Read Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5 Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #bdsm, #ménage, #f/m/m, #dom/sub

Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5 (3 page)

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“That’s going a little far, don’t you think?” Jackson muttered.

Marti kissed Jackson’s cheek. “You can make me eat my words later.” Her gaze swung back to Mondo. “You’re not getting any younger. And look at us,” she said, waving her hand to encompass everyone in the room. “We haven’t died of boredom. We just want you to have what we have.”

Mondo suppressed a smile at her earnest tone and the way Jackson slipped his hand between her legs to distract her. “And what do you have?” he asked.

“Um, um…” She pushed on Jackson’s firmly lodged hand. “Um, what do we have? We have…” She paused to gasp and stopped pushing Jackson away, parting her thighs as her jaw sagged. “This. We have this,” she said, letting her head fall back. An urgent, blissful trademarked Marti bleat followed.

“This is cozy,” Mondo said, “but I’m not settling.” He pushed up from his seat, giving Billy a small salute. “Tell Pansy, after Beau’s finished paddling her ass, that if she needs anything…”

Billy nodded. “I think we’ve got it covered. Later, bro.”

As soon as he closed the front door behind him, he sighed. He’d known exactly what Marti meant by
. He recognized the connections each of them had made. Ties that bound them with love and lust, and happiness had taken firm root. Mondo wanted that too, but he’d learned the hard way that settling for something less than what he needed wouldn’t work, and he never wanted to hurt a woman by trying to be something he wasn’t.

He slid a hand into his pocket and pulled out his keys. A sound broke through his thoughts. It was coming from Sunny’s house, or perhaps behind it. There was another sound, a garbled groan, and he stepped off the sidewalk and followed his ears. She sounded as though she was in pain. Had something happened? Had she injured herself or was someone inside her house now, hurting her?

He reached an open window and slipped up next to it. At the next moan, he glanced quickly around the edge and then halted. He’d never have guessed that would be the sound she made when she was enjoying herself, but immediately the noises she made softened.

Three things struck him.

First, he’d never been this moved by watching a woman pleasure herself. Built small and slender, she wasn’t the sort of woman he usually preferred. Her breasts were tiny mounds, topped with puffy pink nipples, the tips protruding deliciously. A lovely mix of Asian and European, her sloe eyes were narrow slits as she undulated her small hips.

Next, her pussy was engorged and a deep strawberry pink, and the prettiest he’d ever seen, dark hair on her mound looking silky and straight. He felt jealous of the fingers trailing between her folds, fluttering the edges of her inner lips before sinking inside her. As she pushed past the knuckles, her face screwed up and a whimper rent the air. Her lips, surprisingly lush, stretched and then pursed the closer she came to erupting.

Lastly, and most disturbingly, a wave of tenderness swept through him. She was lovely and so alone in the moment. She deserved a lover who would worship her, caress her into ecstasy. Only when he imagined that lover, he saw himself kneeling to place his face between her thighs to drink her pleasure, to stroke her with his tongue and burrow gently with his fingers.

She deserved someone who’d pay attention to her every shiver and groan, who’d know when to suckle and when to lick. When to stroke. Someone who’d read the writhing of her thighs and know the moment had come.

Her thighs tightened on the arms of her chair and her back arched. Fingers from one hand dove deep. She slipped the slim forefinger from her other hand into her mouth and then, slick with her spit, lowered it to rub her naked clit.

Mondo’s breath held, and he gave into temptation, letting his cock fill. As she rode the crest of a noisy orgasm, his erection pulsed. But he wasn’t some voyeuristic perv, and she was an innocent who didn’t deserve to be watched from the shadows as pleasure overrode her body.

After one last glance that burned the image of her sitting there alone in the lamplight, he turned from the window. As he walked swiftly away, Mondo cursed the fact she lived next to Pansy. Someone Pansy would know and know well. She wasn’t someone he could trifle with and then leave. No matter how attractive he found her, he’d have to stay far, far away.

Chapter Three

Sunny refused to think about what she was doing, concentrating instead on moving one foot in front of the other, despite her trepidation and embarrassment. Part of her couldn’t believe she was doing this, walking nude into a roomful of strangers. The other part clung to the sight of the man walking in front of her. Anger at how quickly he’d dismissed her commitment to this path without really knowing her fueled her forward movement.

