Read Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5 Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #bdsm, #ménage, #f/m/m, #dom/sub

Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5 (5 page)

BOOK: Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5
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“Their men possess their hearts. We’ve all learned that jealousy plays no part in our interactions. That the women’s pleasure is our goal.”

“Then the women are all very, very lucky. I don’t know how I’d feel, whether I could be that selfless watching you with one of them.”

“And yet we barely know each other.”

“I know enough of what I want, Mondo. Sir.”

He held still, until she finished the thought.

“I want you.”

With his cock pulsing, his balls drawing close to his groin, Mondo knew he would have to take her soon or take himself in hand. No amount of self-discipline could forestall his arousal it had grown so strong. Giving into the urge, he leaned toward her pussy and kissed her full lips, sucking them into his mouth as he groaned, deep in his throat.

She widened her thighs and then lifted them. He guided them over his shoulders, enjoying the feel of her well-oiled skin gliding over him. His tongue stroked up and down, learning her contours, her flavors. But then he did the thing he’d wanted most when he’d spied her sex, he drew her inner folds into his mouth and sucked them hard, drawing on them as though they were a flower he intended to strip of its petals one at a time.

Sunny’s excitement blossomed. She tightened her calves on his back and pushed her thighs farther apart. She lifted her bottom, pushing against his mouth. Pointing his tongue, he speared her vagina with the tip, fucking her, drawing down her creamy essence that he savored on his tongue before swallowing it.

His cock was as hard as a steel rod, throbbing with insistence for release, but he wanted this first time to be about her and didn’t think he had the self-control to hold back his own pleasure should he use his cock, so he thrust two fingers inside her, swirling into her moist, hot channel and moved up to latch on her tiny, distended clit with his lips.

While she’d laid mostly passive throughout his play, now she writhed and moaned, her bottom lifting and swaying in tight circles, as though following his swirling fingers. Her opening cinched around his digits, squeezing as her breaths turned into kitten-like pants. Her mewls were gorgeous, thin warbles of delight.

He suckled and rubbed her clit, pumped his fingers, reaching deeper and deeper and then curling them, searching for the raw nerve endings that would seal her pleasure.

When he found the magic spot, she arched her back, thrusting her breasts, a long groan erupting. “Please, Mondo, please…”

Something inside him eased. He felt blessed by her request, knowing she was suspended on the edge of her orgasm, refusing to leap until he gave her permission. He rewarded her instinctual plea with a harder pull on her clit and then released it. “Come for me,
. Do it now,” he said, his voice rasping. Then he closed his lips around her hard little knot and bit it.

Sunny screamed, her hands landing on his hair to pull it, forcing him closer. His fingers swam in a fresh wash of her feminine come. Mondo waited patiently as he continued to stroke and suck until at last she lay gasping on the table.

His body was taut, head to toe. The time had come for him to claim her. Any doubts he’d harbored, about her suitability, her commitment to their path, were pushed away. He had to have her. The thought of her tight pussy taking his cock gripped him, fed his hunger like a drug. With the taste of her pleasure in his mouth, he lunged upward, lifted her, cradled against his chest and strode toward the platform where he’d find his own pleasure.

Chapter Five

Sunny couldn’t muster so much as a murmur as he draped her over the strange little padded bench. She was very nearly purring as he arranged her body bent forward to hug the smooth leather. Didn’t protest the straps he sealed around her ankles or wrists. Whatever he wanted, she would do. She’d never before experienced the depth of pure pleasure he’d just given her. And she knew he was only getting started.

“Are you comfortable?” he asked, kneeling naked beside her.

When she couldn’t muster a response, he chuckled and tucked her hair behind her ears, waiting patiently for her answer.

She turned her head and sleepily blinked her eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered.

De nada
. The pleasure was mine.”

His smile was strained, and she could understand why. Glancing lower, she noted the angry redness of his erection, the bubble of cream poised atop his slit. “Your turn, I suppose,” she said with a little dreamy smile.

“Not until you are ready for more.”

Her attention caught, she glanced down at her wrists. “I will need these?”

“I need them.”

“It pleases you to see me helpless?”

His smile turned rueful. “If I answer you yes, you will once again wonder at how damaged I must be.”

“I wouldn’t think that. I’m just curious.”

His smile softened. “How do you feel?”

“I’m not uncomfortable.”

“No, how do you feel? Other than curious.”

Looking inward, she brushed past the luscious lethargy his lovemaking had induced. “I feel…free.” Her lips twitched. “Strange, right?”

He shook his head. “Not at all. Restraint should never harm, and I wouldn’t want you to fear it. Subs, natural ones, love them because when they surrender to restraint, they are freed of the instinctual obligation to protect themselves or return pleasure with action. It’s a gift. One I offer you now.”

“What about your pleasure?” she asked, staring pointedly at his turgid cock.

Mondo caressed her cheek. His eyes simmered with heat. “I’m not a boy, not a selfish man. I would ready you to experience more pleasure. And I have done this long enough to know that delaying my orgasm will only increase its strength.” Darting a glance downward, he gave his cock a slow stroke. “Not that the sight of you doesn’t tempt me.”

