Read Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5 Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #bdsm, #ménage, #f/m/m, #dom/sub

Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5 (2 page)

BOOK: Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5
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She swallowed but otherwise gave away no signs of shock. “Should I undress?”

Mondo drew in a swift breath at her bold suggestion. His gaze bored into hers, looking for any hint of hesitation. Part of him wanted her to balk, so that he could send her on her way. Another part began to hope. He’d been waiting for a very long time for someone who would challenge him, make him work for the privilege of dominating her. Not simply a bratty sub. Someone who would hold his interest beyond a sexy session. This woman had intrigued him from the start, but he’d dismissed her because he knew he couldn’t give up certain aspects of his life. And he’d known the moment he met her, in his gut, that she wasn’t cut out for this.

Despite the fact she admitted to letting him watch her diddle herself, she didn’t have a clue what he wanted.

And yet the temptation was there—to lead her deep into his world and see whether it might work. Maybe she could learn. Maybe he’d read her all wrong, although he really doubted it. If she was here because of him, then shame on him for letting her think she stood a chance simply by being here. “You should go home.”

“I can’t.”

Not any of the responses he’d expected. “Do you need a ride home?”

Her mouth pouted. “I can’t go. It took everything I had to come here tonight. I’m not leaving just because you think I’m being foolish.”

“You told Ravi you were here to learn.”

She dragged in a deep breath and nodded.

“Not because of me, I hope. If you think that learning to act like a sub will change anything…”

Her eyebrows lowered. “Not everything is about you, Mondo. I know I’m not to your taste. You should have left me with that other guy. I doubt we’d still be talking.”

Mondo blinked. The girl he’d thought too shy, too innocent to even breathe on, was complaining because he was taking too much time making sure this was what she really wanted.

Gritting his teeth, he said, “Choose a safe word now.”

“Apple,” she blurted, and then shrugged. “Okay, so it’s cliché, but I like them.”

He nearly choked but shook his head. “Strip. Fold your clothes and put them there,” he said, pointing to a flat table in the built-in cherry wood cupboards that lined two walls of the room.

She swallowed hard but kept her chin high.

Seeing that hard swallow was gratifying. She wasn’t as assured as she wanted him to believe. He watched her unbutton her blouse, trying to keep detached as she slowly bared skin and lace. Her fingers betrayed a tremor, but she continued unbuttoning at a slow, methodical pace.

When she let the blouse fall from her shoulders, revealing small lace cups of an ecru bra, he turned abruptly away because his balls were tightening and his cock was beginning to stir. Unbelievable. He didn’t lose control, didn’t fight for it.

Breathing slowly, he calmed himself, reminded himself this wasn’t going anywhere, that at some point this evening, he’d push her too far and
would fly. She was here to learn. Probably because she’d heard too many stories from Pansy and thought it would be fun to dabble in something naughty.

She didn’t really know what she was getting into. She might be attracted to him, but she didn’t understand what it was to be a sub, to belong to someone else, body and soul.

Maybe she thought it was all about sex, that he’d smack her butt a couple of times, and then fall all over her in lust and fuck her. If she thought he followed his dick, she was dead wrong.

But thinking about his dick did cause a telltale throb to pulse in his groin. Again, breathing deeply, he forced himself to remember what happened to little girls who played with pumas. It was a good thing she was experimenting with him rather than anyone else here. Not that the club didn’t enforce strict rules of play. She wouldn’t be physically harmed, but he knew she wasn’t ready. Would never be ready.

Behind him, she cleared her throat.

Forcing his features into a neutral mask, he turned.
Dios mio.
She was lovely. He’d seen glimpses of her pussy when she’d played with herself, a bit of nipplage, too, peeping around the edges of her opened blouse, but now she stood nude, head to toe, and the only thing he could think was that her skin looked like creamy satin. Straight shoulders, high-set breasts, pale-pink puffy nipples that made his mouth water and his tongue itch. Her waist was narrow above the slender curve of her hips. Her pussy was perfectly bare. “You shaved?”

