walked over and bent to the floor. She emerged with a pair of panties dangling from a finger and a smirk on her face.

“Looking for these?”

Heat warmed my cheeks as I reached over and claimed my underwear. I again ignored Michelle’s probing gaze as I stepped into them and drew them over my hips.

“You’re missing an earring,” Michelle noticed.

“Shit.” My fingers flew to my empty earlobe as my gaze scanned the floor. “These were my grandmother’s pearl earrings.”

After searching for a few minutes, I abandoned the task, deciding my attempts were futile.

“It could be anywhere.” I sighed with disappointment, then found my shoes and slipped them on. Straightening, I caught the beam of Michelle’s assessing gaze.

“Maybe it’ll be found. We can ask later. You sure you’re okay?”

I pursed my lips and nodded, unable to sort out the emotions jostling inside me.

“Well? How was it?”

I paused for a moment, then returned my friend’s wide smile. “Freshly baked pumpernickel. Lots of crust.”








The limo pulled up to the Vandercamp estate in Scarsdale, NY, and my family’s chauffeur exited and rounded the car. I sat staring out the window. I didn’t see the rolling lawns covered with a thin layer of melting snow, the giant evergreens reaching for the balmy sky, or the stately mansion that had been in my family for generations. The family seat was at the end of a long tree-lined drive, a massive home reflecting the beauty and grace of Roman neoclassical architecture. Towering columns framed the stone entry and supported a two-story portico while sweeping steps ended in a cobbled courtyard. I had many memories of growing up here. Not all of them good.

My mind was swirling with thoughts of the conversation to come, my heart filling with dread. I tried not to think of the three hundred and fifty people who were to attend my wedding in a few months, the French chef and his entourage my mother had arranged to fly in, the wedding orchestra that had been booked months ago, or the expense my wedding party had already incurred. I’d had a brief conversation with my mother on the phone yesterday, trying to explain why I couldn’t go through with the wedding. Diana Vandercamp had been too busy to discuss it over the phone, so I had re-arranged my schedule in order to come home today.

“Ms. Vandercamp?”

I startled, turning to see James patiently holding the door open for me. A gust of cold air swirled around my neck, and I adjusted my muffler. I smiled slightly, reaching for his proffered hand.

“Thank you, James.” I said after I’d been escorted up the stairs and into the expansive marble foyer.

I looked around, surprised that my mother hadn’t come to the door. Diana was always one to stand on ceremony and even with family she played the gracious hostess. Instead, I was greeted by Florence, our long-time German housekeeper.

“Katie! So nice to see you.” Florence smiled, taking my coat and gloves. “James will bring in your things, yes?”

“I’m only staying for one night. I don’t have much.”

“It’s always good when you visit.”

“Thank you, Florence.” I smiled sincerely, looking around. “Where’s Mother?”

“She had some unexpected visitors. She’s in the great room,” Florence informed me, leading me to the room at the end of the hall. I had barely breached the threshold when my mother spotted me. Diana rose from her seat, hands outstretched as she made a dramatic sweep across the large room. Her perfect platinum hair flowed behind, bouncing with each step.

“Katie, dear! You’ve arrived!”

I forced a smile. My mother was acting as though I’d gone missing for months. I figured she must have an important audience. There were about ten other people in the room and all conversation halted. Appraising glances turned toward me and I had to suppress the urge to blow raspberries in their direction. I really needed to talk to my parents and the last thing I wanted to do was engage in banal conversation with strangers. My father stood and followed my mother, a placid smile on his face.

Giving me the double cheek air kiss, Diana took my hand and drew me into the room.

say hello to Senator Kilman. He is in town for business and stopped by. And guess what?” Effusive with joy, Diana turned to an older gentleman.

I looked from the senator to my mother, confused. I was also taken aback by my mother’s unusual display of emotion.

“He’s been able to re-arrange his campaign schedule and will attend the wedding after all!”

I blinked, my mind going numb and my breath catching. Had I heard my mother correctly? Did we not discuss this yesterday? There would be no wedding.

