Read Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5 Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #bdsm, #ménage, #f/m/m, #dom/sub

Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5 (7 page)

BOOK: Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5
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Sunny kicked off her sandals and sat, curling her legs beneath her. “Thanks for having me over.”

Pansy arched a brow. “Think we were gonna let you off the hook? You held out so long we were sure you were ditching us.”

Heat suffused her cheeks. “I had just gotten up the nerve to come when Marti arrived,” she admitted, giving an embarrassed shake of her head.

“Tell the truth,” Marti called out from behind the bar. “It was my superior kissing skills that tipped the scales.”

Sunny’s jaw dropped as the heads of the other two women in the room swung her way.

Pansy giggled. “She does give great smacks, doesn’t she?”

Sunny ducked her head and cleared her throat before quipping, “Not as good as yours though.”

Pansy whooped and tossed a pillow at Marti. “Hear that?”

“Those sound like fightin’ words,” Marti said. “Can’t have that.” She brought a tall glass to Sunny. “Drink up,” she said clinking her own against Sunny’s. Standing over Sunny with her hip cocked, Marti arched a brow. “I think we ought to have a little kiss-off to settle this once and for all.”

Jenn chuckled. “Why don’t you say that just a little louder. Jackson’ll be all over your ass.”

“Think I’m scared?” Marti said with a waggle of her brows.

The women laughed, and Sunny held her breath. Were they serious?

“Make room,” Marti all but purred, edging onto the sofa beside Sunny, forcing Sunny closer to the pregnant blonde.

Sunny lowered her legs to the floor, and the women seated on opposite sides of her put down their drinks, shared small secretive smiles and then turned their attention to Sunny.

Blowing a breath out between pursed lips, Sunny eyed one then the other, noted the gleam of anticipation in Marti’s and the narrowed challenge in Pansy’s. Her own anticipation ramped up.

The two women leaned closer.

Pansy tucked a strand of Sunny’s hair behind her ear and rubbed a soft fingertip around the shell.

Marti trailed a finger along the edge of Sunny’s jaw, tucked it under the center of her chin and turned her face towards hers. “I like kissing girls,” she whispered. “Jackson knows that about me. Encourages it even, although you’ll never hear him say it. I like doing other things too.”

And then she leaned closer. Sunny didn’t move, not away, not closer. She waited, giving Marti the lead, ready to do her will. The other woman’s words, spoken on a throaty murmur, had squeezed the tips of Sunny’s breasts into hard little points. A hot throb had kicked up in her core, moistening her sex. Good Lord, she wanted to play.

Then Marti’s pretty plump mouth moved in. A soft mouth made for kissing sucked at her lower lip. Marti darted out her tongue, rimming Sunny’s mouth, then she latched her lips to Sunny’s and suctioned softly, drawing on them, drawing her closer. Her hands framed Sunny’s face, tilting it. The kiss deepened.

Sunny moaned into the other woman’s mouth. The kiss was flavored with rum and mint and was cool and hot at the same time. Delicious.

Marti’s tongue stroked inside, caressing Sunny’s and then withdrawing. She leaned away, tucked her finger under Sunny’s chin again and turned her face toward Pansy. “Your turn, sweet cheeks.”

“What the hell?”

Startled glances swung toward the man standing in the doorway.

Sunny sucked in a startled gasp.

Mondo’s hands were on his hips, his eyebrows lowered in a dark frown. “Jackson, Beau,” he shouted without ever looking away from Sunny.

Heavy steps tumbled down the stairs. Tall, muscular frames crowded the entrance.

Sunny’s cheeks grew scorching hot as the men stared at the three of them nested so closely Sunny’s shoulders were surrounded by soft bosoms. She licked her lips, knowing they were swollen.

A pinch hidden against her side from Marti, made her give a little jerk, but she’d needed it. She lifted her chin and met Mondo’s hot stare. “You might have let us know you were here.”

Marti muffled a giggle. But a curl of Jackson’s finger had her sliding off the couch and walking in a beeline to his side. He gripped her elbow and led her away.

Beau cleared his throat and signaled to Pansy with a flip of his fingers.

Pansy made a show of edging off the seat, her hand pressed against her round belly, but she too was led away with Beau and Billy flanking her.

Jenn edged away, lifting her shoulder in apology to Sunny but following the stomp of Aiden’s heels. Craig shook his head but followed the pair, a smile beginning to stretch.

Which left her alone with Mondo, who had yet to move or glance away.

Her body stiffened and then began to grow hot. Just meeting his steady stare frightened and excited her. And there was relief, because she’d missed him and now he was here. She’d take anger over absence. At least now she had his attention.

At last, Mondo dropped his arms. She noted his clothing, faded jeans, frayed at the knees. A signature dark tee hugged his torso. He wore casual work boots, black.