He didn’t know how lonely she was, how out of step she was with her acquaintances at work. They had their boyfriends, had their plain vanilla sex, their ordinary lives, when she dreamed of something more. Something rare and exciting. Not until she’d met Pansy had she understood her need to explore her true nature.

Since the night she’d masturbated, knowing full well Mondo watched, she’d devoured every book she could find on BDSM and fetishes, and much of what she’d read left her feeling as though she’d only been half alive before. And now she stood on a precipice, ready to take the dive into deeper, dark waters.

And Mondo was the key. The teacher she needed. Already he was more attractive, more mysterious and dangerous than anyone she’d ever met. As a vice cop, he faced dangers at work she could only imagine. A far cry from her own job, which she loved, but which didn’t fill her need for adventure.

Her first sight of him, standing on her doorstep, had taken her breath.

Even now, wearing his collar, her breaths were so shallow she had to consciously force them to deepen or risked fainting. And wouldn’t Mondo love it if she did, proving he’d been right all along? Following Mondo out of his playroom and into the noisy, boisterous salon took an act of courage—courage she hadn’t known she possessed. Just summoning up the nerve to step inside La Forge fully dressed had taken nearly everything she had.

She didn’t like crowds, had hated lining up with the others who hoped they’d be chosen for play and instruction, on display for an entire room of barely dressed people to be eyed like they were trussed-up chickens in a meat market.

Pansy had wanted to take her shopping, to buy something sexy and appropriately
, but Sunny had hesitated. Sure, she’d read a lot about the lifestyle, but she wasn’t prepared to act as though she knew more than she did.

Everything she’d read had excited her, but she knew herself well enough to know she had to enter this adventure on her own terms, be completely herself, or she’d balk at the last minute from fear and embarrassment.

The fact that Mondo had managed to get her out of her clothes so quickly and striding toward the noisy room was a testament to how much she wanted him as a teacher. Or perhaps how much she wanted to prove him wrong. Anger continued to fuel her bravado.

Pansy had extolled his skills, his sensitivity, his strength. She’d told Sunny that he could push a sub farther than her pre-conceived limits—and it had to be true, because already she was naked and aroused—something any of the dozens of players turning their way to note their passage would see. Her nipples were tightly beaded, her areolas dimpled. Moisture was pooling between her legs. She hoped the dim lighting would hide the gleam between her thighs.

Shutting the others out before she lost her nerve, she kept her gaze on Mondo’s broad shoulders as he moved with purpose through the center of the room, past chairs and sofas where a dizzying array of sexual acts were occurring.

Her mouth dropped as she spotted Pansy, bent forward with Billy holding her hands to provide her balance, her pregnant belly bared, while Beau clapped his hand on her naked bottom—not harshly enough to rock her body, but her cheeks were pink, her pussy flushed and engorged—for anyone to see.

Sunny’s cheeks burned for her new friend. Taking another step, she bumped into Mondo, who turned his head and gave her a searing glance. “Sorry, Sir,” she mumbled, not able to meet his knowing gaze, because she’d been caught staring at another woman’s pussy.

“That interested you?” he asked, pointing his chin toward Pansy, whose desperate gaze met Sunny’s.

Pansy gasped at the next thudding clap and then winked.

Sunny swallowed hard, surprised at how much she envied Pansy’s predicament. Meeting Mondo’s hard gaze, she quivered inside. Sensing he’d know if she tried to give him anything less than the truth, she admitted her interest with a whispered, “Yes, Sir.”

Mondo stepped closer, forcing her head up to maintain their locked gazes. A hand slipped between her thighs, fingers gliding in the moisture coating her smooth outer labia. Shock sent a shiver straight up her spine at the intimate touch, and she nearly reached out to push his hand away.

Without any emotion in his eyes, Mondo smiled. “I’ll touch you however I want. No matter who watches.”

She nodded, but gasped a quick, “Yes, Sir,” when he pinched her swollen clit.

The urge to widen her stance, to invite further caresses warred with the chilling awareness that others watched.