“Pansy sent me to the place she gets waxed.”

“How many days ago?”

“The day after we met. She said you wouldn’t want me bumpy.”

He wished he didn’t like that she’d put so much thought into his preferences, that she’d been planning this for nearly a week. What he really didn’t like was the thought she’d suffered through having her soft, hairs pulled out by their roots.

She cleared her throat again.

He glanced up. “I won’t keep my gaze politely averted from your cunt. No one will.”

Her eyebrows rose a fraction.

“Yes, we’re going for a walk. If you wish to object, you know what word to use.”

Her pretty, puffy nipples quivered as she drew in a ragged breath. “And if I do?”

“Then we’re done. And you may leave.”

“That quickly? No further discussion? What if you do something I don’t like, can’t we negotiate?”

“I will only ask simple things of you. Things that will impose upon your modesty. If you need your word tonight you are completely unsuited to this life. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

Mondo studied her again, making up his mind about how he wanted to start. Drawing a deep breath, he walked to a cupboard and pulled open a drawer. He removed a thin black leather collar with a silver heart-shaped clasp and walked toward her. “Turn around and hold up your hair,” he said in a soft but firm voice.

When she turned her back and held her hair to the side, he slipped the collar around her neck, surprised at how much the act pleased him. “Anyone looking at you will know you’re mine. They won’t approach you, won’t speak to you. You’ll be safe.” He went to the door and opened it. “Come with me. Don’t let the things you see distract you. Keep your attention on me at all times. And do not speak unless I ask you a question. If I sit, you kneel beside my feet with your hands clasped behind you. Do you understand?”

At her second nod, he shook his head. “Yes, Sir,” he said firmly.

Her nostrils flared. “Yes, Sir.”

The softness of her voice as she repeated his words stirred his blood. Lord, how he liked hearing those words coming from her. He lifted a finger and pointed to the ground right in front of him.

She walked toward him, her hips swaying, a natural movement, not exaggerated but still eye-catchingly feminine. She halted inches from his body and gazed upward.

“When we are outside this room, keep your gaze turned downward.”

She began to duck her head, but he slipped a finger beneath her chin to keep her gaze locked with his. Mondo bent his head and tilted hers back. He meant only to taste her, to satisfy his curiosity. Meant only to brush her lips lightly and then retreat, but her mouth parted and a soft, ragged sigh sifted out.

Mondo groaned and dipped his head, his mouth landing hard and devouring hers.

Their first touch was electric, and he fought himself not to grip her hips and pull her against him. Slowly, he lifted his head and stared down. Her eyelids blinked slowly open, her green eyes searching his for something.

Reaching behind him, he twisted open the door. He arched a brow, offering her one last chance to back away from this challenge.

When he turned, he held his breath and stepped into the hall. Despite the carpeting underfoot, he heard the soft pads of her steps and smiled.

Chapter Two

One week earlier

Through a lifted slat in her blinds, Sunny Boudreau had watched the traffic coming and leaving her new neighbor’s house with growing fascination. So many absurdly attractive men and women her curiosity was piqued. Now, she saw her new neighbor bringing in groceries alone and was happy for an excuse to introduce herself. She rushed over to take the sack from the small, attractive and very pregnant blonde woman. “You have your hands full. Let me help you.”

The young woman looked up with her cornflower-blue eyes and smiled. “Thanks. I’m Pansy.” She held up her keys. “I should have unlocked the door first. I always try to do too many things at once.”

Sunny followed her through the door and glanced around. There was no furniture but the windows were taped off in the living room and paint tarps covered the floor. The yellow going over plain-beige walls had an eye-popping, lemony hue.

Pansy chuckled. “Yeah, Beau blinks when he walks in here too. Just like I tell him—you’ll get used to it.”

“No, I like it,” Sunny said. “It’s a happy color.”