“Look at me.”

Her gaze snapped back up to meet his, locked by his command.

“I didn’t want to come,” he said, his voice a low, grumbling rumble.

Sunny swallowed, feeling a burning begin at the back of her throat, but she swallowed it. She wasn’t going to cry.

“I didn’t want to come because if I kept my distance, I could tell myself what happened between us was a fluke. That I couldn’t possibly want you as much as I did.”

Her heart stuttered, and now her gaze clung to him of her own volition. She understood what he was saying, because until she found him standing there just a few feet away, she hadn’t really believed in the power of their attraction. But it was there, warming the air, an electric spark that shivered over her skin.

“So this is happening.”

She shook her head, unsure what he meant.

“You’re mine, Sunny.”

“For how long?” she asked, her voice raw, and she almost bit her lip, thinking she’d made a mistake saying that.

“For as long as the fire burns between us.”

Forever then
, she said to herself, because she couldn’t imagine her need lessening. Ever.

“But there will be rules. Get up.”

Sunny pushed off the seat and stood. Not wanting him to say more before he knew her intentions, she walked toward him, her head down. When she stood in front of him, she knelt and clasped her hands behind her back.

She went a step farther because she needed to touch him, to be reassured he was real. Leaning forward, she rested her cheek against his thigh. And she waited. Unmoving.

He touched her hair, opening his palm to cradle her head. She nestled closer, sighing, relief too pale a word for what she felt. Gratitude, too tame.

Her eyes burning, Sunny acknowledged he filled a need she would never have discovered if she hadn’t met him. Sunny wanted to be owned, consumed whole by this man. Whatever he asked of her, she would do for the simple pleasure of his touch.

Chapter Seven

Mondo cupped her bent head, staring downward. He’d acted on pure gut when he’d entered the room, the sight of sweet, innocent little Sunny sitting between Pansy and Marti too sexy to bear.

, he’d been jealous of the soft moan she’d given Marti, of the moistness of her well-kissed mouth. And then she’d given him this. Every warning he’d given himself on the drive over here, about how he ought to proceed if she was interested in continuing her training, went right out the window.

At this moment, with her kneeling so sweetly at his feet, her small body quivering and her cheek nestled against his thigh, all he wanted to do was lift her to her feet and smother her in kisses.

But what did Sunny really want? Him or the Master? He shook his head, for once not quite knowing how he wanted to approach a woman. Seeing her again, her willingness to submit evident in her posture, something inside his chest gave. Like a sigh he didn’t dare release.

Mondo tugged on her hair, tilting back her head to raise her gaze to his. “What do you want from me,

Her almond eyes blinked, her lips trembled. “I want you, Sir. All of you. Everything you want to give, I’ll accept.”

On his terms. Whatever they might be, she left unsaid, but he read her intent in her solemn gaze. Mondo shook his head. How she pleased him. Just looking at her filled something inside him. A sweet, growing heat crept from his balls outward to shiver through his frame.

His mouth curved slowly. “Let me show you something.” He held out his hand, waiting for her to place hers in his palm, and then helped her to her feet. When she stood, she swayed, and he wrapped his arm around her, drawing her toward his chest. Her breasts flattened against him, the curve of her back deepened as she fit herself to his frame, tilting her head back.

The unspoken request was there, and he wanted nothing more than to please her, so he kissed her. Closing his eyes, he sank into the moment, drinking from her lips, savoring the hint of mint he tasted, stroking inward to tangle with the warmth of her soft tongue. They kissed, lips drawing, heads slanting to align in that natural way lovers did to find just the right angle to increase the pleasure and ease a long exploration.

Mondo clutched her hair, her cheek, rubbed her chin with his thumb and then retreated to gaze down into her eyes. “Come,” he said softly.

“Yes, Sir.” And she smiled.

Another rush of warmth filled him. His chest expanded and he caught up her hand again. Hoping his friends had been smart enough to leave one particular room empty for his use, he led her from the living room, down a hallway to the back of the house, to the refurbished family room.

The door was closed, no light shining from beneath it. He opened it, flicked on the switch and stood back as he guided her with a hand pressed against the small of her back to precede him.

Her steps didn’t falter as she gazed around. Soft, thick teal carpeting underfoot, walls painted a softer, lighter shade of the same color. Beau and Billy’s wishes had been taken into consideration in the color scheme of this particular room. The equipment—benches, padded tables, a St. Andrew’s Cross—gleamed of polished oak and rich, black leather-covered padded surfaces. Beau and Billy had gone all out, pooling resources to produce a very comfortable playroom for Pansy and the occasional guests.