Mondo gave her a long look. Everything inside her made her want to lower her gaze, to hide the longing surging up inside her. For him. For what this place offered. How much of that longing was for him specifically or for what he might be able to teach her, she wasn’t sure. But she held his gaze, braving out the tense moment.

Mondo gave a soft grunt and then glanced around them. Heads turned swiftly away at his glare.

She ducked her head, averting her gaze as she’d been instructed. She almost smiled at his irritation but firmed her lips to hide her amusement. The fact she wanted to smile when she was nude and vulnerable surprised her. She’d never done this before. Even with the few lovers she’d had, she was quick to find a robe rather than parade naked.

“I want you to watch with me tonight,” he said, his voice pitched low. “Be my shadow. When I pause, you kneel. When I move, you follow.” He trailed a finger down the side of her face. “If I caress you, you will let me see whether you feel pleasure or discomfort. Hide nothing.”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered and then wet her lips, wishing he’d kiss her again.

His sensuous, firm mouth quirked up at one side. “You are a surprise.”

Her mouth twitched. “Sir?”

“Yes, Sunny?”

“Will you make love to me tonight?”

He pulled his head back and looked down at her, his eyes narrowed as he studied her face. “I shouldn’t. You’re bold and shouldn’t be rewarded. You have a lot to learn.”

“You didn’t say you won’t.” The further narrowing of his eyes told her she’d displeased him. Quickly, before he could respond, she slowly knelt in front of him. “You paused, Sir.”

Mondo’s teeth flashed. He shook his head. “
, the things I want to do with you.”

With her gaze level with his cock, she couldn’t help but eye the long column outlined in his tight, dark pants. It stretched along his thigh. Pansy had said he was well-endowed. Sunny was suddenly eager to know the truth, to feel the pinch of his girth entering her.

A finger tucked under her chin and lifted her face. Mondo shook his head. “Watch with me. First,

Wanting to keep her off-kilter and honestly reactive, Mondo decided he wouldn’t demand that she follow him, keeping three steps behind him. Instead, he held out his hand, palm down, and reached for hers, placing it atop his and holding it out, like a courtier of old. This way, she was beside him as they moved through the crowd—and he could watch her.

She strode with her head up but her gaze respectfully lowered. She jutted her chin out, her expression was clear—a mask of calm that was belied by the tremor in her hand. Her nudity disturbed her, but she wasn’t willing to let him know it.

Over the tops of the heads of those wandering the room, he found Marti and Jackson playing on a sofa, Marti astride Jackson’s hips, her hands braced on her thighs while Jackson flicked her tits.

Mondo took an overstuffed velvet chair beside them and then indicated with a lazy finger that Sunny should kneel next to him. He was interested in seeing Sunny’s reactions to the couple’s open sexuality.

She knelt gracefully and dutifully clasped her hands behind her, which arched her back and jutted forward her small breasts. The tightly beaded tips quivered as she took shallow breaths.

Marti smiled at Mondo and then gave Sunny an even wider one as her gaze trailed over Sunny’s nude body approvingly, snagging on the collar—likely because it wasn’t his usual practice. “Welcome, by the way. I saw you in the lineup. Pansy said you might come. Glad to see you held onto your nerve.”

Sunny darted a glance upward and appeared to fight a grin before looking from under her lashes at Mondo.

“You can speak freely,” he said, sighing.

“I like what you’re wearing,” Sunny said, her voice a pleasant pitch.

With fascination clearly stamped on her face, Sunny’s gaze swept Marti’s outfit. Another of her shiny PVC, peek-a-boo bras and slick, short skirts. The bra had cutouts around her nipples. The skirt was peeled up and hugged her waist. Her bare cunt was pressed against Jackson’s clothed groin.

“Pansy said we were going on a shopping spree. Soon,” Marti said to Sunny. “I saw the cutest cheongsam, with slits all the way up to tops of the hips. Real accessible. In red. It would be gorgeous on you.” She wrinkled her nose. “I have too much boobage.”

Sunny laughed and ducked her head, her cheeks turning pink.

Mondo couldn’t resist the urge to touch her and cupped the back of her neck, skimming through the thick curtain of her long hair with lazy up-and-down motions of his thumb. “I would have to approve any costumes she wears here.”