“Mother!” I whispered urgently, but Diana was gushing about the wedding plans and another lady had joined in. I recognized the woman as Margaret Lindon, head of Christian Relief Aid, a large religious organization that was a major donator to the Vandercamp Foundation. I barely tolerated the woman, but kept my feelings in check because of her generous support to the foundation. She was a self-righteous zealot who preached constantly about morally corrupt youth and how their problems, even disabilities, were caused by lack of religion. She was very selective about the organizations she supported.

I rubbed my temples, feeling my head start to throb.

“I must compliment you on the wonderful job you did at the Vandercamp fundraiser last month,” I heard the senator saying. “My sources tell me you raised almost one million dollars at the event. I need to have someone like you on my campaign team.”

I offered a smile. I hadn’t yet heard the final figure, but the accountant had told me it was somewhere in that range. The fundraiser in question was the last one I’d chaired. It raised money for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.

“It was pure genius having the disabled women attend the fundraiser. Good tactic to pull on the heart strings…or should I say, the

The senator rumbled a coarse laugh, but all I heard was the sudden pounding of blood in my ears. My gaze skewered the older man.

“I assure you, Senator, that the presence of those women afflicted with MS was no tactic! I thought it only right that the people honored should attend the ball. Too often those who attend these events are far removed from the very people they are there to support. These charity balls become more of a fashion competition, a forum for supercilious displays of wealth, or an attempt to network for self-interest. Some tend to lose sight of the real purpose: to support the ones who are suffering and in need of help!”

My spine straightened and my voice rose passionately just as I finished with a huff. I glanced around, feeling a heavy silence cloak the room. I noticed the scowl on Margaret Lindon’s face and my mother’s mortified expression. Blue eyes the same shade as mine were wide with disapproval. My father cleared his throat awkwardly and I swore under my breath, recalling why I hated coming home.

The senator’s hearty chuckle deflated the tense moment. He turned to my father. “Be careful, Jerome. I just might steal her away.”

That was the signal everyone needed, and strained laughter started trickling between the guests. I rolled my eyes, annoyance seeping into my gut. My mother marched over as conversation resumed.

“I can see you’re not feeling well, Katherine. Why don’t you get some rest and we’ll talk later.”

I knew when my mother was angry. Her face never lost its sculpted smile as she spoke low through clenched teeth, but the veins in her neck bulged with emotion. I sighed, feeling like I was ten again. I was being banished to my room, only now I didn’t mind going.

I formed an excuse, shook hands with the senator, and hastily left.


I worked on my computer at the desk in my old room, trying to keep my mind occupied. I’d been doing that for days now by working relentlessly. I could not allow my thoughts to wonder to
that night
, to that dark room. I could not allow those amazing feelings to surface. I had to remind myself that they were artificial, a fantasy concocted by dreams and woven with yearning. In fact, my mind had probably embellished the entire event. There was no way in hell
that night
could have been as spectacular as I remembered it. And it wasn’t as though I had images to sort through. Everything had occurred in a black void. All I had were layers and layers of emotion I was afraid to peel away and analyze.
. I couldn’t allow myself the luxury of recalling those exquisite feelings, of thinking they were genuine. My mind must have fabricated the peace and total gratification.

My life was in tumult. Avoiding Josh was becoming more and more difficult. He was relentless. He’d shown up at my building several times, and the doormen, as instructed, had not allowed him up. There were dozens of text messages and phone calls that I ignored. I knew I’d have to talk to him at some point. We’d have to settle things and try to walk away amicably, but I just wasn’t ready to face him now. I was too hurt. Too angry. I still felt like my insides had been ripped to shreds.

I blinked back tears, my heart aching like someone had scraped it raw. I felt as if my world was constantly imploding, my thoughts always in a tailspin. One minute I’d convince myself I was fine, and the next I’d burst into tears. My thoughts ricocheted from Josh’s apartment, to Carol’s smug expression, then sailed to his frightening anger and aggression. I contemplated our extensive wedding plans, and then my mind drifted back to that dark room. Always to that dark room. That was the full stop at the end of every thought. I purposefully pushed the memories away and tried to focus.

I’d met Josh three years ago at a family fundraiser. He’d walked into the room, handsome as hell in his tux and wearing a devilish smile as an accessory. He’d swept me off my feet. Literally. I’d twisted my ankle on the stairs at the end of the night and he’d carried me out to the car, driven me to the ER, and stayed with me all night.