Her cheeks flushed. “What now?”

“I think I’ll introduce you to my favorite flogger.”

Her breath caught.

“This first time, there will be no real pain. Just warmth. I’ll be gentle.”

She shook her head. “And if I want more?”

“We’ll see. Have you ever been flogged or spanked?”

Sunny cleared her throat. “Once, I asked a boyfriend to spank me. He wanted to oblige, but his taps didn’t do a thing for me. I never asked again because we were both embarrassed by the experience.”

Mondo grunted, likely intuiting that she’d been put off trying it again, even with someone else, because she’d thought there was something wrong with her. “There’s no shame in wanting to explore, sweetheart. But you need a partner who understands what excites you.”

Her nose wrinkled. “Hard to fix when I don’t understand what I need.”

His thumb stroked her bottom lip. “You don’t have to figure it out alone.”

Something inside her shifted. Relaxed. She wasn’t alone, and if she read the subtext right, she didn’t have to take responsibility for her own pleasure. He’d guide her. Sunny smiled. “I’m glad I came.”

“So am I.”

He rose and walked to the pegboard where his implements hung. He chose a flogger with red strands, the handle wrapped in black leather. Without even feeling the first stroke, her pussy moistened. When he turned, the size of his erection struck her again, made her wish he’d forego instruction in favor of letting her have a taste. She’d love the chance to return the favor, but on further thought, the idea of going down on him was intimidating. She was far from an expert, and again, she worried her inexperience would disappoint him.

When he strode behind her, she could no longer see him. Resting her cheek on cool leather, she waited, nerves tuning to the sounds he made, his bare feet shuffling on the carpet, the snap of the flogger as he flicked it against something, not her.

But then he ran the soft strands down her back and over her buttocks. They felt almost as soft as velvet. They lifted away and the first lash landed. A gentle brush high on one buttock. The lash was followed by another gentle swish on the opposite side. And so he began brushing soft strokes that lulled her into a lazy, dreamy haze. The sensation was drugging. Like having someone else brush her hair. Her eyelids dipped, and she hummed with pleasure. Left side, right side, the rhythm like the soft sway of a boat on a placid lake. Soothed into complacency, she jerked when one stroke bit into her fleshy bottom.

Sunny raised her head and tried to look back, but the next and next lashes stung as well. Wide awake, she contemplated complaining, but just as quickly as those had landed, he went back to softer strokes and her heartbeats evened out again.

He paused and glided a large, hot palm over her skin, traced a finger along a stinging welt. “You’re doing well,” he said in that deep, lightly accented voice of his that turned her on more than any vibrator she’d ever tried.

She didn’t want him to stop. Wanted more praise and more biting strokes. But she didn’t know what he expected of her. If she begged, would he stop? So she held still, barely breathing. Waiting.

Again, he brushed her buttocks with the flogger, left to right. This time, she didn’t drift. She waited for the heavier flicks. Anticipation making her so tense her thighs trembled.

A lash tapped her labia, and she groaned. She inched apart her knees, just as far as the bench and the restraints would allow, and sank again against the butter-soft leather.

Strokes landed on the backs of her thighs, the outermost curve of her buttocks. A swat laid the flanges lengthwise along her pussy. The gentle swish made her wonder what a flick would feel like there, but she didn’t have long to wait. The cut edges of the flogger stung her high atop her hooded clit.

Her sex throbbed, her clit grew rigid and moisture dribbled, cooling her cunt as the air-conditioned air wafted against it.

Something dropped to the carpet. Plastic crinkled. Latex snapped. His hands were on her bottom again, separating the globes. She buried her face against the leather the moment his breath gusted against her sex.

A long, wet lap, clit to asshole, traced the center of her. He lingered over her forbidden hole, his tongue rimming her.

She didn’t dare clench, although she wanted to. God, how she wanted to. But he’d know how shocked she was, and also how much she loved the sensation of his wet tongue swirling there.

Then suddenly the rasp of Velcro broke the silence. Her legs were freed. He bent over her, his body gliding on her well-oiled skin. He released her hands and gripped her waist, drawing back and bringing her upright. He turned her and hefted her up into his arms and stalked toward the narrow bed tucked into one corner of the room.

Sunny didn’t draw a deep breath until he laid her down on crisp cool sheets. Her entire body was taut, her skin on fire from blushes and arousal. He stood looking down for a long, charged moment and then glanced over his shoulder, making a cutting motion over his throat.

She didn’t have time to ponder what that meant though, because he turned and knelt on the side of the mattress, urging her thighs apart with his strong hands and then climbing between them.

When he lowered his body over hers, she nearly wept. The entire evening had been leading to this. One long seduction that had left her shaking and so aroused she ached.

Her clit was swollen. Pulsing. Her pussy so wet moisture leaked to the sheets beneath her. But she didn’t care. She opened her arms, accepting his weight, mewling with anxiety and desperation for the contact of his soft chest hair and heavy muscle to cover her.

Her legs opened further, without any conscious thought from her. Her knees rose, cupping the sides of his lean hips.

“Do you want this,

“Yes, Master,” she whispered, surrendering herself to the moment and him.