Marti shook her head. “Trouble with all these guys is they always have to be in charge.”

Jackson pinched her nipple and held it.

“Ouch,” Marti said, aiming a scowl at her husband.

Jackson arched a brow. “You like it when we’re in charge. And it’s not all of us guys. Gus and Craig seem quite happy to accept orders now and then.”

“And it’s sexier than hell to watch,” Marti said, sighing as Jackson slipped a hand between her legs. Her head whipped back toward Sunny. “Is it too much? All the sex? How’d he talk you into gettin’ nekked so quick?”

Sunny’s mouth opened, but Mondo cleared his throat. “She’s in training. She’ll do whatever I say, and I told her to strip.”

“Yeah.” Marti leaned toward Sunny. “It’s the accent, right? Makes me melt too.”

Jackson moved his legs, jostling Marti on his lap. His hand dove deeper between her legs.

She gave a cry, reached for his shoulders and then gulped. “Yeah, right there, baby,” she said, leaning in to kiss him.

Mondo watched Sunny from the corner of his eye. Her face was pink, but her stare was very interested. Not a hint of shock or revulsion was in her expression. If anything, there was yearning painted on her face.

“I’ll leave you two to your pleasure,” Mondo said, reaching out and tugging the blue streak in Marti’s hair before rising. Once again, he held out his hand, waiting as Sunny rose and replaced her hand atop his. He walked her through the room, past others engaged in intercourse and petting. Couples, threesomes, straight and gay. Other than the widening of her eyes, Sunny betrayed nothing of her emotions. Although her breasts and belly quivered.

Mondo paused again in front of one of the well-lit stages, but he positioned her in front of him rather than kneeling at his side. He didn’t know if he could have her eye-level with his dick again and not be tempted to bare it to have her suck him dry.

Her lush mouth tempted him. Her green, almond-shaped eyes had studied his cock so intensely, he’d wanted to pull her up and hurry her from the room. She tempted him to forego training in favor of ravishing her. An impulse he hadn’t allowed himself to feel in many years.

Now that she was in front of him, he cast his gaze on the scene before them. Sunny’s posture stiffened. He wondered if she was repelled or intrigued.

The man was fully dressed, a leather hood over his head. The woman was nude, her body bent over a padded sawhorse, wrists bound and attached to chains that kept her restrained and unable to straighten. Her body already showed the marks of his sensual torture. Slim welts criss-crossed her back and buttocks. Her skin was red. Her breathing harsh. Each lash from the leather whip the man wielded landed with an audible flick.

Sunny’s body tensed each time he raised his arm. She jerked every time the tip of the whip bit the woman’s flesh. Maybe this display was too much, too soon.

Mondo stepped closer to Sunny and reached around to cup a breast, flicking the nipple to distract her. If possible, her back became even straighter, but then her body shuddered. She leaned back, snuggling against him as he continued to caress her with both hands roaming, sometimes pinching but otherwise giving her gentle caresses.

He breathed in her scent, which became richer the more aroused she became. Cinnamon and musk mingled so sweetly he could nearly taste it.

His hands glided on soft, quivering skin that cloaked a softer, more feminine frame than he’d expected. She was slight, but every curve he explored provided a sensory delight. Like a blind man reading Braille, he learned what made her squirm or hum.

He cupped a breast and massaged it, circling the soft, distended tip, his other hand reaching down to slide between her legs. She was short, so he had to lean slightly over her, her head tucked into the corner of his neck, and she surrendered, fluid flooding his palm as the man on the stage tossed down the whip and approached the woman.

The man patted her bottom and then swatted each side. The woman shuffled her feet, widening her stance. When he swatted her pussy, she groaned and hung her head. He circled the sawhorse and knelt beside her. His hand cupped her chin to raise her face. “I’m going to fuck you now. Would that please you?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, her voice thick with tears. “Please, Sir.”

He leaned close and kissed her cheek, pushed up and walked around behind her again. Then he quickly opened his pants and pushed them past his hips. Positioned behind her, he slid his fingers between her buttocks, circled her hole with two fingers and pushed inside. The woman’s body bowed, pulling at her restraints.

BOOK: Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5
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