Our relationship had its share of problems, but I never thought it would come to this. What relationship didn’t have problems? I’d grown up with parents who barely spoke to each other. Josh and I had our ups and downs, but we’d always managed to find a way back together. I made a noise in my throat, feeling a swell of emotion. There was no excuse for him cheating. That I could never forgive.

Carol had been his high-school sweetheart, and according to him they’d grown to be best friends. But I had always been uneasy with their relationship. If Carol needed something, Josh would immediately run to her aid. She could call in the middle of the night and he’d make time to help her with whatever drama she was dealing with. About a year ago, I had come across a text that Carol sent Josh. In it she confessed she’d always love him, that he was her world, and she’d conveyed in precise detail how she was willing to demonstrate that love. That was when I had put my foot down and insisted that he end his friendship with her or I was leaving. Although not happy with the ultimatum, and insisting that the relationship was platonic, Josh had agreed. Or so I had thought.

A soft knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and I turned from the desk, granting permission to enter.

“What has gotten into you, young lady?” My mother marched into the room, lips set in a grim line. “You thoroughly embarrassed me in front of the senator!”

I stood and faced the woman who had given me birth. On the outside we looked a lot alike. The same slim build, the platinum blonde hair and periwinkle blue eyes, and even a matching pin-point birthmark on our chins. That was where the similarities ended. There could not be two more opposite people on the face of the earth.

“I took what he said as a direct insult,” I explained.

My mother’s face screwed up angrily. “He was just paying you a compliment. You are so sensitive! You really give too much of yourself to these charities of yours!”

I had heard this before. “Isn’t that what the foundation is for? To help people?” The Vandercamp Foundation was founded by my great grandparents and handed down to my mother to run. Diana wanted nothing to do with it.

“Yes, but there will always be unfortunates in the world, Katie. You can’t help everyone, and you certainly don’t have to mingle with them. I did not approve of you inviting those people to the last fundraiser. The foundation is not a half-way house for strays. And you can not go around snapping because someone makes an innocuous statement!” Diana stormed. “Take some time off from the foundation. Hire someone to take over. You should be focusing on your upcoming nuptials.”

I took a calming breath and leveled my gaze at my mother. “I told you that the wedding is off.”

Diana flung her arms in the air. “
You are being ridiculous. We’ve been planning this for over a year. Everything is in place and we’ve already spent a small fortune!”

“I know, Mother.” I gulped down a sob, feeling miserable. “And I’m sorry.”

“You are just nervous. All brides go through this.” I watched my mother walk over to the long drapes at the colonial window and straighten a crease in the satin fabric. “Your brother will be flying in from Italy on the fourteenth and I’ve just secured the carver for the ice sculptures.”

I fisted my hands at my sides, my heart rate accelerating.

“Mother, you are not listening to me.”

Diana smiled. “It’s the same carver who did William and Kate’s wedding! Isn’t that a coup?”


My eyes filled with tears. Frustration coiled inside me. My mother moved to the other drape and adjusted a rope tassel.

“Mother, Josh cheated on me!” I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

Diana turned from the window and looked at me. The afternoon light poured through the floor to ceiling window and silhouetted her thin frame.


I frowned.
Had she not heard me?
“I said he
on me. He’s sleeping with another woman—an old girlfriend.”

“Is that what’s gotten you in such a mood?” My mother huffed, regarding me as though I was daft. Her voice rose in pitch. “Katie, men sleep around! That’s what they do. You can’t expect to ruin a year’s worth of hard work and planning because of it!”

My jaw slackened and my mother must have seen the shocked expression on my face because she abandoned the curtains and walked towards me, softening her harsh features. “Look, Josh is from a good family and the two of you are a good match. It’s you he’s marrying, not the old girlfriend. You’re the only one who will have his children—if he’s smart. He strikes me as a very practical man. As long as he’s discrete and saves you from scandal, then you mustn’t be overly concerned.”

I shook my head, not believing that my mother could have such an antiquated view of women and marriage. “How can I marry a man who is unfaithful to me?”

“Grow up, Katie. Men will always have someone on the side.”

For the first time in my life, a thought occurred to me. “Does Father have someone on the side?”

Diana’s mouth tilted wryly. “We don’t discuss such things, but I would be a fool to think he didn’t.”

BOOK: Wrapped In Shadows
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