“This is nice,” she said softly, wandering deeper inside the room, trailing her fingers over surfaces, her steps leading her to the chains set in the floor and draping downward from the ceiling. The ceiling chains threaded through a large steel hook and ran to a pulley. The wheel handle that tightened the chains was installed on a far wall.

“We should talk,” he said softly.

“Really?” she said, lifting her chin as she met his gaze.

“We should. But I’m guessing you’d rather play first…”

She pressed her lips together and gave a sharp nod. “I think I’ll find it easier to be honest with you…after…”

Mondo strode toward her, coming up behind her. He encircled her torso with his arms and hugged her against him. He nuzzled her hair, and she tilted her head to the side, exposing the gentle curve of her neck. He kissed her there and then tongued the lobe of her ear. “Did you enjoy the flogging I gave you?”

She nodded.

“Would you like to try something else? Something different?”

Again, she nodded. Her breaths deepened. He smoothed his hands upward, cupping her small breasts through her clothing. Lowering his voice, he said, “You should undress. Put your folded stack on the counter.” Pulling away, he drew a deep breath as she walked toward the cabinet set against the wall and began stripping. He took another deep breath to calm his heart and regulate his breathing. Never had he fought so hard for control. He should have known from the start this woman was special.

Everything about her pleased him, caused his chest to warm and expand, his body to relax, quiet happiness spreading through him. The way she spoke—softly, the words considered rather than blurted. The way she looked at him—hope and even a touch of awe shining in her eyes. She made him feel invincible and weak at the same time.

And she was lovely. Not merely pretty or beautiful. Exotic, yes, with her slanted, almond-shaped green eyes, black hair and pale creamy skin. But her features were delicate, not a thing overly pronounced, except for her mouth, which was plump and stretched wide. Made for loving.

Her quiet beauty was restful on his eyes. Called to the protective side of him. The first sight of her pleasuring herself in the darkness had squeezed his chest tight, because he’d known right then she needed someone desperately—just as desperately as he did, but he hadn’t been ready to admit that. Not then.

Now he knew he’d never let her go. He’d said they’d be together as long as the fire burned between them, but he knew instinctively she was the one who would be the keeper of his heart. But it was too soon to tell her that. He’d lead her slowly into his life, making accommodations for her level of comfort with his darker desires. Already, she’d shown a certain tolerance for the sexual freedom his friends had found. If he needed rougher play, he’d borrow Craig or Jenn. But only with Sunny’s understanding and consent.

By the time she placed her underwear neatly on the pile, he’d already mapped out in his mind the future he wanted for them both. He knew he was getting way ahead of himself. But for the first time, he understood the need to rush that had consumed each of his friends, one by one.

When a man found his true mate, his love, waiting to put his brand on her was pure torture.

Her glance turned toward him, and she walked to him, her steps small, toes first, so graceful that the sway of her hips was a gentle ebb and flow.

His hands tightened at his sides, and his balls hardened right along with his cock. He knew if he touched her now, he wouldn’t make it through the scene he’d envisioned.

He pointed toward the floor in front of him and watched one side of her mouth turn up as she knelt. “Wait for me here,” he said, making up his mind in a split second to rush headlong one more time.

Mondo strode for the door. When he opened it, he was surprised to find Jenn sitting on a chair just outside.

She stood. “Beau said that I should wait in case you needed anything.”

Mondo gave her a smile. “Get Craig. I want you both to prepare her for me.”

“Do you want Aiden to assist?”

Mondo gave a sharp nod.


“Yes, Jenn, speak freely.”

“Is this Sunny’s initiation?”

He noted the expectant gleam in her eyes. He hesitated answering, because it had only just dawned on him that this was it. The moment. Each of his friends, most with much more planning, had shared a sort of commitment ceremony with the group. The men’s bonds had been formed over a long friendship, solidified during their training at the academy. Then, almost by accident, if Marti could be described as such, they’d formed deeper bonds, bringing their lovers, one by one, into their fold.

“Do you think she’s ready?” he asked. His instincts had been slow to catch up with his heart. He didn’t quite trust himself.

Jenn’s smile was wide. “She’s already in love with you. And more than curious about our group dynamics. We’ll do our best not to completely overwhelm her.”

Mondo closed the door as she hurried away. Then he closed the distance between him and Sunny. “Did you hear?”

“I did, Sir.”

“What do you think?”

“She shouldn’t have told you that I love you.”


“Because I wasn’t sure myself, not until she said it.” She raised her head, her eyes shimmering, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth. “I’m not ready for you to know that.”

It struck him that what she really meant was that she wasn’t sure about his feelings. He gave a slight shake of his head and went down on one knee in front of her, leaning toward her. “Sweetheart, you can be honest with me. I’m ready. I wasn’t sure until you knelt in front of me in the living room, but, baby, you took my breath away.”