“Just what I tell him.” Pansy’s grin widened. “Want to stick around for a beer or a glass of wine? We could get to know each other, seeing as you live right next door. I don’t expect the guys here any time soon.”


“Beau and Billy.” Pansy paused and took a deep breath. “And so you don’t have to ask—yes, they are both my boyfriends.”

Sunny followed Pansy back out to the car and brought in two more loads of groceries before she unglued her tongue from the roof of her dry mouth. “Two boyfriends?”

Pansy’s laugh was musical, impossible to resist. “Yes, two. I hope that doesn’t weird you out too much.”

“No, I think I’m okay with that, but…” Sunny shook her head, grinning ruefully. “I have to admit, my curiosity over how everything…works, is piqued now.”

“Let’s get those beers and I’ll tell you all about it.”

Pansy wasn’t the least bit shy about explaining the sleeping arrangements or the fact she didn’t know which of her lovers had fathered the child growing inside her.

“That’s so not fair,” Sunny said, her cheeks heating up. “A fireman and a cop? I think you just became my hero.”

Pansy laughed. “What about you? Got a boyfriend…or two?”

Sunny shook her head. “Nothing to tell. I teach school. I come home and plan the next day’s activities for my kids, play with my cat and go to bed.”

“So, no boyfriends…”

“Not one, much less two.” Sunny took a swig of her beer, thinking how dull her life was. Something she hadn’t really noted until Pansy had pointed out the lack.

“We’ll have to fix that,” Pansy said with a waggle of her eyebrows.

Sunny shook her head. “Please don’t set me up with a friend or anything. I’m not very good at dating.”

“How can someone who looks like you be bad at dating?”

Sunny shrugged. “I’m a little shy. It’s hard to get past the awkwardness. Most guys don’t try.”

“Well, I hope you won’t be too shy to drop by when my friends show up to bring in the furniture. Not that I want you to help with anything, but I’d love for you to meet them. One of them is a neighbor already. Maybe you know him, Gus Taggert?”

Sunny’s eyebrows shot up. “The big fireman on the corner?”

“Yeah, that’s him. He’s as gentle as a teddy bear. You’ll love him.”

“Why, does he need another girlfriend?” She’d seen the redhead who flitted in and out of his door.

Pansy held her sides as she laughed. “Ash would stripe his sexy butt at even the suggestion.”

Her chest tightened. The thought of the big man submitting to something like that took her breath away. Sunny had just met Pansy, but already her world felt as though it had tilted on its axis. She’d never met anyone who talked about sex and relationships so freely.

“You should come over tomorrow night. Everyone will be here. I’ll introduce you around.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to be in the way,” she murmured, and thankfully, Pansy let her escape before committing to coming. But the images of the things Pansy had described, though not in any graphic detail, remained with her.

She’d almost forgotten all about the invitation until her doorbell rang the next evening, and she swung it open to see the most handsome man she’d ever seen in the flesh standing on her doorstep.

Sunny gasped and took a step backward. One part of her knew she was staring overlong at the man, but she couldn’t help herself. Wearing a black tee and jeans, he was tall, muscled, but not overly so. His black hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Dark eyes glinted beneath finely arched black brows. His mouth was firm but beginning to curve.

“I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

Good Lord, and he spoke with an Spanish accent. Her jaw dropped a fraction of an inch more. Could he get any sexier?

He cleared his throat. “I’m Mondo Acevedo. Pansy sent me to ask you if you’d like to come over for pizza.”

She shook her head, but he reached for her hand. She stared down and back up so tongue-tied her face reddened. His hand was warm and strong and completely engulfed hers.

His dark gaze was warm, inviting. “Pansy said you’re shy and I’m not to accept any answer but yes. Since she’s pregnant, I don’t like to see her upset.”

With that, he pulled her slowly out the door and across her yard, glancing back to give her a small smile here and there, his eyes glittering with laughter.