“I’m out of patience.
Lo siento
,” he whispered back.

“Don’t be sorry. Can’t you tell how much I want this? Mondo, I ache.”

He gave her his full weight, his elbows at either side of her shoulders, his hands framing her face. “You’ve enchanted me.”

Her lips curved. “I’m not taking all the blame here.”

“No? You entered my club. My house. You gave me everything I asked of you tonight—your sweet submission, your passion.” He leaned on one elbow and ran a hand from her breast to her hip. His fingers slipped beneath her bottom and he squeezed one buttock. “I’m holding onto my sanity by a thread.”

The evidence of his desire was a thick, steely column trapped between them. She undulated her belly, grinding against it.

“Please, Master,” she said, calling him the name he hadn’t asked for but that felt right. She sensed it was a trigger for him. The word certainly excited her, because it elicited all kinds of naughty thoughts—of her bound and blindfolded, bent over a sawhorse with a crowd gathered around a well-lit stage. Of him taking her however he wished as a spotlight gilded his caramel skin. And although those images were only fantasies, not something she was anywhere near ready to explore, she begged again, “Please,” because if he didn’t take her, she felt as though she’d die. Sunny had never wanted anything or anyone as much as she did this man, right now.

He shifted and lifted his hips. His cock nudged between her legs, and her patience snapped. She reached with both hands to grip his shaft and part her folds to guide him straight inside her.

His chuckle gusted against her face, but she didn’t give him a smile, because he lifted his belly and rose on his arms, affording her a glimpse between their bodies, and she was arrested by the sight of him thrusting into her.

Her fingers slid away as he pushed inward. But she kept her folds parted, not wanting any interference with her view or his advance.

His cloaked cock was thick, veins bulging around the straight column. As the blunt, wide head forged through her tender channel, it stretched her, churning in and out with short, steady plunges.

Already the fullness left her breathless. At last, she pulled her hand from between them, enjoying another layer of pressure as her labia stretched around him, sucking at his cock.

One last plunge and he was finally fully seated inside her. Their glances rose and locked. He lowered on his arms to rest against her.

She was panting, her breaths so shallow she gulped twice for more air. “You’re here,” she said, inanely.

But his slow smile said he understood. His arms encircled her and he rolled them to their sides. She straightened her legs and slid one over his hip. They eyed each other quietly.

She reveled in the joining of their bodies and hoped he did too. Connected, she felt his heartbeats in the internal pulsing of his cock.

His skin was hot against hers. His muscular arms provided a comforting embrace.

“I’ll let you catch your breath,” he murmured and leaned toward her to kiss her mouth.

The kiss was surprisingly tender and soft. Exploratory. He simply rubbed his lips against hers and then began to lap at them. She opened her mouth, inviting him in. When his tongue touched hers, she gave a little moan. The moment was perfection.

He drew back, kissed the tip of her nose and then her cheek. “Ready?”

Before she nodded, he began gliding, short thrusts that stoked the fire already burning inside her. But their position also frustrated because their movement was restricted.

She thought she’d hidden her grimace, but he smiled and tapped her nose. “Complaining already?”

“I’d never do that.” After all, she’d given him the lead.

They rolled again. He withdrew. She was on her back for all of a second before he turned her, urging her onto her belly. He lifted her hips, reached for the pillow and pushed it beneath her. “Let me do the work,” he said, a smile in his voice.

Since her legs were Jell-O anyway, she didn’t offer a word of protest. Instead, she let him arrange her body for his pleasure, her rump raised, her knees spread far apart, her chest against the sheets.

A hand cupped her sex. He inserted a finger, then two. She sighed when he licked her, tonguing her clit, content as a well-fed kitten to let him play.

Soon enough, he shifted behind her. His broad tip pushed against her and slid deep. Reflexively, her lips cinched around him, squeezing to hold him inside.

A clap landed on one cheek, and she pushed up on her arms and aimed a mock-glare over her shoulder. What she saw started her heart thudding hard inside her chest.

He withdrew and held up a black rubber object in his hand. One she recognized because it had been described in loving detail in a book she’d just read. A plug. In the other hand, he dangled a tube of lubricant.

“Where were you hiding those?”

“They were in a drawer beneath the bed. I like to keep them handy. This one’s very small. It shouldn’t cause you too much discomfort.”

Her jaw dropped and she whipped her head forward. He’d said he wanted to play there, but she’d thought he meant in some future encounter. A slick of gel was laid against her hole. A finger spread it, circling.

This time, she didn’t even try to stop the instinctive clench.

He tsked behind her and pushed the tip of a finger against the tight little ring, entering her.

The sensation was foreign. Lurid. But she couldn’t say a word. Her breath caught and held as he stroked that thick digit into her ass. The sensitive ring cinched tightly around him, trying to eject him.

. Deep breaths. Relax your pretty puckered hole for me.”

“Don’t talk about it,” she blurted, relieved he couldn’t see the heat spreading across her cheeks.

More goo was pushed inside her. Fingers pinched her open. A cool, lubed tip pressed against her opening.

BOOK: Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5
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