Her lips trembled and then her smile stretched wide.

He cupped her cheeks and kissed her, then leaned his forehead against hers as he held her stare. “Do you know what’s coming?”

Her nostrils flared around a deep, sharp inhalation. “Not the specifics, because those change, or so Pansy said…” She stopped and swallowed. “But they’ll all be coming in here, won’t they?”

He touched her cheek. “Too much too soon?”

“Not if you’re here with me.” She wrinkled her nose. “I probably won’t be able to stop blushing though.”

He laughed softly. “You’re lovely. They’ll be respectful. This is about your pleasure, not theirs.”

“What about yours?” she asked, her voice deepening with desire.

“My pleasure will be watching you come undone,
mi enamorada

The door opened with a quiet snick. His friends entered in a single file, all nude. Mondo narrowed his eyes. They might have started with just a few less flashes of dick. But he was curious about what Sunny’s reactions would be. So he held still. Her head remained down, her nude body turned away from the group. Although she had heard them enter, she hadn’t yet seen them.

“Sunny, rise and face them now.”

He kept beside her, watching her rather than his friends as she turned, her eyes widening, her gaze darting from one naked friend to the next, her cheeks turning crimson in the process.

“Any second thoughts?” he whispered.

Her gaze darted up to his, but couldn’t hold, dropping to his chest. “None.”

The firmness of her tone, surprised him. His cock pulsed. “Help me undress.”

Sunny faced him and unbuckled his belt, only a slight tremor in her hands. “I like unwrapping gifts,” she whispered.

Smiling, he glanced down her body, at the tight buds of her breasts, loving the way her excited breaths made them quiver.

Once she’d loosened the opening of his jeans, she rucked up his shirt as high as she could reach, waiting until he removed it the rest of the way and gave her the item. She carefully folded it and walked to the cabinet.

“For Christsake,” Marti muttered. “I don’t think I can stand the suspense.”

Mondo arched a brow at her.

She took it as the signal he’d intended and eagerly rushed over to assist Sunny. Between the two of them, he was stripped in minutes.

Since both had finished with his socks and were kneeling in front of him, he decided to let them take the edge off the tension in the room. He shot a glance toward Jackson, received his narrowed glare and an accompanying nod, and then reached down and gripped his shaft. “Both of you, suck it.”

A snicker sounded from the sidelines, and he knew it was Craig, laughing at the crudeness of the words because Mondo seldom issued such bald commands and his friend had to know just how worked up inside he really was.

But the next moment, he could have cared less whether Craig was laughing his ass off, because both women flanked him, their gazes meeting and their faces wearing playful, matching smiles. Already Sunny was one of them. Ready to accept the challenge, issuing one of her own as she nuzzled his balls with the tip of her nose.

Marti dragged away his hand, and he fisted both on his hips, his glance locked on the women as they inched closer.

Marti reached across and curved her hand beneath Sunny’s small breast. Sunny tipped Marti’s face with her forefinger, and the women came together for a quick, urgent kiss. And then they turned, their gazes eating up his length.

Mondo’s balls drew closer to his groin, tightening as the women stuck out their tongues and glided up his shaft. From the wet start to the slightly dryer, raspier finish, he fought the urge to rise on toes. Marti gripped his shaft and brought his penis to her lips, rubbing his head with her moist mouth, rubbing the drop of ejaculate oozing from his slit and then pointing his cock toward Sunny for her to do the same.

Only his lover took it a step farther, opening her mouth to take him inside, and Mondo sucked in his stomach at the sensation of her sweet hot mouth engulfing him.

Suddenly, there were more hands touching him, Jenn’s from behind, gliding up his inner thighs and pressing until he widened his stance, and then she was there between his legs, licking his balls from behind.

Mondo’s mouth sagged, his eyes closed. With Sunny and Marti taking turns swallowing him down, he thought he’d lose his mind, or at least his load, in one hot, suctioning mouth.

“Enough,” he gasped.

The women giggled and halted their actions, tongues and fingers withdrawing.

Sunny knelt on her folded knees, her hands clenched behind her, but she peeked at him from beneath her thick, dark lashes.

“Craig,” Mondo said, his voice roughening. “I want her in the chains.”

He didn’t miss the swift intake of her breath or the glance she darted toward Marti.

Marti winked but otherwise didn’t give her any reassurances.

Maybe Marti hoped she’d be playing a role in the sweet torture he planned. Mondo grunted, waiting as Craig stepped beside Sunny and gave her a hand up. Then his friend led her to the center of the room where he wrapped padded shackles around her ankles, scooting her feet apart with gentle taps of his foot until her stance was open. He reached upward, pulled down the chains fed through the hook and fastened her wrists above her head.

BOOK: Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5
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