And yet she didn’t feel stupid or gauche because he wasn’t mocking her. By the time they reached Pansy’s front door, she too was grinning.

When they entered the house, she glanced around to find that the tarps were gone, the tape pulled from windows and doorframes and furniture had been arranged around the living room. To the left, the kitchen was filled with beautiful men and women, all in her age range, all healthy and smiling easily at one another, hands drifting on shoulders and butts. They were a touchy bunch. A thought that caused a pang inside her chest. Wouldn’t it be nice to have friends who were that close and affectionate?

“Everyone,” Mondo said, dropping her hand to curve his arm around her back and push her gently forward, “this is Sunny.”

“Hi, Sunny,” came their collective response. Smiles of welcome were accompanied by not-so-subtle perusals of her figure.

Mondo’s hand returned, slipping over hers to give it a squeeze.

Before she became uncomfortable with the group’s attention, Pansy struck a pan with a metal spatula. “Pizza’s getting cold!”

Everyone formed a line and playfully jostled each other to get to the open pizza boxes.

Sunny stood beside Mondo, quietly waiting her turn. “You can let go of me now,” she said softly.

“Do I have to?” he teased, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand.

Her blush deepened. “How will you fill your plate?”

“I have very clever hands.”

Shaking her head, she laughed. “You shouldn’t tease.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I could be one of those girls who develops crushes at the drop of a hat. I could wind up stalking you.”

Mondo’s eyes had wrinkled at the corners. “You won’t stalk me.”

“How do you know that?”

“I’m good at reading people.”

“And you’re never wrong?”


Because his penetrating stare caused her heart to beat in a wild flurry, she glanced away. “You met me a minute ago,” she murmured.

“And in that minute, I’ve learned you are shy around men but impatient with yourself for feeling that way.” He bent toward her and tapped her nose. “And you are attracted to me. But I will be honest with you,
, I am not what you want or need.”

Embarrassment at his too-accurate guess flooded her cheeks. “You don’t know what I need,” she said, anger causing her voice to quaver.

One corner of his mouth curved. Kind regret shimmered in his eyes. “You think you want adventure, but I would be more than you bargained for,

Already, he’d called her little girl and darling. How condescending. How dare he? Next he’d pat her head. She tried to tug her hand from inside his, but he quickly ringed her wrist.

“You think a lot of yourself.”

“No, but like I said before, I read people well.” He lifted his chin toward the crowd settling in chairs in the living room. “We’re all good friends, but we have certain secrets.”

“I know Pansy has two boyfriends living with her.”

He arched a dark eyebrow. “What do you think about that?”

“I know what ménages are. I know about polyamory. I read.”

“Is that something you would want for yourself?”

Sunny tried to maintain her anger, to bristle beneath his penetrating stare, but the softness of his voice was very nearly mesmerizing. “I don’t know,” she whispered. “But I’m a teacher. It might be hard to hide something like that when my two boyfriends show up at the faculty parties.”

“Like I said, we have secrets. But that doesn’t have to be one of them.” He smiled and let go of her. For a moment, she curled her fingers, missing his warmth.

He waved her ahead of him, and she nearly dropped a slice of pizza she was so aware of him behind her, her mind trying to imagine what he looked like standing behind her, what they looked like together. Mondo’s friends certainly found something about them fascinating to watch.

She took a seat in a folding chair near Pansy who sat like a queen in an overstuffed chair with one boyfriend, a tall, lean African-Asian man sitting on an ottoman with her feet between his legs, and another, a big, brawny blond, with a stool pulled close so he could feed her.

Because she was more concerned about escaping Mondo’s overwhelming charisma before she made a total fool of herself, she didn’t raise an eyebrow over the boyfriends’ behavior.

Pansy waved away the next bit of pizza and leaned toward her, her eyes wide. “Tell me. What were you two talking about? I could see the steam rising off you both.”

Her boyfriends both kept quiet, but their gazes studied Sunny’s body and face. Likely wondering what the hell Mondo had been doing with her. He was way out of her league. He was ten times better looking than she was. “He was warning me off.”

Pansy’s jaw dropped, and then she gave a whoop.

“Glad I could provide the entertainment,” Sunny muttered, wondering if Pansy had a mean streak.

“He wouldn’t be warning you off if he didn’t like you,” Pansy whispered. Then she gave a squeal, cupped Sunny’s cheeks and kissed her right on the mouth.

It was only a quick peck. Like a woman might give a friend if they knew each other really well and both women were used to kissing mouths, but Sunny sure wasn’t. She blinked but was so shocked she didn’t move away.

“You liked that?” the blond boyfriend asked, friendly curiosity glistening in his blue eyes.

“I…” She glanced around, once again finding every gaze on her. She didn’t know why, but suddenly she wished she’d worn a few more layers of clothes. She felt naked beneath their scrutiny. And when she reached Mondo, his eyes smoldered. “It was just a kiss.”

“Just a kiss? Must not have done it right.” Pansy arched an eyebrow and tugged a lock of Sunny’s long hair to pull her closer.

This time, there was time for her to react. And even to think. But she remembered the smoldering heat in Mondo’s eyes and leaned in to meet Pansy’s soft mouth.

Mondo watched the kiss and his cock slowly filled. It had plenty of time to turn to hard peckerwood because the kiss went on and on. Both women leaned into it, Pansy’s fingers sinking into Sunny’s silky hair, Sunny moving closer until her breasts flirted with Pansy’s. He’d bet everything in his wallet Sunny had never kissed a girl before, and had never done anything so publicly provocative, and he damned himself. He was responsible for her reacting this way. Sunny was angry with him for being blunt and showing him the only way she could think how to that he was wrong about her.

How he wished he wasn’t.

But the kiss continued, the women rocking their lips together.
, it was a sexy thing to watch, and not a person in the room could look away. When he caught Jackson’s quick, surreptitious adjustment of cock, he knew he had to do something to end it or poor Sunny would get a lot more than she’d bargained for.

He strode toward her and slid an icy can of coke into her hand. “You forgot a drink.”

The kiss ended with Pansy twisting her head and giving him a wide-eyed are-you-kidding-me look.

Mondo narrowed his eyes and reminded her that her ass wasn’t her own. He kicked Beau’s booted foot, and Beau cleared his throat, stood and walked from the room, but not before he’d given Pansy a silent signal to follow.

Mondo took Pansy’s abandoned seat. “Going to eat your pizza?” he asked Sunny as though he hadn’t noticed she’d been the lip-locked center of the universe just a minute ago.

She glanced down at her lap. Rosy color flooded her cheeks, and she shook her head. “You can have it.” Shifting the plate to his knee, she rose and walked right out of the living room and turned to the left. The sound of the front door closing followed a moment later.

“Dude, you were fucking cold. She seemed nice.” Craig sent Mondo an evil glare but followed it with a bite of pizza.

“And I look like I belong with nice?” Mondo snorted. “She doesn’t belong here. She’s an elementary school teacher.”

“Who just kissed the face off of Pansy. Cut her a little slack. She just met us.”

“Do you want to add a fourth to your arrangement?” Mondo asked, his words clipped.

Craig’s eyebrows lowered. “No, but I’m sure I’m not the only one in the room who felt the sparks coming off you both.”

“Mind your own business.”

Craig pursed his lips and kept silent.

Marti cleared her throat loudly.

Mondo resigned himself to the fact that his friends weren’t going to leave him alone even though he’d asked—not so politely—for them to butt out. “Yes, Marti?” he said with a roll of his eyes when she cleared her throat a second time. “I wouldn’t want you to strain something Jackson will miss.”

“Mondo, you know we love you and think you’re the sexiest thing on the planet, right?”

BOOK: Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5
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